Урок “Sport is Life”

Про матеріал
Розвиток навичок аудіювання, читання, говоріння та письма. Учні слухають короткий текст про користь спорту, відповідають на запитання та читають текст, пов’язаний зі спортом. Потім вони працюють у парах, обговорюючи свої улюблені види спорту, та пишуть короткий твір про свій улюблений спорт. Наприкінці уроку відбувається гра для закріплення нової лексики та знань.
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Розробка уроку для 5-го класу на тему “Sport is Life”.

Exercise 1: Guess the sport.

Objective: To introduce new vocabulary.

1.  The teacher shows cards or slides with pictures of different sports.

2.  The students have to say which sport it is.

The cards might include the following sports: 

-   Football

-   Basketball - Tennis

-   Swimming

-   Running

-   Gymnastics

-   Cycling

-   Fencing

-   Boxing

Example task:

-   The teacher shows a picture of a football: “What sport is it?”

Students answer: “It's football.”








Exercise 2: Listening.

Objective: To develop listening skills.


Listen to a short text about the benefits of sport and answer the questions.

Text for listening:

“Sport is very important for our health. It helps us stay fit and strong. Many people play sports like football, tennis, and swimming. Sport is also a great way to meet new friends. It helps us learn to work in a team and have fun together.” After listening, students answer questions:

1. What sports are mentioned in the text?

- Football, tennis, swimming.


2. Why is sport important for our health?

- It helps us stay fit and strong.


3. What can sport help us do?

- Meet new friends and learn to work in a team.


Exercise 3: Reading the text.

Objective: To develop reading skills.


Read the text and complete the activities.

Text for reading:

“Sport is good for you because it keeps your body healthy. People who play sports are usually stronger and have more energy. Sports like football or basketball help you to work in a team, while swimming or running help you stay fit. Sport is not only about winning, it’s about having fun and staying healthy.”



1.   Find and underline the names of the sports in the text.

2.   Write three reasons why sport is good for health.

Example answer:

1. Football, basketball, swimming, running.


1)  It keeps your body be healthy.

2)  People who play sports are stronger.

3)  It helps you work in a team.


Exercise 4: Speaking in pairs.

Objective: To develop speaking skills.


Work in pairs. Talk to your partner about sport using the following questions:

1.   What sports do you do?

2.   Why do you think sport is important?

3.   Do you prefer team sports or individual sports? 



An example of a dialogue:

-   A: What sport do you do?  

-   B: I like swimming. And you?  

-   A: I play football. Why do you think sport is important?  

-   B: Because it helps us stay healthy and fit.  

-   A: Do you prefer team sports or individual sports?  

-   B: I prefer team sports because it’s fun to play with others.



Exercise 5: Writing.

Objective: To develop writing skills.


Write a short essay on the topic “My Favourite Sport”. Describe what sport you like, why it is interesting and what benefits it brings.


“My favorite sport is basketball. I like it because I play with my friends. It’s a team game, and we have fun together. Basketball helps me stay fit and be strong. It is very interesting to play, and I feel good after training.”


Game: “Believe it or not?” (reinforcement).

Objective: To reinforce new vocabulary and facts about sport.


The teacher says a statement and the students have to say “True” or “False”.


Examples of statements:

1.   “Football is played by five players.” – False (There are eleven players in a football team).

2.   “Swimming is good for your health.” – True.

3.   “Basketball is an individual sport.” – False (Basketball is a team sport).

4.   “Tennis is a team sport.” – False (Tennis can be individual or played in pairs).

5.   “Sport helps people stay fit and healthy.” – True.


Summarising the lesson. 

Recall what sport we talked about in class and why sport is good for you? What sport did you want to try?

I would like to try… What about you?


Study and memorize poem “Let’s play”

Let’s play

Let’s run outside it’s time to play

Grab you ball in this a sunny day

Jump and cheer 

We’re a team,

So grab your friends,

And come to dream! 

From basketball to swimming pool,

Every sport makes us feel Healthy and cool! 

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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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