Урок “Travelling in Different Seasons”

Про матеріал
Матеріали уроку допоможуть розвити вміння працювати в групах, в парах, самостійно; розвити пам'ять, увагу, логічне мислення учнів. Удосконалювати навички письма, читання, аудіювання й діалогічного мовлення.
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План-конспект уроку англійської мови

Тема: “Travelling in Different Seasons”

Мета уроку:





1.Активізувати лексичні одиниці за темою “Travelling. Seasons".

2.Практикувати учнів у вживанні лексичних одиниць в усному та писемному мовленні.

3.Розвивати навички читання, діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.

4.Розвивати вміння аудіювати текст.


1.Розширити уявлення учнів про культуру країни, мова якої вивчається.


2.Розвивати пізнавальний інтерес, пам'ять, увагу, логічне мислення.

1.Розвивати комунікативні вміння учнів.

2.Розвивати вміння виражати свою думку.


Виховувати любов до природи, культуру спілкування, уміння працювати в парах, в групах, самостійно.

Обладнання: роздатковий дидактичний матеріал, підручник, робочий зошит, картки для самостійної роботи в групах, мультимедійна дошка.

Тип уроку: комбінований


І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1. Організаційний момент. Привітання.

T: Good morning! I am glad to see you. Let’s start our English lesson.

2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: Dear pupils, nowadays travelling becomes more and more popular. We can’t imagine our life without it. The topic of our lesson is “Travelling in Different Seasons”. Today we’ll discuss different ways of travelling, read the text and do some exersices.  The motto of our English lesson is

To travel is to live” (Hans Christian Andersen).


3. Беседа з учнями за темою уроку.

  1. Do you like travelling?
  2. How often do you travel?
  3. Which way of travelling do you prefer?
  4. With whom do you like travelling?

II. Основна частина уроку.

1. Фонетична зарядка.

Гра «Спіймай звук»

Мета: формувати навички фонематичного слуху.

   Вчитель по черзі називає слова, в яких є або немає звуків [r] чи [tʃ], артикуляція яких відпрацьовується. Якщо учні чують даний звук – плескають в долоні, якщо ні – сидять тихо. Ця гра на увагу.

[r] - rain, pupil, man, very, pencil, travel, table, river, voyage, flight, merry, luggage, suitcase, red, bag, rose, pilot, street, land, berry, seat, Britain.

[] - platform, fetch, carriage, reach, ticket, chair, passport, cheese, catch, life, chest, ditch, control, chain, book, bench, dress, butcher, girl, picture, desk, teacher.

2. Розучування вірша “English Plane”

T: Have you ever played the game "English Plane"? You probably spread your arms out like wings and then you were flying. English children also like to play this game. But they pronounce the sound [v] instead of the sound [Ж]. Let's play the game

“English Airplane”:

The plane is travelling up in the sky

vvv  vvv  vvv.

Moving so fast and ever so high

vvv – vvv – vvv.

Over the land and over the sea

vvv – vvv – vvv.

But we always come back in time for tea

vvv  vvv  vvv.


3. Повторення ЛО за темою “Travelling”.


4. Brain storming.

T: Why do people travel? What things do you associate with the word “travelling”? Write them on the blackboard and in your copy- books, please. Draw “Mind Map” for the topic.

Картинки по запросу "схема уроку англійської мови"5. Розвиток навичок усного мовлення.

Навчальна розмова з учнями.

Conversation: T - P1 - P2 - P3…

P1: People travel because they want to discover new places.

P2: They travel because they want to know customs and traditions of different countries.

P3: People like to travel because they meet new people.

P4: They travel because they visit new places.

6. Listening

Pre-listening task

T: Now we’re going to listen to some texts about English children.


  1. umbrella [ʌmˈbrelə] - парасолька
  2. to cover [təˈkʌvə] - покривати
  3. to gather [təˈɡæðə] - збирати
  4. raincoat [ˈreɪŋ.kəʊt] – плащ
  5. favourite [ˈfeɪvərɪt]улюблений
  6. harvest [ˈhɑːvɪst] - урожай

While-listening task

 Картинки по запросу "картинки мальчиков" 1. Hi, my name is Nick. I am an English boy. My favourite season is winter. It is not very cold in winter. It often rains in this season. That is why Englishmen usually don’t wear warm coats. They have raincoats and umbrellas. My father and I like to travel by car.

Картинки по запросу "картинки девочек" 2. Hi, my name is Ann. I am from London. I like spring. Spring is very beautiful season. There are a lot nice flowers everywhere. The trees and fields are covered with green grass. That is why I like to travel on foot with my friends.

Картинки по запросу "картинки мальчиков" 3. Hi, my name is Tom. I live in England with my parents. Summer is my favourite season. It is usually warm in summer. Sometimes it is hot. Then the sky is blue, the sun is bright. That is why I like to travel by air or by sea.

Картинки по запросу "картинки девочек" 4. Hi, I am Mary. I am an English girl. I like autumn. Sometimes the weather is fine for a long time in England. The farmers gather their harvest. The weather gets cold at the end of the autumn. The sky is grey with clouds. It often rains at this time. I like travelling by train.

Post-listening task

T: Choose and complete. Write sentences in your exercise-books.

  1. Nick’s favourite season is… .

a) winter; b) spring; c) autumn

  1. Nick and his father like to travel… .

a) by train; b) by plane; c) by car

  1. Ann likes … .

a) summer; b) spring; c) autumn

  1. Ann likes to travel on foot with … .

a) her parents; b) her friends; c) her grandparents

  1. Tom’s favourite season is … . 

a) winter; b) spring; c) summer

  1. Tom lives in … .

a) England; b) Scotland; c) Wales

  1. Mary is … .

a) a German girl; b) an English girl; c) a Ukrainian girl

  1. Mary likes travelling … .

a) on foot; b) by ship; c) by train

7. Розвиток діалогічного мовлення.

T: Complete and act the dialogue.

(Структурно- мовленнєва схема)

A: ______________!

B: ______________! Nice to see you! Where did you go this summer?

A: I went to ________.

B: Really? What means of transport did you go?

A: I went by … there.

B: That is wonderful. Did you take any photos?

A: Yes, I_______. Come and see me one day.

B: With pleasure. Bye.

A: Bye - bye.


8. Фізкультхвилинка.



9. Reading “Travelling in Different Seasons”.

Pre-reading task


  1. to awaken [[təˈweɪkən] - прокидатися;
  2. fresh [freʃ] - свіжий
  3. out-of-doors [aʊt əv dɔːz] - поза дверима
  4. as soon as [əz suːn əz] - як тільки
  5. leaf (leaves) [liːf] [liːvz] - лист (листя)
  6. tasty [ˈteɪsti] - смачний
  7. berry [ˈberi] - ягода
  8. mushroom [ˈmʌʃruːm] - гриб
  9. mountain [ˈmaʊntən] - гора
  10.  hill [hɪl] - пагорб
  11.  to be full of [tə bi fʊl əv] - бути повним
  12.  wonder [ˈwʌndə] - диво

While- reading task

 “Travelling in Different Seasons”


    I would like to write you about travelling. I like to travel with my parents in all the seasons: in spring and in autumn, in summer and in winter.

    We like to travel in spring because in spring nature awakens from her long winter sleep. There is fresh green grass in the fields and in the forests, in the gardens and in the parks. The leaves on the trees are fresh and green too. The sky is blue. It gets warmer and warmer every day. The birds sing their beautiful spring songs. The days become longer and the nights become shorter. At night a lot of stars shine in the sky.

     We like to travel in summer when the weather gets still warmer. Sometimes it is very hot in summer. Then you can swim in the river, in the lake or in the sea. The fields and the forests are full of different flowers. Summer is a wonderful season.

    Autumn is beautiful, too. The forests and the gardens get yellow, red and brown. And as you know, autumn is a “tasty” season: there are a lot of fruit and vegetables in the gardens and a lot of berries and mushrooms in the forests.

    And, of course, we like to travel in winter, when everything is white with snow. Then we like to ski down the mountains and hills. The air is so fresh in winter!

    So when you go travelling you can see that nature is full of wonders in all the seasons.

    Do you like travelling? In what season do you like to travel? Write to me as soon as you can.

Best wishes,



Post-reading task

I рівень

  1. Fill the missing letters and write the words.

Gr_ _s, st_r, wea _ _er, fl _ _er, f _ _est, gar _ _n, mu _ _room.

    2. Complete the sentences.

  1. My parents and I are fond of … .
  2. The leaves on the trees are… .
  3. The birds sing their … .
  4. Sometimes it is very hot… .
  5. The fields and the forests are full … .
  6. There are a lot of fruit and vegetables in the gardens … .
  7. The air is so fresh … .

II рівень

1. Write “true”, ‘false”.

  1. My parents and I are fond of reading.
  2. The leaves on the trees are fresh and green in spring.
  3. Sometimes it is very cold in summer.
  4. Summer is a wonderful season.
  5. The forests and the gardens get yellow, red and brown in autumn.
  6. Everything is white with snow in winter.
  7. Nature is full of wonders in all the seasons.

2. Find eight words.

































































III рівень

1. Match and write.

  1. beautiful                                                       a) to the country
  2. shine                                                             b) season
  3. swim                                                             c) with snow
  4. wonderful                                                      d) of wonders
  5. white                                                              e) in the sky
  6. full                                                                 f) seasons
  7. in all                                                               g) in the river

2. Answer the questions.

  1. Do they like to travel in all the seasons?
  2. Is there fresh green grass in autumn?
  3. What colour is the sky in spring?
  4. Is it very hot in summer or in spring?
  5. Can you swim in the river, in the lake or in the sea in summer?
  6. Are there a lot of fruit and vegetables in the gardens in autumn?
  7. Is nature full of wonders in all the seasons?


10. Writing.

T: Write e-mail to your friend Diana and answer her questions.

11. Work in groups.

Гра «Заховані слова»

Мета: розвиток орфографічних навичок.

Task: Find “hidden” words among the letters. 


Stnairporthy, ermticketjkl, jkvbicyclefgh, qworailwaytyu, cvbshipjkl, hjktrainbnm, mnbtripkls.


III. Заключна частина уроку.

1. Повідомлення домашнього завдання.

T: Your home task is

Середній рівень

Draw some pictures and say how we can travel.

Достатній рівень

Look at the table and speak about travelling

I like to travel…

alone, with friends, with parents, with a dog, with grandparents

Usually I travel…

on business, for pleasure, in search of adventures, to see the beauty of the world

When I travel I like to...

go shopping, meet new people, make new friends, go sightseeing, learn new things

I think travelling is…

exciting, useful, interesting, good for health

Sometimes it can be…

expensive, dangerous, tiring

Високий рівень

Write a short composition “My best way of travelling”.


2. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

T: You have worked hard today and deserved the best marks.

25 березня 2020
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