Writing comprehension. Form 4. Semester 2.

Про матеріал
Робота має на меті перевірити рівень володіння лексичним матеріалом та граматикою (Past Simple, adjective comparison, Present Perfect, вживання конструкцій "to be going to", "must/mustn't")
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Productive skills checking: writing. Form 4. Semester 2.

Name_________________________     Date ________   V-1


 І. Cross the odd word (Закресли зайве слово).


1. three, eighteen, forty, sixty-two, cartoon

2. library, hotel, capital, bank, supermarket

3. Friday, Math, Ukrainian, Reading, English

4. ship, train, bus, house, plane

5. tree, spring, summer, autumn, winter

6. June, August, Monday, September, May


II. Write the sentences into the Past Simple Tense (напиши речення у простому минулому часі).


1. They (to be)____________ in the museum last week.

2. I (to help)____________ my mum about the house last weekend.

3. Stella (to eat)___________ an apple for her lunch at school.

4. Olena (to invite) __________  many classmates to her last party.


ІІI. Make the comparatives and superlatives (утворити вищий та найвищий ступені порівняння прикметників).

1. She is the ____________ (fast) girl in our class.

2. My dad is ____________ (tall) than my mommy.

3. This cat is ____________ (soft) than this dog.

4. I am the ____________________ (beautiful) person on this party.

5. You are the __________________ (intelligent) boy which I know.

6. This book ___________________ (interesting) than book about the Little Prince.

IV. Complete the sentences using the correct verb form (напиши речення, правильно обравши форму відповідного дієслова)


  1. Her name (to be)  __________  (name) .
  2. May (to be)   _________ the first month of the year.
  3. Yesterday my family (to go)  _________ to a tea party.
  4. I _____ already (to make) _____ my bed.
  5. She is going _________ (to win) a prize.
  6. You must _________ (to wear) school uniform.



Name_________________________     Date ________   V-2


І. Cross the odd word.


1. ship, train, bus, house, plane

2. tree, spring, summer, autumn, winter

3. June, August, Monday, September, May

4. three, eighteen, forty, sixty-two, cartoon

5. library, hotel, capital, bank, supermarket

6. Friday, Math, Ukrainian, Reading, English


II. Write the sentences into the Past Simple Tense.

1. He (to make)__________________ a new model car yesterday.

2. We (to live)____________________ in Lviv two years ago.

3. Children (to dance)_____________________ at the Nelly’s party last Sunday.

4. My mum (to cook)_______________________ a tasty chicken yesterday.


ІІI. Make the comparatives and superlatives.

4. I am the ____________________ (beautiful) person on this party.

5. You are the __________________ (intelligent) boy which I know.

6. This book ___________________ (interesting) than book about the Little Prince.

1. She is the ____________ (fast) girl in our class.

2. My dad is ____________ (tall) than my mommy.

3. This cat is ____________ (soft) than this dog.

IV. Complete the sentences using the correct verb form (напиши речення, правильно обравши форму відповідного дієслова)


  1. My name (to be)  __________  (name) .
  2. January (to be)   _________ the first month of the year.
  3. Yesterday my family (to have)  _________ a tea party.
  4. I _____ already (to do) _____ my homework.
  5. She is going _________ (to wear) a costume of princess to the fancy dress party.
  6. You must _________ (to come) to school on time.



Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Вознюк Галина Юріївна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
16 травня 2020
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
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