Клас: 5
Тема: Погода. Прогноз погоди.
навчальна: активізувати використання в мові лексико-граматичного матеріалу (лексика з теми «Seasons and the weather» та структури It’s adjective + noun, The weather is …), вчити учнів робити повідомлення на основі мовленнєвої ситуації;
розвивальна: розвивати навички говоріння, читання, аудіювання; розвивати увагу, пам’ять та спостережливість учнів;
виховна: виховувати мовну культуру учнів, пізнавальний інтерес та дбайливе ставлення до природи.
Тип уроку: урок застосування знань та умінь.
Обладнання: ноутбук, мультимедійна презентація, аудіо запис пісні, тексту для аудіювання та фізкультхвилинки, підручник, зошит.
Хід уроку
T: We have an unusual lesson today. Many guests are visiting us today. Dear guests, we are glad to welcome you to our English lesson.
T: Today we are going to speak about the seasons and the weather. We’ll practice our skills in reading, listening and speaking. I wish you to be quiet and work well.
T: Let’s start the lesson with “The Weather Song”. Listen and sing along.
Т: Your home task for today was ex.3, p.76. Guess what the weather is like.
T: At first I want you to revise some words and expressions. You know, that each season has its weather and it can be very different.
T: Look at the pictures and say what the weather is?
Ps: It’s … (sunny, rainy, windy, hot, snowy)
T: What can you tell me about the weather today?
T: Here is a letter from Bill. Let’s find out what the weather like in Britain.
3) Фізкультхвилинка «Head, shoulders, knees and toes»
4) Розвиток навичок аудіювання.
T: Let’s listen to the Tony’s and Sally’s favorite weather (typescript)
After-listening task:
T: Listen and complete the sentences.
5) Розвиток навичок говоріння. Гра «Tic Toe»
T: I have an interesting game for you “Tic Toe”. Choose any number and answer the question.
1 What are the winter months? |
2 What is the weather like in spring? |
3 What is the weather like in summer? |
4 What is the weather like today? |
5 What are the summer months? |
6 What is the weather like in winter? |
7 What is your favorite season? |
8 What can you do in winter? |
9 What is the weather like in autumn? |
10 What are the spring months? |
11 What can you do in summer? |
12 What are the autumn months? |
1. Homework.
T: Write down your home task for the next lesson. Do the vocabulary test.
2. Summary.
T: Do you like the lesson? What was new for you? What was difficult? Thank you for the work.
-Thank you for the lesson. The most active children were …. Your marks are ….
- …have done some mistakes. Your marks are…