Урок «У світі мистецтва: генії минулого та сучасності»

Про матеріал
Урок англійської мови в 11 класі «У світі мистецтва: генії минулого та сучасності» містить інтеграцію всіх видів діяльності, вправи на закріплення лексичного та граматичного матеріалу, тестовий контроль аудіювання та читання у форматі ЗНО, інтерактивні вправи та цікаві форми самооцінювання та рефлексії. Конспект містить роздатковий матеріал. Архів презентації, аудіо та відео матеріали будуть в наступній доданій розробці. Буде цікаво почути відгуки колег:-)
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Тема: The world of art: geniuses of the past and present.

Тип уроку: урок  розвитку мовленнєвих навичок та узагальнення лексичного матеріалу


  • практикувати у вживанні тематичної лексики в усному та писемному мовленні
  • удосконалювати навички аудіювання
  • удосконалювати навички вивчаючого читання
  • розвивати навички усного та писемного мовлення – опис картини


  • розширити знання учнів про найвидатніші твори мистецтва, художників, галереї
  • формувати уявлення учнів про вплив мистецтва на життя людей, їх культуру
  • розвивати зацікавленість у вивченні культур інших країн     


  • розвивати навички соціокультурної компетенції
  • розвивати навички роботи в парах та групах
  • розвивати навички самостійної роботи


  • виховувати повагу до інших культур
  • розвивати почуття прекрасного
  • виховувати почуття культури спілкування


Обладнання: мультимедійна презентація, тематичні малюнки, НМК  Choices. Intermediate”, відеофрагмент  Modern Art


Хід уроку:


I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1.  Повідомлення теми та мети уроку: Our today’s talk is about the world of beauty, emotions and passion. It is the world that attracts and surprises most of all. It is the world that helps people from different cultures understand each other, express their everyday’s feelings and pass them from generation to generation. It’s the world of art and their inhabitants, those who devote their whole life to it, whose works are surprised and recognized by many and finally those who are called art geniuses both of the past and of the present.


2. Мовленнєва розминка.

a) When you’re speaking about arts which words can you associate with it? (ppt - orally)








Lesson Motto: Today I’d like to present you two controversial quotes by different people from very different epochs. The first one is by the famous Greek philosopher Hippocrates “Art is long, life is short (in Latin: Ars longa, vita brevis)”. And the other is by the contemporary British  playwright Tom Stoppard “It is not hard to understand modern art. If it hangs on a wall, it’s a painting. And if you can walk around it, it’s a sculpture”. Which one do you support/agree with?


b) Organizational part. Today we are going to learn a lot of useful information and knowledge which by the end of the lesson you are supposed to collect into a valuable and unique diamond of art wisdom. But to make it a real treasure you should match all the edges of each piece with the corresponding information.

Write down today’s date. By the way do you know what this day (March, 22) is famous for in the world history of art and culture? (ppt) - In 1895 brothers Lumiere gave the first demonstration of a film to an invited audience in Paris, they showed their workers coming out of their own factory and it was the beginning of the cinema age.


II. Основна частина

1. Активізація лексичного матеріалу

Before-talk: Which kind of art does the film belong to? What people does it involve?


Робота з лексичним матеріалом: a)In your exercise-books write what belongs to such kinds of art as literature, visual and performing arts (in rows).

Control: orally+ppt

Maybe you can name the most important artists of all these kinds of art?


 2. Розвиток усного мовлення та навичок аудіювання.

. On page 90 (+ppt) you can see 5 artists of different epochs and representing different art styles. What do you think they have in common? (They are all young) What do you know about them? See if you can predict any information about them in Ex.3 p.90.

Listening: a) Ex.3 p.90 (Matching) + Control orally (+ppt)

        b) Ex.4 p.90 (Matching) + Control orally (+ppt)

Video watching+listening test: Where can ordinary people see the works of artists? (art galleries) You are going to watch two interviews about modern art in the UK and how the young generation of artists are making it closer to people. (“Modern Art”)

Control: True/False (orally +ppt)


3. Розвиток вивчаючого та пошукового читання.  We have already discussed where we can see the works of art. Now tell me where we can buy them?

a) Text 1 “Auctions” (Quick Matching)

Control (orally + ppt)

b) Before-reading: If it is a real piece of art it might cost a lot of money. Look at the following paintings and tell: How much would you pay for these works? Which of them could be the most expensive? Do you know anything about their authors?

Text 2 “Art and Money”(Specific info +Matching): Now look through the text and find information about the author and the price of them. Which one surprised you most? Then match the paragraphs with the corresponding statements.

Control: as a whole class orally


 4. Розвиток навичок читання та активізація лексико-граматичного матеріалу.

Which of the works of art do you consider real masterpieces? Can you name any enduring painting produced by a genius? (as a variant – Mona Lisa)

Text 3  “Mona Lisa” (Multiple choice/ Use of English): Read the text and choose the correct variant.  Control: orally+ppt


5. Розвиток навичок усного мовлення.  What can you say about these paintings? Their style? Author? Do you like them? Could they be called masterpieces? (These are the works in surrealistic and fantasy style produced by our contemporary local artist Serhiy Shenderovskyi. He also has got realistic pictures, portraits, city landscape and you can enjoy watching them if visiting his website or his webpage in social networks, as well as his frequent exhibitions.  


IIІ. Заключна частина

1. Домашнє завдання (personal letter)

  • Home Task: You have visited a local art exhibition with your class. You are writing a letter to your pen friend in which you:
  • describe what kind of exhibition it was;
  • express your feelings and impressions;
  • ask about his/her art preferences.

2. Підведення підсумків. What opinions do you have now as to the lesson quotations? Has it changed? What information impressed you most today? Let’s check up if you collected your wisdom diamond correctly (ppt)

3. Оцінювання, евалюація

Put the number of the correct answers to your progress wheel to see how fast you are going to achieve your progress. Does anybody need to pump his or her wheel? Revise the material you have made the most mistakes and do some practice on it.

Task 1

Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (1-5). There are 3 choices you don’t need to use.




Saturday, December 6 – 12 noon

Furnishing, Americana, Asian, Rugs, Fine and Decorative Art

Sunday, December 7 – 12 noon

Gold, Silver, Objects de Vertu

Unmounted Gemstones/Diamonds



333 North Main Street, Lambertville, NJ 08530


S  W  A  N  N

Autographs, Books/ Manuscripts, Maps/Atlases,

Photographs, Posters, Works of Art on Paper,

Natural History and Historical Prints


Dec 4, 10:30am & 2:30pm, 6th fl

Catalogue Orders and General Inquiries: 212 254 4710, ext 0.

104 East 25th Street, New York, NY 10010

Catalogues and video previews at www.swanngalleries.com



Auctions & Exhibitions

American Paintings, Drawings & Sculpture



The Sporting Sale

Equestrian, Wildlife & Maritime Art



Finest & Rarest Wines


Sotheby’s Offers Art-Related Loans

Free & Open to the Public

Gallery hours Mon – Sat 10 am – 5 pm, Sun 1 pm 5 pm



Classic photographs, books, posters,

collectibles, commemorative reprints

and more at The New York Times

online store






Sunday, December 7, 10-5

Admission $10, $9 with ad - To benefit the John Corr Memorial


Antiques & Art of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries

The source for fine antiques, handsomely presented, at fair prices.

Wilton High School Field House

Route 7, Wilton, Connecticut

Only 50 miles from New York City

10 Chicken Street, Wilton, Connecticut


Where can you


buy things via the Internet?


go if you take an interest in ivory miniature?


go every year?


get financial support?


get acquainted with Latin American art?


buy jewelry items?


go if you’re interested in geography?


take part in charitable activities?




Task 2

Read the text and match  choices (A–H) to (1–5). There are 3 extra  choices.

Art and Money

1. ____  In 2006  a Mexican businessman paid $140 million for  No 5 1948, by American artist Jackson Pollock. It was the most expensive painting ever sold. But is any work of art  worth  such  an  incredible  price?  Pollock  created  his abstract  swirls of colour  by dripping  paint onto the canvas, often dancing as he did it and for many in the art world, he was a genius. Not everyone agrees though;  one critic has compared his paintings to wallpaper!

2. ____  At  least  Jackson  Pollock was  appreciated  during  his  lifetime.  Not  all  great  artists have  been  so  lucky.  Dutch  artist  Vincent  Van  Gogh  only sold one painting in his entire career and his brother had to support him financially throughout his life. He died of poverty  at  the  age  of  37,  unknown  to  the  world.  Yet  a hundred years later, almost any work by Van Gogh is worth millions. His Portrait of Dr Gachet sold for $82.3m in 1990.

3. ___Other artists are more fortunate in their lifetime: Picasso  and  Dali  were multimillionaires  when  they  died. The controversial British artist Damien Hirst is perhaps the most successful living artist of all: in 2008, a sale of his work raised $198 million. However, he doesn’t usually make the works himself – that is done by assistants. As a conceptual artist, he believes it is the artist’s original idea that makes something into a work of art. Typical Hirst pieces include a dead shark, which sold in 2004 for $12 million.  However, Hirst claims that he “always ignores money”.

4. ____  For some people, this is not art at all. There was great  controversy  when  My  Bed,  a  work  by  conceptual artist Tracey Emin, was displayed in one of London’s top art galleries. Many visitors were horrified by the unmade bed, complete with dirty sheets and underwear, and one lady even  tried  to  tidy  it  up!  However, the artist  had the  last laugh – after the exhibition, the bed sold for £200,000.

5. ___Even  graffiti  makes  money  these  days.  Take  the mysterious  graffiti  artist,  “Banksy”,  whose  “street  art”, with  its  strong  political  and  social  messages,  appears  on walls and  buildings all over the world. No one knows who Banksy actually is, but his work now sells  for hundreds of thousands  of  dollars,  and  celebrity  collectors  include Angelina  Jolie  and  Christina  Aguilera.  However,  not everyone is impressed. After all graffiti is against the law!

A  It’s the creative idea that counts.

B  An unknown artist creates works that are in demand.

C  Successful work, despite mixed reactions.

D  In the past, artists had to suffer from poverty.

E  The richest artist of our times.

F  The controversy about the value of some works of art.

G  Fame after death.

H  Not everyone appreciates street art.


Task 3

Read the texts below. Choose the correct variant (A-D) to (1-5)

Enduring Masterpiece

Although it’s known as the Mona Lisa, (1) ______ famous painting was (2) _______

titled  La Giaconda. Painted on wood, it’s a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a Florentine merchant. X-rays (3) ____ that Leonardo sketched three different poses before (4) ______ on the final design. The painting of Lisa has no eyebrows because it was the fashion of the time for women (5) __________ them off.

1 A Leonardo’s da Vinci  B Leonardo’s da Vinci’s

     C Leonardo da Vinci     D Leonardo da Vinci’s

2 A origin  B original   C originally   D originality

3 A reveals  B revealed   C are revealed  D revealing

4 A settling  B settled   C to settle   D having settled

5 A shave  B being shaved  C shaved   D to shave


Home task

You have visited a local art exhibition with your class. You are writing a letter to your pen friend in which you:

  • describe what kind of exhibition it was;
  • express your feelings and impressions;
  • ask about his/her art preferences.

Write a letter of not less than 100 words.










16 лютого 2019
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