Урок з теми "Сanadian Cities"

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Даний конспект уроку для 6 класу (НМК "Enterprise 1") допоможе вчителям розширити країнознавчі знання та збагатити лексичний запас учнів з теми "Canadian Cities"; спрямований на розвиток комунікативної компетенції на уроці та вміння працювати з текстом.

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Theme: Canadian Cities

Objectives:  -  to develop students’ reading, listening, speaking, skills on the topic;

  • to encourage students to guess the meanings of new words;
  • to develop students’ communication skills in pair – work;
  • to broaden students’ knowledge on the topic “Canadian Cities”;
  • to develop students’ curiosity and interest to the English language.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

  • use vocabulary related to the topic;
  •  mark  the true-false statements about cities of Canada;
  • answer the questions about cities of Canada;
  • act out a dialogue giving recommendations about a place.

Materials:    a coursebook, Bb, pictures, handouts, a map of Canada, a tape    

                      recorder, striped questions, tongue – twister, riddles, “Happy song”.


I. Greeting

T:  -  Good morning

Ps: - Good morning. We are glad to see you.

T:  - I am glad to see you too. Are you ready for the lesson? Let’s start.

II. Warming up

  1. Tongue – twister : “Everybody”
  2. Introductory talk:

      - Everybody knows the names of English – speaking countries. What are they?

      -The topic of our lesson is “Canadian Cities”.

       At first, tell me two words, that associate with the country Canada, e.g., polar   

       bear, Niagara Falls.

      - Is Canada a big country?

      - What is the national symbol of Canada?

      - What is the capital of Canada?

      - What is the population of Canada?

      - What are the official languages of Canada?

      - What cities of Canada do you know?

    3. Riddle: Guess, what is the name of this city?

  III. Reading

      1. Pre – reading activities:

         1)  Look at the map and point to:      • Vancouver • Montreal  • Ottawa

      - Which city is in the south – west of Canada?

      - Which two cities are in the south – east of Canada?

         2) Look at the pictures (A-E). Which picture shows:

      - Chinese pagoda?

      - a totem pole?

      - a café?

      - a military parade?

      - an art gallery and gardens?

     3) Vocabulary practice

         - Read and pronounce correctly:

      Ideal city                                                     conference centre

      main attractions                                          mixture

      sandy beaches                                             cultural centre

      totem poles                                                 tourist spot

      military parades                                          popular with tourists

      home                                                           narrow streets

      treasured works                                           plants.


     2. While – reading activity (Appendix 1)

         Read the text and mark the statements T (true) or F (false) p. 157

     Rest time. “Happy Song” (Appendix 2)

     3. Post – reading activities.

         1) Match words to their opposites

     dirty                        colourful

     plain                        old

     new                         beautiful

     small                       clean

     ugly                         huge

        2) Striped questions. (Appendix 3)

 IV. Listening

     Guessing game. What city is this? (Appendix 4)

 V. Pair – work. Making recommendations about a place (Appendix 5)

 VI. Home  assignment

       Talk about three cities of our country. Questions will help you (p. 157)

 VII. Summing – up

         - Your marks are…

         - Did you like our lesson?

         - Was it interesting?

         - What did you do during the lesson?

         - What did you like best off all?

Appendix 1

Read the texts and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).


Vancouver is one of the most beautiful places in Canada. It has clean streets and green parks and great views of the Pacific Ocean, to the west and huge mountains to the east. Vancouver is an ideal city. One of its main attractions is Stanley Park, where there are sandy beaches, lakes, and even Indian totem poles. You must also visit Canada Place. It has a conference centre, a luxury hotel, a huge cinema and there are special events held there all year round.


Ottawa, the capital city of Canada, is a wonderful mixture of old and new buildings. This green city is a cultural and historical centre for Canada. The people are friendly and speak both French and English. Parliament Hill is a popular tourist spot where visitors can watch military parades. Ottawa is also the home of Canada’s National Gallery. It is surrounded by beautiful gardens. Inside, visitors can see over 25,000 of world’s most treasured works of art. With more than twenty- five other museums, sixty annual festivals and a wildlife park, Ottawa is a great city to visit.


The city of Montreal is sometimes called the Paris of North America. Two thirds of the people speak French. The area of Old Montreal is very popular with tourists because of its narrow streets, old buildings and European – style cafes and restaurants. In the Botanical Gardens there are over 22,000 types of plants and flowers from all over the world. The Chinese Garden is beautiful and it has a huge colourful pagoda.

1. Vancouver is the capital of Canada.                 ………..

2. Canada Place is a large park.                            ………..

3. The Chinese Garden is in Montreal.                 ………..

4. People in Ottawa speak French and

    English                                                              ………..

5. Ottawa has over 60 annual festivals                 …………                           

  Appendix 2

Happy Song

1. If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands! (clap) – (clap)

    If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands! (clap) – (clap)    

 If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it,

    If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands! (clap) – (clap) 

2. If you’re happy and you know it, slap your knees! (slap) – (slap)      

    If you’re happy and you know it, slap your knees! (slap) – (slap)

    If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it,

    If you’re happy and you know it, slap your knees! (slap) – (slap)

3. If you’re happy and you know it, stamp your feet! (stamp) – (stamp)

    If you’re happy and you know it, stamp your feet! (stamp) – (stamp)

    If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it,

    If you’re happy and you know it, stamp your feet! (stamp) – (stamp)

4. If you’re happy and you know it, snap your fingers! (snap) – (snap)

    If you’re happy and you know it, snap your fingers! (snap) – (snap)

    If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it,

    If you’re happy and you know it, snap your fingers! (snap) – (snap)

5. If you’re happy and you know it, say OK! (O-K!) 

    If you’re happy and you know it, say OK! (O-K!) 

    If you’re happy and you know it,

    and you really want to show it,

    you’re happy and you know it, say OK! (O-K!) 

6. If you’re happy and you know it, do all five!

    (clap) – (clap),(slap) – (slap),(stamp) – (stamp),(snap) – (snap),(O-K!) 

    If you’re happy and you know it, do all five!

    (clap) – (clap),(slap) – (slap),(stamp) – (stamp),(snap) – (snap),(O-K!)

    If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it,

    If you’re happy and you know it, do all five!

    (clap) – (clap),(slap) – (slap),(stamp) – (stamp),(snap) – (snap),(O-K!)

Appendix 3

Striped questions

- What can you see to the west of Vancouver?

 -  What can you see to the East of Vancouver?

- Where can you find sandy beaches, lakes and Indian totem pole?

  - What is Ottawa like?

- What are the people like?

- How many languages do they speak?

- What is Canada’s National Gallery famous for?

 - What city is called the Paris of North America?

- Why is Montreal popular with tourists?


Appendix 4

1. It is in the south – east of Canada. People speak both French and English. It is a city of bridges. It is the home of Canada’s National Gallery. It’s the capital of the country. (Ottawa)

2. It’s one of the beautiful places in Canada. It’s in the south – west of Canada. You can find Canada Place, and Stanley Park there.(Vancouver)

3. It’s in the south – east of Canada. People speak both English and French. It is called the Paris of North America. (Montreal)

Appendix 5

Read the following dialogue. Then use the prompts below to act similar dialogues

P1: - You see, it’s my first visit to Ottawa, and I’d like to see the city.

P2: - Well, you should go to Parliament Hill . It is worth visiting.            

P1: -  Yes, you are right. I have seen Parliament Hill on a postcard: it is

          really exciting.

- Vancouver / Stanley Park / wonderful

- Ottawa / Canada’s National Gallery / fantastic

- Montreal / Chinese Garden/ beautiful













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