Урок "Професії" - Where does he work?

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Урок на тему Професії - з використанням активних формам роботи, що сприяє розвитку усного та писемного мовлення
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Where does she work?( Family and Friends 2)

Form: 3

Unit: 9


Lesson objectives:

To identify different places

To understand a short story


Core: hospital, school, airport, police station, fire station, shop

Extra work: fantastic

Materials: Cd 84, 90-92. Story posters8 and 9; places flashcards 91-96


  •         Good morning! Nice to meet you!
  •         Sing “ Hello”
  •         Make a circle and ask: “ How are you today?”

Take your seats please! I see you are ready to speak English, but to begin with let’s prepare our tongue to speak English.

P   purple pen

Peter Piper picked a Peck of Pickled papper

T  toy boat

Two tried trains travel together to Toy Land

W We won

Why do you cry Willy

     Weather the weather

Together together together


Today we are going to tell about professions, jobs and work places. And the theme of our lesson is “ where does she work?” But to begin with let’s remember the names of the professions.

Tell me your future profession and after that say  name of your friend whom do you want to listen.

Be attentive listen everything, then we play the game.

Let’s begin: When you grow big and tall, what do you want to be? Please …begin.

  1. I want to be a teacher. Let me teach at school.
  2. I want to be a doctor. Let me help people.
  3. I want to be a pilot. Let me fly up in the air.
  4. I want to be a policeman. Let me catch the thief.
  5. I want to be a firefighter. Let me make things safe for you.
  6. I want to be an astronaut. Let me fly to space.
  7. I want to be a dancer. Let me dance at stage.
  8. I want to be a chef. Let me cook good food.
  9. I want to be an engineer. Let me build a bridge for you.
  10.       I want to be a scientist. Let me make a time machine.

You’ve heard the names of professions. Now we are reminding them and play the games “ noughts and crosses”with lego bricks. We have two teams  X you will be red lego bricks and noughts you will be blue lego brick. We have the space in 3x3gird. The team who succeeds in placing three their marks in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal. Before you put your mark on the space name the profession. Take your pictures and come here to the table. Let’s begin the game.

…you win the game. Thank you take your seats please.


Lead in

  •         If you want to know where someone works you can ask “ Where does she or he work?”

And answers of course course can be different. ( use the flashcards 91-96 to elicit the vocabulary)

1) Teacher – school. Teacher works in a school.

2) Doctor – hospital. Doctor works in a hospital.

3) Pilot- airport. Pilot works in an airport.

4) Policeman –police station. Policeman works in a police station.

  1. Firefighter – fire station. Firefighter works in a fire station.
  2. Seller – shop. Seller works in a shop.
  •         ( Hold the flashcards up in different order and repeat)

Listen and repeat

  •         Open your book on page    and look at the pictures of different professions;
  •         Play the first part to listen and point to appropriate picture ;
  •         Play the second part for children to repeat ;
  •         Hold up the flashcard in random order and ask class to name the words;

And now let’s play the “Miming game”. We’ve got two teams crosses and noughts. I’ll give you a flashcard and you’ ll think about your mimes. Then you pretend to be in places shown on their card and other team guess where are you?


Listen the chant

  •         Play the recording and teach the chant;
  •         And now all are stand up and think of action for each word;
  •         I play the chant you’ll do the actions.

Open your workbook on p and look at ex1. What must we do? …read please. … read the example . Begin your work. Let’s check the exercise.




Sit down

… come here and we are playing the game “ I can’t see where am I”

Look and guess the words


Listen and read

  •         Look at story poster and tell me please 1 – whom can you see in the room;

2 – Where does his father work?

3 – Whom can you see at this frame?

4 – Where does she work?

5 – Are the cakes tasty?

  •         Look at the whiteboard watch to the story and be attentive.

Let’ s play the game. Take green and red lego bricks. I tell you the sentence, if the sentence is true you hold up green lego brick, if the sentence is false you’ll hold uh the red lego brick.

Green – true

Red – false

  1.  We can see 3 boys; F
  2.  The boy’s father works in a fire station; F
  3. Grandma doesn’t work; T
  4.  Mum is a seller; T
  5. Mum works in an airport; F
  6. She works in a cake shop; T
  •         Look at the story in your book and listen to the recording;
  •         New vocabulary:
  •         Let’ s read the story;
  •         Answer the questions: Where are the boys? Does Tim’s mum work? Where does she  work?

And now work in pairs. Throw the cub eask and answer the questions. Where does he or she work?



Today we’ll learn the work places. Tell me please:

  •         What are you? We are pupils
  •         What do you do? We go to school

Look here these are pictures of perfect school ( Describe pictures)

Close your eyes and imagine your perfect school

  •         Where are you?
  •         What can you see?
  •         What colour is your school?
  •         Is it fantastic?

We have two teams take coloured pencil and draw your perfect school. Then  who is ready read about it.

Song “ goodbye”

Our lesson is over. Goodbye






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