Тема: Свята. Повторення матеріалу.
Мета: Повторити ЛО по темі «Свята»;
Повторити і закріпити вживання прийменників часу та Present Simple;
Розвивати навички читання та усного мовлення;
Вчити сприймати інформацію на слух;
Виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.
Хід уроку
І. Організаційна частина
1. Greeting. Привітання і організація класу.
2. Warm-up. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.”Snowball game”
P1: My name is Vika. I like milk.
P2: Her name is Vika. She likes milk.
My name is Vova. I like dogs. …..
II. Основна частина
e. g. We celebrate ….. on the …. of …..
celebrate |
girls |
costumes |
house |
fruit |
holiday |
English people _________ Halloween on the 31st of October. In the evening boys and __________ put on different funny ____________ and masks. Children go from house to ___________, knock at the door and call “Trick or treat”. People give them candies, _________ and cakes. Halloween is a nice ____________.
Listen to the text about Mother’s Day and mark sentences as true or false.
My name is Betty. I’m 11years old and I live London, England. I have a brother. His name is Jim. He is 15 and he is so bossy sometimes.
On the second Sunday of May we celebrate Mother’s Day. We prepared a surprise for our Mom because she is the best Mom in the world.
So I made some chocolate cookies. Jim painted a very big Mother’s Day card and we wrote a poem for our Mom. Last thing, we made a funny bouquet of paper flowers with our photos inside them. This present is really original and I’m sure our Mom will like it!
True or false:
(There are cards in a form of mind maps on each holiday on the blackboard. Pupils look on the main information and try to tell about holidays.)
III. Заключна частина
HO 1
HO 2. True or false:
HO 3
English people _________ Halloween on the 31st of October. In the evening boys and __________ put on different funny ____________ and masks. Children go from house to ___________, knock at the door and call “Trick or treat”. People give them candies, _________ and cakes. Halloween is a nice ____________.