2 клас розробка уроку Parts of the body

Про матеріал
Дана розробка уроку призначена для 2 класу НУШ. Розроблена за новими рекомендаціями British Council, як потрібно планувати уроки.
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                             Lesson for 2nd  class “Parts  of the body”

Aims: Learners will be introduced to some words for parts of the body and will practice using them.

Level & time: Elementary, 40 mins.

Materials: Parts of the body flashcards.






Listen three times


Show each flashcard – say the body part three times. Learners stay quiet.

Show each flashcard – say the body part three times. Learners repeat.

Show each flashcard – elicit word from learners as group.

Show each flashcard – elicit word from learners individually.

Main activities

Run around the room

Simon says

Label the picture











Put flashcards around the room.

Say a body part. Learners run to the correct flashcard.

Repeat for every body part.

Now nominate a learner to say a body part. Other learners run to the correct flashcard. They nominate the next learner, and so on.

Learners stand up. Simon says:

pat your head, touch your toes, move your fingers, wave your hands, stamp your feet, bend your knees, touch your nose.

(Remember to miss out 'Simon says' a few times.)

Give learners the worksheet. They work alone to label the picture with body parts, and then check with a partner.

Check the answers with the whole class.

Final activity

Monster drawing game


Learners work in pairs. Each pair draws a monster. They should use all body parts – be creative.

Collect in the pictures.

Put learners in pairs – one behind the other. Give learner 1 (behind) a monster from another pair.

Ask learner 1 to describe the monster to their partner. Learner 2 (in front) draws the monster.

Make a gallery at the end – who drew the best copy?



До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 2 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
22 грудня 2020
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