Урок з англійської мови у 5 класі на тему: "Шкільне життя. Улюблені предмети"

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Урок з англійської мови для учнів 5 класу на тему: "Шкільне життя. Улюблені предмети." розроблений з використанням інноваційних технологій, інтерактивних форм і методів роботи.

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SUBJECT: School Life. Favourite Subjects.



to practice using the topical vocabulary in speaking, reading and writing;

to teach students to express their own opinion;

to improve  grammar skills by means of different drills.


to develop pupils’ speaking, reading, writing and listening skills through various creative activities;

to develop pupils’ group communicative skills.


to encourage  pupils to do well at school;

to develop pupils` interest in learning English.

AIDS: a book, a multimedia screen, pictures, tasks for working in pairs and groups, cards, a magic box.

TYPE OF THE LESSON: lesson of revision.





1. Greeting.

Good afternoon, pupils. I am glad to see you. The bell has already rung. So, it’s high time to begin our lesson. How are you, my dears? Are you in a good mood?

We have got an unusual and interesting lesson today. I hope you`ll be active, work hard and get excellent marks at the end of the lesson.

2. Presentation of the topic and the aim of the lesson.

Look at the board, please. Here you see the motto of our lesson. Will you be so kind and read it? (1pupil reads). Thank you.

So, what are we going to talk about? (Pupils answer). Yes, you are right. 

Open your exercises-books and write down today`s date and the subject of our lesson: School life. Favourite subjects. 

At the lesson we have to develop your speaking, reading, writing and listening skills through various creative activities; to improve your grammar skills by means of different drills and to develop your interest in learning English.

Now let`s read the motto of our lesson together, but mind your sounds and intonation, please.

School is a home of love and fun,

School is a home of everyone.


3. Warming-up.


So, let`s speak about our home, I mean school.

  1. How many lessons do you have today?
  2. What are they?
  3. What is your favourite subject?
  4. How many English lessons do you have a week?
  5. What subjects are you good at?
  6. What subjects are you bad at?
  7. How many lessons do you have on Monday?
  8. What is your fist lesson on Friday?

Thank you for your answers.



  1. Speaking.

Well, now I`m going to show you some pictures and you`ll see pupils learning different subjects. You have to guess and say what lesson it is. Look at the screen, please.

(Presentation. Slides 4-10)

Well done, thank you.

I see you know the names of school subjects. So, now tell me please, what subjects do you have at school?

  1. Reading.

Now your task is to match the columns and say what you usually do during the lessons at school. (Slide 11)

Good for you.

  1. Listening Comprehension.
  1. Before Listening.

Do you think we can live without schools? Of course, no. Children go to school and learn different subjects in every country. Now you will listen to the text about an English schoolgirl. Her name is Betty Bunter

You must be very attentive. Try to understand everything and remember as much as possible.  After listening you’ll do the test.

But first of all pay attention to the unknown words. (Slide 12)

  1. While Listening.

Betty Bunter is an English schoolgirl. She is in the fifth form. Her class is friendly.

Betty is a good pupil, she learns her lessons well, but she is often inattentive. She does not always think before she does something.

One day, Betty had English, Mathematics and History at school in the morning and sports in the afternoon. Her mother prepared her sports clothes and Betty put out her books for school and put her sports clothes into her bag.

At the beginning of the English lesson, the teacher said, “Take your English books and open them at page twenty-three.” Betty opened her school-bag and took out her white sports shoes. All the pupils laughed.

  1. After Listening.
  1. Test.

Now, you have to do the test. I``ll read you the statements according to the text. Your task is to decide if they are true or false.

  1. Betty Bunter is a German schoolgirl.
  2. She learns her lessons well, but she is often inattentive.
  3. One day, Betty had English, Mathematics and Science at school in the morning and sports in the afternoon.
  4. Her father prepared her sports clothes.
  5. At the beginning of the History lesson, the teacher said, “Take your books and open them at page twenty-three.”
  6. Betty opened her school-bag and took out her white sports shoes.
  1. Answering the Questions.

Are you attentive at the lessons?

Is your class friendly?

How many pupils are there in your class?

When do your lessons start?

Is your classroom clean and bright?

  1. Relaxation.

I think, that you are tired a little bit and need a minute of relaxation. Stand up, please.

Make your right hand clap, clap, clap,

Make your left hand clap, clap, clap.

Turn around: one, two, three.

It is easy – you can see.


Make your right leg top, top, top,

Make your left leg top, top, top.

Turn around: one, two, three.

It is easy – you can see.


Hands up, hands down,

Hands on hips,

Sit down!

  1. Grammar Practice.
  1. Grammar Rules.

Before doing another kind of work we have to revise some grammar material.

First tell me, please, what you learnt at the last English lesson. (Pupils say)

You are right.

So, let`s revise the previous material. How do we form the degrees of comparison of short adjectives, long adjectives? What exceptions do you know?

We shall do some tasks based on these rules.

  1. Game “Magic Box”.

I have a magic box. Here there are some interesting tasks for you. When the music starts you have to pass this box to each other, when the music stops, a pupil who has a box, opens it and takes a card. Your task is to form the degrees of comparison of the given adjective.

  1. Group work.

Now, let`s divide the class into three groups. Each group has to choose one speaker. I`ll give you some cards with mixed words. Your task is to put the words in the right order to make up a sentence. You have got 2 minutes to do it. The leader will read the sentence.

  1. Pair work.

Do you like to work in pairs? I`ll give you the cards with short dialogues. Your task is to choose the right word and fill in the gaps. Then you should act the dialogues in pairs. You have got 3 minutes to do this task.

Choose the right word and fill in the gaps.

  1. Hello! What are… doing?

Hi! I`m writing the… for tomorrow.

Do we have … tomorrow?

No, we don`t. We have …

  1. Art; b) you; c) timetable; d) Craft
  1. How many lessons do… have today?

I have… lessons.

What… they?

They are English, Maths, Art, Music, PE and…

  1. Six; b) you; c) History; d)are
  1. What is your first… on Monday?


Is it your … subject at school?

Yes, it…

  1. German; b) lesson; c) favourite; d) is
  1. What subject are you… at?

I think, it`s…

How many Math… do you have a week?

I … four Math lessons a week.

  1. Math; b) lessons; c) have; d) good
  1. How many … lessons do you have a week?

I have… PE lessons a week.

When do you…them?

PE is on Tuesday and on…

  1. Two; b) have; c) PE; d) Thursday
  1. What is your … lesson on Wednesday?


Is it your … subject?

No, my favourite… is Ukrainian.

  1. Science; b) third; c) favourite; d) subject
  1. What … do you have today?

We have History, English, Maths, Art and…

When do… have PE lessons?

I have them on Wednesday and…

  1. Science; b) on Friday; c) you; d) subjects

Time is out. Are you ready?


  1. Summing-up.

Let`s sum up what we have done at the lessons today.

  1. Assessment

Your marks are….

  1. Homework
  1. To write a short composition about your favourite subject.
  2. To prepare for the test.

Teacher: Dear pupils, remember:

The school has doors that open wide,

And friendly teachers wait inside.

Maths and English,

Craft and Art –

All school subjects make you smart.

Growing up with every day –

Then your life will be OK.

Useful lessons, noisy breaks,

Happy faces, tasty cakes.

All school textbooks teach you new,

Teachers spend much time with you.

You learn something every day –

Oh, yes, life will be OK.

The lesson is over. Good-bye, pupils. Have a nice day. See you tomorrow.




8 липня 2018
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