Урок "Вільний час підлітка"

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Урок з англійської мови за темою "Вільний час підлітка" для учнів 11 класу. Тип уроку: розвиток компетентностей .Мета: систематизувати та удосконалювати лексичні знання учнів, формувати готовність до пошуку різноманітних способів розв’язання комунікативних і навчальних проблем, вміння організовувати свій час і навчальний простір; розвивати сміливість у спілкуванні іноземною мовою; подолання власних мовних бар’єрів; відповідальність за результати навчально-пізнавальної діяльності; наполегливість; внутрішню мотивацію та впевненість у своїх силах; виховувати позитивне ставлення до іноземної мови як засобу спілкування, розуміння важливості оволодіння іноземною мовою і потреби користуватися нею як засобом спілкування
Перегляд файлу


Тема: Вільний час підлітка

Мета: систематизувати та удосконалювати лексичні знання учнів, формувати готовність до пошуку різноманітних способів розв’язання комунікативних і навчальних проблем, вміння організовувати свій час і навчальний простір; розвивати сміливість у спілкуванні іноземною мовою; подолання власних мовних бар’єрів; відповідальність за результати навчально-пізнавальної діяльності;  наполегливість;  внутрішню мотивацію та впевненість у своїх силах; виховувати позитивне ставлення до іноземної мови як засобу спілкування, розуміння важливості оволодіння іноземною мовою і потреби користуватися нею як засобом спілкування

Компетентності: спілкування іноземними мовами, математична, уміння вчитися впродовж життя, ініціативність і підприємливість, соціальна та громадянська компетентності

Тип уроку: розвиток компетентностей

Обладнання: відео-ролик, телевізор, лексичні картки, картки для письма


І. Greeting. Aim

Good morning, dear pupils. I hope you are very well today.

As you see, today we‘re going to speak about free time activities, places of entertainment, hobbies and so on…

Check-on Homework

Now let’s check-on your homework

Warming up.


-How much leisure time have you got every day?

-How often do you go for a walk?

-Do you manage to find time for sport or exercise?

-Do you prefer to spend your free time in social networks or meeting with friends?

-Are you an active or passive type of person?

-Have you got a hobby?

-What’s your favourite pastime?

Using proverb

Do you agree that “By the way in which a man uses his leisure his character can be told -more surely in all probability than by the way he does his work” (For most men work is necessity in order to gain a living. But in their leisure time they do what they really want to do and their real selves are reflected in their actions).


  1. Актуалізація опорних компетентностей

Making a mind-map “My free time”

Give me the definitions of the following statements:

1. a funny place, where you can enjoy clowns, acrobats and animals (circus);

2. a place, where you can watch art masterpieces of famous talented people ( art gallery);

3. a place, where you can watch movies in the darkness (cinema);

4. a place, where you mustn’t touch the exhibits (museum);

5. a place, where plays can be performed (theatre);

6. a place, where you can feel yourself a real football fan (stadium);

7. a place, where people can walk and enjoy merry-go-rounds (park);

8. a place, where you can spend time with friends drinking or eating something (café or restaurant);

9. a place, where you can develop your physical abilities (gym);

10. a place, where you can enjoy classical music (orchestral performance)

  1. Систематизація компетентностей

How to choose a hobby. Complete the table.
Gardening, Baking, Biking, Drawing, coin collecting, cooking, book  club chess, bird watching, kite flying, zoos, yoga, horseback riding, Sewing mastering, a new language learning, to draw or paint, fishing, team and club sports, toy collecting, mountain climbing, dancing, book collecting, playing a musical instrument, concerts, singing and choir, crossword, puzzles, hiking
Hobbies that Sharpen the mind…………………
Hobbies for Kids and families…………………..
Active hobbies……………………………………
Hobbies for Science and Nature-lovers………….
Hobbies for the collector………………………….
Crafting and art……………………………………
Activities with other people………………………
Hobbies for the music lover……………………….
Hobbies for Stress relief…………………………..

Choose the correct endings for each sentences:

  1. Let’s just stay in and watch
  2. My mum and dad came over to play
  3.  I’d rather just stay in and finish
  4.  A few friends came round
  5.  Let’s just get
  6.  We had
  1. for dinner
  2. my book
  3. TV/ a video
  4. a video out
  5. a few friends round for dinner
  6. cards
  1. Удосконалення компетентностей

Vocabulary Practice

Match these ideas with one of the activities below:

  1. I haven’t been to see a play for ages _
  2. Let’s go out for a meal at the weekend. We haven’t eaten out for a long time_
  3. Shall we go and see a band? I haven’t seen any live music for ages_
  4. Do you fancy going out for a drink later? _
  5. Do you fancy going clubbing tonight?_
  6. Shall we go and see a film later?_
  1. going to the pub
  2. going to the cinema
  3. going to the theatre
  4. going to a restaurant
  5. going to a nightclub
  6. going to a concert

Writing task

Put these words with the correct group below:


go to

the zoo

 drive in the country

a swim


Now use some of the phrases to complete the following text. You might need to change the form of the verb.

I had a really nice weekend. I got paid on Friday and I decided I needed some new clothes. So I got up early on Saturday morning and …….

After lunch I ……. in the park and sat on a bench in the sun reading the newspaper. They’ve just opened a new pool near my house so later in the afternoon I decided to …….. and I had a sauna as well.

My brother’s kids are doing a project at school about wild animals and on Sunday morning we all ……….. We had a great time watching the lions and feeding the monkeys.

Then in the afternoon I picked my girlfriend up in the car and …….. We found a really pretty little village that neither of us had ever been to before. By the time I got home it was nearly ten o’clock. I just had something to eat and went straight to bed.

 Summing up of the lesson

Our lesson has come to the end. What was the most interesting for you?

Analysis and evaluation of pupils.


To write a letter about your favourite kind of leisure.















Give me the definitions of the following statements:

1. a funny place, where you can enjoy clowns, acrobats and animals;

2. a place, where you can watch art masterpieces of famous talented people;

3. a place, where you can watch movies in the darkness;

4. a place, where you mustn’t touch the exhibits;

5. a place, where plays can be performed;

6. a place, where you can feel yourself a real football fan;

7. a place, where people can walk and enjoy merry-go-rounds;

8. a place, where you can spend time with friends drinking or eating something;

9. a place, where you can develop your physical abilities;

10. a place, where you can enjoy classical music


Give me the definitions of the following statements:

1. a funny place, where you can enjoy clowns, acrobats and animals;

2. a place, where you can watch art masterpieces of famous talented people;

3. a place, where you can watch movies in the darkness;

4. a place, where you mustn’t touch the exhibits;

5. a place, where plays can be performed;

6. a place, where you can feel yourself a real football fan;

7. a place, where people can walk and enjoy merry-go-rounds;

8. a place, where you can spend time with friends drinking or eating something;

9. a place, where you can develop your physical abilities;

10. a place, where you can enjoy classical music





Complete the table.

Gardening, Baking, Biking, Drawing, coin collecting, cooking, book  club chess, bird watching, kite flying, zoos, yoga, horseback riding, Sewing mastering, a new language learning, to draw or paint, fishing, team and club sports, toy collecting, mountain climbing, dancing, book collecting, playing a musical instrument, concerts, singing and choir, crossword, puzzles, hiking

Hobbies that Sharpen the mind…………………

Hobbies for Kids and families…………………..

Active hobbies……………………………………

Hobbies for Science and Nature-lovers………….

Hobbies for the collector………………………….

Crafting and art……………………………………

Activities with other people………………………

Hobbies for the music lover……………………….

Hobbies for Stress relief…………………………..


Choose the correct endings for each sentence:

  1. Let’s just stay in and watch
  2. My mum and dad came over to play
  3.  I’d rather just stay in and finish
  4.  A few friends came round
  5.  Let’s just get
  6.  We had
  1. for dinner
  2. my book
  3. TV/ a video
  4. a video out
  5. a few friends round for dinner
  6. cards



Match these ideas with one of the activities below:

  1. I haven’t been to see a play for ages _
  2. Let’s go out for a meal at the weekend. We haven’t eaten out for a long time_
  3. Shall we go and see a band? I haven’t seen any live music for ages_
  4. Do you fancy going out for a drink later? _
  5. Do you fancy going clubbing tonight?_
  6. Shall we go and see a film later?_
  1. going to the pub
  2. going to the cinema
  3. going to the theatre
  4. going to a restaurant
  5. going to a nightclub
  6. going to a concert



Match these ideas with one of the activities below:

  1. I haven’t been to see a play for ages _
  2. Let’s go out for a meal at the weekend. We haven’t eaten out for a long time_
  3. Shall we go and see a band? I haven’t seen any live music for ages_
  4. Do you fancy going out for a drink later? _
  5. Do you fancy going clubbing tonight?_
  6. Shall we go and see a film later?_
  1. going to the pub
  2. going to the cinema
  3. going to the theatre
  4. going to a restaurant
  5. going to a nightclub
  6. going to a concert





Now use some of the phrases to complete the following text. You might need to change the form of the verb.


go to

the zoo

 drive in the country

a swim


I had a really nice weekend. I got paid on Friday and I decided I needed some new clothes. So I got up early on Saturday morning and …….

After lunch I ……. in the park and sat on a bench in the sun reading the newspaper. They’ve just opened a new pool near my house so later in the afternoon I decided to …….. and I had a sauna as well.

My brother’s kids are doing a project at school about wild animals and on Sunday morning we all ……….. We had a great time watching the lions and feeding the monkeys.

Then in the afternoon I picked my girlfriend up in the car and …….. We found a really pretty little village that neither of us had ever been to before. By the time I got home it was nearly ten o’clock. I just had something to eat and went straight to bed.


28 квітня 2021
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