Захід "З Новим роком! Веселого Різдва!"

Про матеріал
Цікавий сценарій заходу з англійської мови до найулюбленіших дитячих свят, що включає інтерактивні вправи та ігрові моменти.
Перегляд файлу

Тема: Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!

Практична мета: повторити вивчений матеріал за допомогою інтерактивних вправ; підвищити інтерес учнів до вивчення англійської мови.

Освітня мета: поглибити знання за цією темою, розвивати навички говоріння, аудіювання, читання та письма.

Хід заняття:

1.Привітання. Декорація новорічної ялинки.

Вчитель: Dear children! Welcome to our little English Party. Soon we will celebrate such winter holidays as … (children name). For holidays we must prepare. Do you agree? To have good holidays first we need … (guess: I have branches. And I am green. In December I am seen.). Let’s decorate it with balls but you can get them if you guess other riddles:

  1. It is a man made of snow. He has a carrot instead of nose. (Snowman)
  2. It is a season. It is very cold. But it brings joys for young and old. (Winter)
  3. It is very little. It is brightly white at noon and night. (Snowflake)
  4. It is bright. It sparkles at night. Far, far in the sky. (Star)
  5. It is a toy-animal. It can be white and brown. In real life this animal likes honey. (Teddy Bear)
  6. It is a toy. It has beautiful eyes and hair. Girls like to play with it everywhere. (Doll)
  7. It is a toy. It is small and round. Boys play it on the sportsground. (Ball)
  8. It is a toy. It sounds loudly.” Jingle … “, we sing funnily. (Bell)
  9. It is food. It is icy and tasty. Children like to eat it with chocolate and berries. (Ice-cream)
  10.                      It is a Ukrainian symbol. It is yellow and blue. It is great for me and you. (Flag)

2. Караоке “ The Fir-Tree Was Born in the Wood” or “Jingle Bells”.

Вчитель: And now let’s light up our New Year’s Tree but first sing a song about it.

3. Вітання з прийдешніми святами.

Вчитель: We cannot imagine holidays without greetings and greeting cards. Let’ see how we greet each other. Find odd words.

  1. favourite, funny, happy, frosty, fantastic
  2. night, new, nose, nickname, nuts
  3. morning, afternoon, evening, night, year
  4. sad, angry, merry, clumsy, lazy
  5. February, December, March, Christmas, June

Вчитель: Thank you. I write these greetings on the blackboard near the tree. You write them on the cards and greet your friends in the class.

(Song “We Wish You a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”)

4. Побажання для однокласників.

Вчитель: And now let’s say good wishes to your classmates. Take cards and wish: happiness, good luck, good friends, much money, no war, peaceful life, success, good marks, kind teachers, studying offline, pleasant surprises, funny holidays, happy smiles, big presents, calm days and nights, tasty food, health, obedient parents, real dreams.

Вчитель: Great wishes. Of course, they will come true.

(Melody “Happiness”)

5. Вручення солодких подарунків для гарних хлопчиків та дівчаток.

Вчитель: We don’t have to forget about presents, of course. Presents will be given to good boys and girls. So you must name something good about yourselves. For example:

I am a kind boy. Or I am good at English. Or I dream to be a good doctor.

Вчитель: OK. OK. You are good. You are wonderful. Take sweet presents.

(Song “Mr Santa”).

6. Чаювання.

Вчитель: It’s time to have tea with sweets.





27 липня 2023
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