Урок з англійської мови для четвертого класу за темою "Animals in Danger".

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Урок на тему "Animals in Danger" для 4 класу з англійської мови. Метою уроку є ознайомити учнів з цікавими фактами із життя тварин, закріпити знання ЛО за темою, активізувати вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, описувати тварин і їх поведінку, удосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання, усного мовлення та письма.
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План-конспект уроку

4 клас

Тема: «Animals in Danger»













Учитель: Ващиленко Антоніна Вікторівна
















to develop reading, writing and speaking skills, using active vocabulary on the topic;

to practice speaking in dialogues and monologues, to develop the pupils’ creative imagination in communicative activities;

to expand the pupils’ knowledge about animals; to teach students to work in pairs and groups (interactive forms);

to motivate them in expressing their own opinions and views on the topic; to cultivate love to nature and animals.

Objects: pictures of domestic and wild animals, CD recording, pupils’  placards, text, blackboard.


Хід уроку

  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.


1. Greeting. Warm-up.

T1. Good Morning! I'm glad to see you again. Sit down! It's time to begin our lesson. But my dear boys and girls! Why are you so sad?

Why are you out of spirits? We must make our mood better. I know how to do it. I remember that lesson we learned one very funny song about ducklings. Let's sing it!


Song "Ducklings"

(a story with dancing movements)

One and two and three and four,

 We are dancing on the floor,

We are dancing on the floor,

Clap, clap, clap, clap.

We are playing with the hands.

Look at our smiling face,

Look at our smiling face

We can skate and ski.

We are strong and happy,

As only children can happy be.


T2. Look at the blackboard and arrange the letters in the right order and you'll get the topic of our lesson. Samanil ni andrge


P1  Animals in Danger

T. You are quite right. We'll speak about animals. We've already much spoken about them. It's our final lesson. I think by the end of the lesson you'll be able to take part in the meeting where you'll tell us why animals are in danger and what we can do to help them and you will write your projects.


II    Основна частина уроку.


1. Vocabulary Review.

T1. Imagine that now we are in the forest, in the world of wild animals. Some of them are very beautiful, nice and kind, others are horrible and dangerous. I shall describe one of them. Guess what animal it is.

T2 This animal lives in the forest. It is strong. It can run fast. It eats other animals; people are afraid of them and kill them to save domestic animals and their lives but not for profit or money. What is it? (Wolf).

T3 You know many riddles. Describe any animal and your classmates will guess it.

P1 It hasn't got legs. It lives in a desert. It's a dangerous animal (a snake).

P2 It has got four legs. It can walk slowly, but it can't run. What is it? (a tortoise)

P3 It is the biggest land animal in the world. It is grey or white and his skin is very thick. It has a huge body, large head and two very big ears. It has got a very long nose, which is called trunk and two white teeth called tusks. The animal has got small but nice eyes. What animal is it? (Elephant).

P4 It has got a bushy tail. It likes nuts. It lives in a hollow. It can jump. What animal is it? (a squirrel).

P5 This animal lives in the sea. It's a type of a fish. It can swim very fast. It is

3 or 4 metres long. This animal is dangerous. What is it? (a shark).

P6 It has got two legs. It can sing. What is it? (a bird).

T4 OK. Do you know where the animals live? We'll see. There will be two

teams. Write on the blackboard:





Water - fish, a shark, a snake, a dolphin, a frog, a hippo, a turtle, a whale, a swan

The jungle – tigers, monkeys, cheetahs, jaguars, panthers, a shake.

A desert - a snake, a camel, a lizard, a tortoise.

The forest - a hare, a bear, a fox, a squirrel, a hedgehog, a wolf, a snake, a bird.


T5 Now you'll work in groups. Face each other. I'll give you a sheet of paper Choose a leader. He'll write, you'll help him; write the names of the animals and what these animals like to eat.

P1 a bird — it likes to eat worms and insects, etc. (a bird, a bear, an elephant, a shark, a hare.)


2. Speaking


T. It seems to me you know our topical vocabulary quite well. So let's have some practice to speak. (Let's come to practice).

You'll work in pairs. Face each other. Your partner will think an animal. Ask him/her 5 questions about it, begin with the words: where, how, why, when, what.


3. Relaxation


T OK. I think you are tired. Let's have a journey. Let's imagine that we are on safari in Africa. There are lots of animals. They are walking down the road. What animals can we see? Listen to a song and sing.


A song "A huge, hungry hippo".

A huge, hungry hippo

is walking down the road,

Left, right, left, right,

He's walking down the road.


Two tired tigers and

a huge, hungry hippo

Are walking down the road,

Left, right, left, right,

They're walking down the road.


There thirsty panthers...

Four fast frogs...

Five fat flies...

Six slippery snakes...

Seven small spiders...

Eight elegant elephants...

Nine nice mice...

Ten tiny tortoises...



4. Reading


T I'm sure you like animals. But there is a problem nowadays. Many animals are in danger. We have already read the text about African elephants. Now read


the text about Indian tigers and find the answers to the questions. (Each pupil gets the text.)




Read the text and find the answers to the questions.



Many animals and birds on the Earth are disappearing nowadays. Many of them are in danger.

People have hunted and killed many tigers in India.

Some people are afraid of tigers and kill them to save their domestic animals and their lives. But some people have often hunted tigers for fun and for their beautiful skin.

The result is very sad. There are few Indian tigers on the Earth now. Many of them are usually old, sick animals.

People have cut down many trees. And the question is: "Have those animals got a future?"

But many less dangerous wild animals and birds are also disappearing from the Earth. Modern life is bad for them. The air is not fresh. The water is not clean. They don't often have good things to eat and space to live. You can find their names in the Red Book.

Few - мaлo, декілька,

аre afraid of - бoятиcя.


  1.                 Why are Indian tigers disappearing nowadays?
  2.                 Why do people hunt tigers?
  3.                 What is the result?
  4.                 Why can we find the names of some animals, birds and fish in the Red Book?


5. Speaking



T1 This is a sad story about Indian tigers. Who can tell us a story about African elephants?

P African elephants are wonderful animals. They are grey. They are three or four meters tall. They can help men. People kill elephants because they want their tusks. They sell the tusks. People make presents and ornaments from the tusks.

T2 Let's dramatize a scene where a policeman pretends to be a customer wanting to buy a skin of rare animals. Then the policeman arrests the shopkeeper. Who are the best actors in your class?


Policeman: Good morning!

Shopkeeper Good Morning! What can I do for you?

P. I need a skin of a tiger to put it in my bedroom.

Sh. Here you are! It's very beautiful and the price isn't high.

P. How much is it?


Sh. $ 50. It is not expensive.

P. And my wife asked me to buy a leopard skin. She wants a coat made from it.

Sh. Just a moment. I have got a wonderful skin. This leopard was killed in Africa some days ago. Your wife will like it. Her coat will be nice and warm.

P. Stop! I'm a policeman. Hunting rare animals is forbidden. You are arrested!

Sh Oh, no.


T3 Now let's imagine that you are the participants of the meeting in defending of rare and disappearing animals. I asked you to find some information about such animals and birds and to make placards. Who wants to take the floor?


P1 I want to tell you about extinct bird, dodo. The dodos lived 350 years ago. They were large birds. They had small wings, they could not fly, they could not run fast, because they had short legs and a short tail. They were good to eat and they were easy to catch. That's why they are extinct!

P2 Until the eighteenth century there were millions of American bisons. In 1890 there were only 500. But people stopped hunting. And the number  of  bisons has risen to 25. 000.

P3 Many animals are in danger today. The number of orangutans has fallen to 10. 000. We must save these animals. We can do it. We don't want any more dodos.

P4 We have hunted whales for many years for meat and for profit. Blue whales are the largest whales. In 1935 there were 40. 000 blue whales. Now there are 6.000. Many countries have stopped hunting whales. But all countries must stop or whales will be extinct.

P5 A lot of people work to save the animals. In New Zealand scientists saved the black robin. There were only four male black robins and one female in the world. The female's name was "Old Blue". When she laid eggs, the scientists gave the eggs to other birds. These birds looked after the baby robins. "Old Blue" saw her empty nest and she laid more eggs. Now there are more than 60 black robins.


T1 Our lesson is coming to the end. Let's sum-up.

Some animals are extinct, some animals are in danger. It is necessary to help them. Each of us can do something to help animals.

What can we do? What should we do to protect the animals and birds?


P1 Don't kill rare animals. It's my point of view.

P2 Don't catch them and sell them for pets. I think so.

P3 It seems to me people mustn't hunt animals for profit or for their skin.

P4 In my opinion we mustn't buy presents or toys made from rare animals.

P5 Don't keep animals as pets.

P6 Don't pollute water and air.

P7 I suppose we must not cut down trees.

P8 I think we must not buy or sell rare animals or their skins.


6. Writing


T Now you'll have some practice in writing. You have found much interesting information about rare and disappearing animals. Many of them are in the Red Book. Draw this animal and write your project.


Заключна частина уроку.


T1. In conclusion I want to say there are many ways to make our planet a better place for animals. We all need to do whatever we can. As Malcolm Bradbury said, "If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem". Our nature is dying. If it dies, we shall die. It's time to say "stop".

I want to finish our lesson with a song "We are Defenders of our Land".


We are Defenders of our Land


We want to see blue seas,

We want to see green trees,

We are defenders of our lands.

We want to breathe clean air,

We want to show we care,

We know the future's in our hands.


We want to see birds fly,

Up into a clear sky,

We are defenders of our lands,

We want to see flowers grow,

To pollution we say 'NO!'

We know the future's in our hands.


T2 Dear children, I'm satisfied with your work. Thank you! See you tomorrow!















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