Анкетування учнів "Are you healthy?"

Про матеріал
Учні працюють з анкетою в парах : читають запитання, обирають відповіді, потім повідомляють один одного про результат.
Перегляд файлу

Do the questionnaire.


Are you healthy?

  1. How often do you do exercises?
  1. Less than an hour a day.
  2. Five hours a week.
  3. More than five hours a week.
  1. How often do you eat cakes, biscuits and sweets?
  1. Six times a day.
  2. Three times a day.
  3. Less than once a day.
  1. How often do you eat fruit and  vegetables?
  1. Never.
  2. Once a week.
  3. Every day.
  1. How often do you clean your teeth?
  1. Never.
  2. Three times a week.
  3. Twice a day.
  1. How much do you sleep?
  1. Less than 5 hours a night.
  2. Seven hours a night.
  3. Ten hours a night.
  1. How much do you watch TV?
  1. More than four hours a day.
  2. Two hours a day.
  3. An hour a day.


Score. Count how many As, Bs and Cs you have.

Mostly As – You are not very healthy at all. You need to do more exercises, watch less TV and eat better food. Think about it.

Mostly Bs – Not bad, but you can do a lot better to improve your health. Think about what you eat and the exercises you do and try to improve.

Mostly Cs – You are a very healthy person. Good for you.

До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
8 листопада 2020
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