Вікторина "How much English do you know?"

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Матеріал дозволяє у ігровій формі закріпити знання учнів з теми "Харчування. Злічувані та незлічувані іменники" Може бути використаний як для проведення виховного заходу, так і для проведення уроку
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Виховний захід-вікторина «how much english do you know?»










Тема. How well do you know English?

Мета. Узагальнити і закріпити знання учнів з теми Їжа, Злічувані і незлічувані іменники , активізувати вивчену лексику у мовленні учнів, розвивати кмітливість, логічність мислення, виховувати повагу до культури країни, мова якої вивчається, культуру спілкування

Хід заходу

І. Організаційний момент.

1.Оголошення теми і мети.

T: Dear pupils and guests! I’m very glad to meet you and welcome you to our competition. It will be a competition between 3 teams. Now I want to introduce the participants of our competition, the pupils who love and know English. So, meet the teams and their captains. I wish you good luck and success, our dear pupils. Be very attentive and don’t be afraid, everything will be all right.

Оголошення правил гри, правил оцінювання правильних відповідей і вибору переможця змагань

ІІ. Основна частина.

We’ve come to ROUND I of the competition. It is very easy, because you must devide nouns into categories: Countable and Uncountable! You will answer one by one. For every correct answer I will give you 1point.  2хв

Apple C          Juice U             Potato C              Bread U          Soup U

Melon C         Milk U             Tomato C             Cheese U       Salad U

Cherry C        Water U                                        Crisps U         Cake C

Lemon C        Jam U               Cucumber C        Tea U             Jelly U

Orange C        Butter U           Sandwich C         Coffee U        Pizza C

T: Thank you, your answers were perfect. And now we’ll pass to ROUND II.  I’ll give you some sentences. All of them have grammar mistakes. Your task is to correct them. For every corrected mistake you will get 1 point.   5хвилин


1 We eat two breads every day

2 A soup is tasty

3 Ann would like some burger

4 Bob likes many sugar in his tea

5 Jack doesn’t want much hamburgers

6 We saw a cake and two juices on the table

7 Cherries is tasty

8 Cheese are made of milk

Keys:1 some bread, 2 The soup, 3 some burgers, 4 much sugar, 5 many hamburgers, 6 two glasses of juice, 7 are, 8 is

T: Do you like to guess the puzzles? Of course, you do. That is the ROUND III. I’ll read a puzzle and our teams answer in turn. For every correct answer I’ll give you 1 point 5хвилин

1 It is red and sweet. It is good to eat (an apple)

2 What has four legs, it is not an animal? (a table)

3 It is green and long. We use it to make salad. (cucumber)

4 It’s round. It can be white or purple. We cry when we cut it (an onion)

5 It is white, cold and sweet. All children like to eat (ice-cream)

6 It is round with different fillings. An Italian dish (pizza)

7 It came from South America. We make popcorn out of it (corn)

8 It is long and orange. Rabbits like it (carrot)

9 We get it from sunflower or olives. We add it to the salad (oil)

T: ROUND IV. And now we’ll pass to the next task. Your task will be to make uncountable nouns countable. For every correct answer I’ll give you 1 point

1 a bottle                      A tea

2 a packet                    B meat

3 a bowl                       C chocolate

4 a can                         D bread

5 a box                          E jam

6 a jar                         F biscuits

7 a loaf                       G Cola

8 a bar                        H sugar

9 a kilo                       I crisps

10 a cup                     J milk

Keys: 1j, 2i, 3h, 4g, 5f, 6e, 7d, 8c, 9b, 10a

ІІІ. Підсумок.

По закінченню змагання учні в журі  підраховують бали, визначають переможців.

T: Thank you, my dear friends. You are clever students!














 1. Apple C, Juice U, Potato C, Bread U, Soup U, Melon C, Milk U, Tomato C,       Cheese U, Salad U, Cherry C, Water U, Crisps U, Cake C, Lemon C, Jam U,               Cucumber C,  Tea U,  Jelly U,  Orange C,  Butter U,  Sandwich C,  Coffee U,  Pizza C

2.  Keys:1 some bread, 2 The soup, 3 some burgers, 4 much sugar, 5 many hamburgers, 6 two glasses of juice, 7 are, 8 is

3. 1(an apple)  2 (a table)  3 (cucumber)  4 (an onion)  5 (ice-cream)  6 (pizza)  7 (corn)

8 (carrot) 9 (oil)

4. Keys: 1j, 2i, 3h, 4g, 5f, 6e, 7d, 8c, 9b, 10a



1. Apple C, Juice U, Potato C, Bread U, Soup U, Melon C, Milk U, Tomato C,       Cheese U, Salad U, Cherry C, Water U, Crisps U, Cake C, Lemon C, Jam U,               Cucumber C,  Tea U,  Jelly U,  Orange C,  Butter U,  Sandwich C,  Coffee U,  Pizza C

2.  Keys:1 some bread, 2 The soup, 3 some burgers, 4 much sugar, 5 many hamburgers, 6 two glasses of juice, 7 are, 8 is

3. 1(an apple)  2 (a table)  3 (cucumber)  4 (an onion)  5 (ice-cream)  6 (pizza)  7 (corn)

8 (carrot) 9 (oil)

4. Keys: 1j, 2i, 3h, 4g, 5f, 6e, 7d, 8c, 9b, 10a



1. Apple C, Juice U, Potato C, Bread U, Soup U, Melon C, Milk U, Tomato C,       Cheese U, Salad U, Cherry C, Water U, Crisps U, Cake C, Lemon C, Jam U,               Cucumber C,  Tea U,  Jelly U,  Orange C,  Butter U,  Sandwich C,  Coffee U,  Pizza C

2.  Keys:1 some bread, 2 The soup, 3 some burgers, 4 much sugar, 5 many hamburgers, 6 are, 7 is

3. 1(an apple)  2 (a table)  3 (cucumber)  4 (an onion)  5 (ice-cream)  6 (pizza)  7 (corn)

8 (carrot) 9 (oil)

4. Keys: 1j, 2i, 3h, 4g, 5f, 6e, 7d, 8c, 9b, 10a

1 We eat two breads every day_____________________________________

2 A soup is tasty________________________________________________

3 Ann would like some burger_____________________________________

4 Bob likes many sugar in his tea___________________________________

5 Jack doesn’t want much hamburgers_______________________________

6 Cherries is tasty_______________________________________________

7 Cheese are made of milk________________________________________


1 We eat two breads every day_____________________________________

2 A soup is tasty________________________________________________

3 Ann would like some burger_____________________________________

4 Bob likes many sugar in his tea___________________________________

5 Jack doesn’t want much hamburgers_______________________________

6 Cherries is tasty_______________________________________________

7 Cheese are made of milk________________________________________



1 We eat two breads every day_____________________________________

2 A soup is tasty________________________________________________

3 Ann would like some burger_____________________________________

4 Bob likes many sugar in his tea___________________________________

5 Jack doesn’t want much hamburgers_______________________________

6 Cherries is tasty_______________________________________________

7 Cheese are made of milk________________________________________

1 a bottle                      A tea                       6 a jar                        F biscuits

2 a packet                    B meat                     7 a loaf                      G Cola

3 a bowl                       C chocolate             8 a bar                       H sugar

4 a can                         D bread                   9 a kilo                       I crisps

5 a box                          E jam                     10 a cup                     J milk

 1 ___  2 ___  3 ___   4 ___   5 ___   6 ___   7 ___   8 ___   9 ___   10____



1 a bottle                      A tea                       6 a jar                        F biscuits

2 a packet                    B meat                     7 a loaf                      G Cola

3 a bowl                       C chocolate             8 a bar                       H sugar

4 a can                         D bread                   9 a kilo                       I crisps

5 a box                          E jam                     10 a cup                     J milk

1 ___  2 ___  3 ___   4 ___   5 ___   6 ___   7 ___   8 ___   9 ___   10____



1 a bottle                      A tea                       6 a jar                        F biscuits

2 a packet                    B meat                     7 a loaf                      G Cola

3 a bowl                       C chocolate             8 a bar                       H sugar

4 a can                         D bread                   9 a kilo                       I crisps

5 a box                          E jam                     10 a cup                     J milk

 1 ___  2 ___  3 ___   4 ___   5 ___   6 ___   7 ___   8 ___   9 ___   10____






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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
18 грудня 2023
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