Learning outcomes:
After the lesson students will be able to:
Used IT
Play Environmental volleyball. Form two teams and give a ball to one member of each team. Both teams should say an environmental problem and pass the ball to the other team. The person who catches the ball should offer a way to solve the problem, call out another problem and then pass the ball back. Play the game for 5 minutes.
Elicit students to answer the question of how they understand the meaning of the expression “Ecological Footprint”. Bring their attention to slides 1-34 of the PowerPoint Presentation “Ecological Footprint” from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Or use the Qr-code or shortened links (Додаток7, Appendix 1).
Tell the students to calculate their own ecological footprint using the link from the PowerPoint Presentation or this one: links (Додаток7, Appendix 2 ).
Ask students to write their footprint figure on a coloured sticker according to its size:
1-2 – green, 2-3- yellow, 4-5 – red.
Tell students to stick their stickers on a scale arranged from the smallest at the top to the biggest at the bottom.
Ask students to make a list of their own activities which help to lessen their Ecological footprint.
Ask students to share their feelings when they calculated their own footprint
Додатки до уроку в 11 класі “My Personal Footprint”.
Appendix 1.
Покликання для для завантаження Мультимедійної презентації: Footprint PPP
Appendix 2.
Покликання для входу на онлайн-тест: Footprint сcalculator.