Writing Comprehension for 5th form

Про матеріал
Семестрова контрольна робота для перевірки навичок письма учнів 5-х класів стане в нагоді вчителям, які працюють за підручником А. Несвіт
Перегляд файлу

Control Writing 5 form (II semester)

Task 1. Match the questions and the answers.

  1. Are you reading a book?
  1. No, she isn’t.
  1. Do you visit your grandparents on holidays?
  1. Yes, I am.
  1. Have you got any hobbies?
  1. No, I haven’t.
  1. Have your friends had a great time on holidays?
  1. Yes, I do.
  1. Is she playing football?
  1. Yes, she does.
  1. Does your mother cook every evening?
  1. Yes, they have.

Task 2. Match the pairs of the word combinations.

  1. To visit
  1. hiking
  1. To go
  1. Sea shells
  1. To read
  1. A city
  1. To collect
  1. Comics
  1. To watch
  1. Tennis
  1. To play
  1. Cartoons

Task 3. Choose and write out the correct word.

  1. She has wrote/written a letter.
  2. They have already/sometimes bought souvenirs.
  3. We play games every day/ already.
  4. I have already/often done the task.
  5. The children are having breakfast every morning/now.
  6. He go/goes to the seaside every summer.

Task 4. You are going to the cinema. Write an invitation


До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
3 квітня 2020
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