10 кл. Урок-квест з розділу "Механіка"+англійська мова

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Урок фізики та англійської мови проведений у формі квесту з розділу фізики "Динаміка" та з англійської мови за темою "Видатні англійські вчені"
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Урок-квест «Закони механіки та англійські вчені»Підготували: Вчитель фізики. Орловська Н.І. Вчитель англійської мови. Ковальчук О. П.

Номер слайду 2

Коридор фізичних знань. Код доступу 2223478відкрити посилання join.naurok.ua

Номер слайду 3

Актуалізація Сформулювати закони Ньютона. Перелічити сили в механіціСформулювати закон Всесвітнього тяжіння. Vocabulary. Scientist – вчений. Physics – фізика. Gravity – гравітація, тяжіння. Force of gravity – сила тяжіння. Free fall – вільне падіння. Elastic force – сила пружностіNumeral value – числове значення

Номер слайду 4

Цікаві факти про Ньютона1. Isaac Newton (1642-1727) - English mathematician, physicist, astronomer and mechanic. Author of the famous book "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", where he set out the law of universal gravitation and 3 laws of mechanics.2. Newton considered Galileo, Descartes and Kepler to be the most famous people in the history of mankind.3. The great physicist was able to prove by experiments that white is a mixture of other colors of the visible spectrum.4. Newton was never in a hurry to inform his colleagues about his discoveries. For this reason, mankind learned about many of them decades after the scientist's death.5. An interesting fact is that Sir Isaac Newton was the first Briton to be awarded the title of knight by the Queen of Great Britain for his scientific achievements.

Номер слайду 5

Цікаві факти про Ньютона6. As a member of the House of Lords, the mathematician constantly attended all meetings, but never said anything at them. Only once he rose his voice when he asked to close the window.7. Not long before his death, Newton began working on a book, which he called the main in his life. Unfortunately, no one found out what kind of work it was, because a fire broke out in the physicist's house, which destroyed, among other things, the manuscript itself.8. Did you know that it was Isaac Newton who identified the 7 basic colours of the visible spectrum? It is interesting that at first there were 5 colours, but later he decided to add 2 more colors.9. Newton is sometimes credited with a passion for astrology, but if it was, it quickly turned into disappointment. It is worth noting that as a deeply religious man, Newton viewed the Bible as a source of reliable knowledge.

Номер слайду 6

Robert Hook was born in July 18,1635 in London. He was outstanding physician, astronomer, botanic and one of the greatest representatives of science in XVII century. He studied in Westminster School, after it he entered to Oxford. He worked hard, did many experiments and made main laws. Robert Hook died in London in 1703. Роберт Гук

Номер слайду 7

Henry Kavendish was born in October 10,1731. His father was a noble outstanding person. He entered to Cambridge University, after it Henry worked in sphere of physics, chemistry, meteorology and achieved good results. For example, he proved law of the world’s gravitation and find gravity constant. He also made other experiments and studied phenomenon of electricity and thermodynamics. Генрі Кавендіш

Номер слайду 8

Квест «Закони Ньютона»

Номер слайду 9

Експериментальна роботаІсторики: «Визначити коефіцієнт тертя ковзання»Експериментатори: «Дослідити стан невагомості»Практики : «Виміряти жорсткість пружного тіла»

Номер слайду 10


Номер слайду 11

Домашнє завдання1. Повторити п. 9-10 Розв’язати задачу № 9.31 (зб. задач Гельфгат)2. Підготувати доповідь про життя та діяльність С. Корольова

Пов’язані теми
Фізика, 10 клас, Інші матеріали
До підручника
Фізика (профільний рівень) 10 клас (Засєкіна Т.М., Головко М.В.)
28 грудня 2021
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