Урок з англійської мови у 6 класі за темою "Travel"

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Урок-узагальнення знань за темою "Travel" Оснащення уроку: флешкартки, текст для аудіювання, створений ШІ, відеофільм, підручник On Screen 2.
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План уроку англійської мови у 6 класі


Мета уроку:


Практична: контроль навичок усного діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, зорове сприймання та сприймання на слух,  писемна взаємодія за темою.

Заповнення учнями Progress Report Card, самоаналіз успішності роботи над темою.

Розвиваюча: розвивати критичне мислення, цікавість до навколишнього світу, його різноманіття, вдосконалення навичок зв’ язного мовлення.

Виховна:  виховувати почуття толерантності до різних культур та патріотизму і любові до України, виховувати потребу навчання протягом усього життя.


Тип уроку:


Урок узагальнення та систематизації знань за темою Travel.


Оснащення уроку: флешкартки, текст для аудіювання, створений ШІ, відеофільм, підручник On Screen 2.


Хід уроку:


  1. Вітання. Warming up.


Good morning! How are you? How was your weekend?


  1. Повідомлення мети уроку. Today we are going to check the results of our work on the topic Travel which is extremely important for our life.


Основна частина уроку:


  1. Brainstorming.


What do you associate with travelling?

-meeting new people,

-visiting new places,




Yes, you are right. Every idea you mentioned is important while travelling. But there is one more thing we should remember. What language will you use to communicate with the people around the world? - English! So, develop your skills of speaking English!


  1. Let's make a spidergram so as not to forget any ideas important for travelling.


destin - tion        activit - es


we - ther    Tr - velling    tr - nsport


accom - - dation       t - pes of hol - days


shop - - ng        sightse- - - g



There are some letters missed in the words, let's fill in the gaps.


Ok, all the letters are in the gaps now.


  1. Think and say some sentences  to each item of our plan.Усна взаємодія за темою. Розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення.

-Which destinations do people choose for travelling? Why? What places are usually called tourists attractions?

-What transport do we use? What are the “pros" and “cons” of each of them?

-What accommodations do the travelers use? etc.

Students speak on different points of the spidergram.


  1. Усна взаємодія за темою. Розвиток навичок усного діалогічного мовлення. You have spoken about different aspects of travelling. Now, let’s decide our class into 5 groups. Choose the group leader! The leaders, please come and take a card with a task. On each card there is a type of your  imaginary holiday. Every group has to think about what is typical for this type of holiday . When you are ready, complete this dialogue:


A. - How was your holiday?

B. - It was great. We went…

A. - Where did you stay?

B. - We stayed…

A. - How did you travel?

B. - We travelled…

A. - What did you do?

B. - We….     and…..

A. - What was the weather like?

B. - It was….

Please, act your dialogues!

You are ,really, very good actors!


  1. Сприймання на слух.


Well, l asked AI to tell a story about a holiday and now you can listen to this story.


Last summer, our family went on a trip to the beach. We packed our bags with sunscreen, towels and snacks. We took a train to the coast and arrived at a beautiful seaside town. We rented bicycles and explored the area. We rode along the beach, stopping to collect seashells and take photos.

In the evening we had dinner at the seafood restaurant and tried fresh fish and chips. After dinner, we walked along the pier and watched the sunset over the ocean. It was so peaceful and relaxing.

The next day we went snorkeling and saw colorful fish. It was amazing to explore the underwater world. In the afternoon, we built sandcastles on the beach and played volleyball with the locals. Our parents were reading.

On our last day we took a boat tour to a nearby island. We hiked to the top and had a picnic with stunning views of the ocean.

It was an unforgettable trip, and we can't wait to go on another adventure soon.


There are some questions to check how you understood the text:

  1. When did the family go on a trip?
  2. Where did they go?
  3. What things did they pack in their bags?
  4. What did they have for dinner?
  5. What activities did they have?
  6. What were they impressed by?




Well, now let's watch a video and after it you can have some more useful expressions to speak about travelling. What words do you remember?


Заключна частина уроку. Let's sum up our work.


How did you like today's lesson? What mark will you put yourself if the highest mark is 10? ( Діти показують розкриті долоні = 10 i т.д.)

Is there anything that you didn't know before lesson but you know now?

Ok, your home task is to speak about your travelling experience. You can use the spidergram from the lesson as a plan and AI’s text as an example.

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