У збірнику подано діагностувальні роботи з англійської мови для підсумкового тематичного оцінювання навчальних досягнень учнів 4 класу. Завдання укладено відповідно до Типової освітньої програми, розробленої під керівництвом Шияна Р.Б. та підручників «Англійська мова» для 4 класу, автор Будна Т.В.
Кожна робота передбачає перевірку рівня розвитку комунікативної компетентності школярів у різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності: аудіюванні, читанні, письмі.
Рекомендовано для вчителів англійської мови початкової школи.
Unit 1 All about me
1. A nurse 2. A vet 3. A baker 4. An actress 5. A chef 6. A baker
bakes bread , treats animals , drives a taxi , paints pictures, cooks food
My name’s … and I’m … years old. I’m from …. It’s a great city. I live with …, …, … and … . I’ve got a … but I haven’t got a … . I’ve got a pet. It’s a … .
It’s really funny. My best friend is … . We like … and … together.
Unit 2 School Life
Unit 3 My Home
Unit 4 Sports and Health
a headache , sneezing, an earache, a runny nose
Unit 5 New Year and Christmas
Dear Santa,
My name is …. I’m looking forward to… I want to tell you what … .
I am…. I always … to decorate … at Christmas. My favourite decorations are…
Please, … me a …
Thank you very much.
Love, ….
Unit 6 Our Wonderful World
Unit 7 Shops and Shopping
1. trolley 2. a box of chocolates 3. a bag of rice 4. dollar 5. pharmacy
Café, newsagent, cosmetic shop, clothes shop, music shop, sweet shop, bookshop, shoe shop, electronics shop, sports shop, pharmacy |
Unit 8 Free Time
Unit 9 Happy Hours
Unit 10 Travelling
New York (1) Athens (2) Amsterdam (3) Rome (4) Tokyo (5) |
The plane is going to…
Hello everyone! This is my house. This is a living-room. This is a great room. I love the window. And this is the kitchen. This is another door here. This is a dining-room. I love the clock. There are 2 doors here. This one is the bathroom. There’s a new shower. And the bedrooms are in here. There are 4 bedrooms. This is my bedroom/ Look! There’s a big window. There’s another door here. This is my brother’s room. This is a hall. We put our coats here.
Mike: Hello, Maryna! Have you been to the new sport centre yet?
Maryna: No, Mike. Where is it?
Mike: In Long Road, near Bridge Street, behind the station.
Maryna: Oh, is it good?
Mike: Yes, it’s great. You can do a lot of sports. I played table tennis and volleyball last week.
Maryna: What about tennis?
Mike: Not yet. There going to be a tennis court next year.
Maryna: Is it expensive?
Mike: Not really, Maryna. It’s 50 pounds a year if you are 15 to 18. And 30 pounds if you are under 15.
Maryna: Oh, that’s good because I’m still 14.
Mike: And on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday it stays open late to 10 a.m.
Maryna: Oh, great! How did you get there?
Mike: I got there No.16 bus. It’s only 10 minutes from the bus station. Do you want to go next week?
Maryna: OK. Any day except Thursday.
Mike: Well, why don’t we go on Friday? Then we can stay late.
Maryna: Yes, OK. Let me tell after school.
A: Good morning. This is the announcement for all passengers travelling 25 flight TOM1223 to Rome. This flight is delayed by 2 hours because of bad weather.
B: Would all passengers travelling to Tokyo on Flight FR3421, please have your boarding passes and passports ready for boarding. Flight FR3421 now boarding at Gate 21.
C: This is the final boarding call passengers Jemma and Ryan Grey flying to Athens on flight EZ9753. Your flight is ready to leave. Please, get a Gate 14 immediately. The door of the plane will close in 5 minutes.
D: This is an announcement for passengers travelling to Amsterdam on flight KN1050. Will all passengers express boarding tickets and passengers travelling with young children go to Gate 6 for boarding.
E: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! We have landed in GFK airport in New York. The local time is 18.30 and the temperature is 76 degrees. We hope you’ve enjoyed your flight with the American airline this evening. We wish you a safe journey to your final destination .