Are You Smart? Quiz for pupils of 5-7 forms

Про матеріал
Це квіз для учнів 5-7 класівю. Відповідями є слова, які починаються на кожну букву алфавіту. Оскільки є 26 букв в англійському алфавіті, відповідно стільки ж є слайдів із завданнями та ще 26 слайдів з відповідями. Учням буде корисно згадати алфавіт, зокрема певні слова на кожну букву. Цей квіз можна використати і для учнів 4 класу, залежно від їхнього рівня знань.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Are You Smart ?Quiz for pupils of 5-7 forms Quiz maker: Lutsyna Dorofeyeva

Номер слайду 2

The last word in each statement begins with the letter A 1. A fruit we like is an A…2. Our alphabet is called the A…3. Doctors give us good A…4. The atmosphere is composed 0f A…5. In the zoo we see different A…6. The fourth month 0f the year is A…7. One who paints pictures is an A…8. One who performs on the stage is an A…

Номер слайду 3

Answers1. Apple 2. ABCs3. Advice4. Air5. Animals6. April7. Artist8. Actor

Номер слайду 4

As you see these words begin with B 1. A very young child is a B…2. To play football you need a B…3. A car which holds many passengers is a B…4. A rubber toy which you blow up is a B…5. The colour of coal is B…6. Matches are kept in the B…7. The sky is B…8. You use it playing baseball. It’s a B...

Номер слайду 5

Answers1. Baby2. Ball3. Bus4. Balloon5. Black6. Box7. Blue8. Bat

Номер слайду 6

Here we are with the letter C1. A large green, round vegetable is a C…2. Babies often C…3. A humped (hump backed) animal is the C…4. Washing keeps us C…5. A domestic animal is a C…6. A milk product is called C…7. You put it on the cake. It’s a C...8. A large strong building built in the past. It’s a C...

Номер слайду 7

Answers1. Cabbage2. Cry3. Camel4. Clean5. Cow6. Cheese7. Candle8. Castle

Номер слайду 8

All of these begin with D1. Little girls like to play with D…2. A domestic animal is the D…3. To enter a room we must open the D…4. The sea is very D…5. What is not alive is D…6. In school we sit at the D…7. The main meal of the day is D…8. One who cures sick people is a D…9. Girls wear D…

Номер слайду 9

Answers1. Dolls2. Donkey3. Door4. Deep5. Dead6. Desk7. Dinner8. Doctor9. Dresses

Номер слайду 10

And now try the letter E1. The organ of hearing is the E…2. We live on the E…3. Hens and birds lay E…4. One number above seven is E…5. The largest existing land animal is the E…6. Everything finishes at the E…7. Different tools or things used for different kinds of sport. It’s E...8. A person who is very happy and enthusiastic. He/she is E...

Номер слайду 11

Answers1. Ear2. Earth3. Eggs4. Eight5. Elephant6. End7. Equipment8. Excited

Номер слайду 12

Can you master the letter F?1. Birds F…2. Close relatives are a F…3. People who eat very much grow F…4. The number above four is F…5. On our hands we have F…6. Grapes, oranges and bananas are F…7. You use it to keep your food fresh. It’s a F...8. Extremely cold. It’s F...

Номер слайду 13

Answers1. Fly2. Family3. Fat4. Five5. Fingers6. Fruit7. Fridge8. Freezing

Номер слайду 14

Good, Gay, Games and Girls begin with G1. A rare metal is G…2. Sport of any kind is a G…3. Cars are kept in the G…4. Flowers are grown in the G…5. A small animal that gives milk is a G…6. We do physical exercises at school in the G…7. You wear them on your hands. They’re G...8. It’s made of wood with six strings and a long neck, played with the fingers. It’s a G...

Номер слайду 15

Answers1. Gold2. Game3. Garage4. Garden5. Goat6. Gym7. Gloves8. Guitar

Номер слайду 16

There is an H on this page1. People live in a H…2. On our heads we have H…3. We have five fingers on each H…4. We wear hats on our H…5. When greeting we raise our H…6. With our ears we H…7. The greatest wealth is H…8. Ten times ten is one H…

Номер слайду 17

answers1. House2. Hats3. Hand4. Head5. Hand6. Hear7. Health8. Hundred

Номер слайду 18

Now we fly through the letter I1. We skate on I…2. An unwell person is I…3. A huge south Asian country is I…4. A higher school is called an I…5. A break between lessons is an I…6. A piece of land surrounded by water. It’s an I...7. It’s a house made of snow where Eskimos live. It’s an I...

Номер слайду 19

Answers1. Ice 2. Ill3. India4. Institute5. Interval6. Island7. Igloo

Номер слайду 20

And now you may begin with the letter J1. Children like to eat J…2. The first month of the year is J…3. A large Asian country is J…4. A definite piece of work is a J…5. The sixth month of the year is J…6. The seventh month of the year is J…7. There is some jam or coffee in it. It’s a J...8. A type of small strong vehicle used by the army. It’s a J...

Номер слайду 21

answers1. Jam2. January3. Japan4. Job5. June6. July7. Jar8. Jeep

Номер слайду 22

Now let us play with the letter K1. A large Australian jumping animal is a K…2. A dog’s house is a K…3. We unlock doors with a K…4. Boys like to fly a K…5. Good people are always K…6. Food is prepared in the K…7. A young cat is called a K…8. Before entering doors one should K…

Номер слайду 23

answers1. Kangaroo2. Kennel3. Key4. Kite5. Kind6. Kitchen7. Kitten8. Knock

Номер слайду 24

Look, Learn and Laugh with the letter L1. A young sheep is a L…2. Human speech is called L…3. Anything big in size is L…4. When hearing something amusing we L…5. Trees have L…6. We like to drink tea with L…7. Everybody likes to receive L…8. Two soft red edges of the mouth. They’re L...

Номер слайду 25

answers1. Lamb2. Language3. Large4. Laugh5. Leaves6. Lemon7. Letters8. Lips

Номер слайду 26

Let us greet the letter M1. Our nearest relative is M…2. The year’s third month is M…3. The nicest spring month is M…4. To cure doctors prescribe M…5. Good music has a sweet M…6. The nearest planet to the sun is M…7. Cows give us M… 8. You use it to reheat food. It’s a M...

Номер слайду 27

Answers1. Mother2. March3. May4. Medicine5. Melody6. Mercury7. Milk8. Microwave

Номер слайду 28

Now we introduce the letter N1. Everybody has a N…2. One who dwells near another is a N…3. A birds’ dwelling is a N…4. We catch fish in a N…5. The opposite of day is N…6. The number between eight and ten is N…7. Part of the face used to breath with is a N…8. Information or reports about recent events. It’s N...

Номер слайду 29

answers1. Name2. Neighbour3. Nest4. Net5. Night6. Nine7. Nose8. News

Номер слайду 30

We often go with the letter O1. The Atlantic is an O…2. The first number is O…3. The vegetable that makes us cry is an O…4. To enter the room the door must be O…5. A famous English university is called O…6. People work in the O…7. A big tall tree is an O…8. Breakfast can’t be without an O…

Номер слайду 31

answers1. Ocean2. One3. Onion4. Open5. Oxford6. Office7. Oak8. Orange

Номер слайду 32

Here for me is the letter P1. Artists draw pictures with P…2. Two things are a P…3. We write on P…4. Father and mother are our P…5. The capital of France is P…6. Actors P…7 Young swine are called P…8. An airplane driver is called a P…

Номер слайду 33

answers1. Paints2. Pair3. Paper4. Parents5. Paris6. Play7. Pigs8. Pilot

Номер слайду 34

Quickly and Quietly begin with the letter Q1. Ducks Q…2. Things should be of good Q…3. The fourth part is a Q…4. Curious children ask Q…5. Sometimes the earth Q… 6. The synonym of fast is Q...7. The princess’ parents are king and Q...8. The synonym of calm is Q...

Номер слайду 35

answers1. Quack2. Quality3. Quarter4. Questions5. Quakes6. Quick7. Queen8. Quiet

Номер слайду 36

Here we are with the letter R1. The domestic hare is the R…2. Water drops, from the clouds is R…3. People hate and cats kill R…4. Not to forget is to R…5. After work one should R…6. Lions R…7. Children erase with a R…8. In every country there are a lot of R…

Номер слайду 37

answers1. Rabbit2. Rain3. Rats4. Remember5. Rest6. Roar7. Rubber8. Rivers

Номер слайду 38

Now guess the letter S 1. When travelling by water we S…2. Food taste bad without S…3. Children are educated at S…4. Water is salty in the S…5. On a chair we S…6. At night we S…7. In the sky at night we can see S…8. In winter on ice and snow we can S… S…

Номер слайду 39

answers1. Swim2. Salt3. School4. Sea5. Sit6. Sleep7. Stars8. Skate, Ski

Номер слайду 40

Here you see the letter T1. Giraffes are very T…2. Campers sleep in T…3. Ten hundred is a T…4. The day after today is T…5. 1000 kilograms is a T…6. Children at the age of 13-19 are T…7. A group of people is a T…8. English people like to drink some good T…

Номер слайду 41

answers1. Tall2. Tents3. Thousand4. Tomorrow5. Ton6. Teenagers7. Team8. Tea

Номер слайду 42

Now here for you is the letter U1. We protect ourselves from rain and sun with U…2. My father’s brother is my U…3. I intend to study at the U…4. A dirty person is U…5. A free man or a woman is U…6. Every person is U…7. He isn’t handsome, he is U...8. London has got a big U...

Номер слайду 43

answers1. Umrellas2. Uncle3. University4. Untidy5. Unmarried6. Unique7. Ugly8. Understand

Номер слайду 44

Here you see the letter V1. An unoccupied place is V…2. Cut flowers are kept in a V…3. In kitchen gardens we grow V…4. Singers have good V…5. A common sport game is V…6. Domestic electric force is 220 V…7. In summer we have V…8. A wooden musical instrument with four strings that is held against the neck. It’s a V...

Номер слайду 45

answers1. Vacant2. Vase3. Vegetables4. Voices5. Volleyball6. Volts7. Vacation8. Violin

Номер слайду 46

W should not trouble you1. We swim in W…2. When the sea is rough there are high W…3. Seven days make up a W…4. When the sun shines it is fine W…5. The opposite of east is W…6. After rain all is W…7. Bicycles have two W…8. Comfortably high temperature but not hot. It’s W...

Номер слайду 47

answers1. Water2. Waves3. Week4. Weather5. West6. Well7. Wheels8. Warm

Номер слайду 48

Few words begin with X1. The 24 th letter of the English alphabet is the letter…2. The first unknown in algebra is…3. A well known film is called “Mr. …4. Doctors can see our lungs with the help of X...5. People use it in their job. It’s X...

Номер слайду 49

answers1. X2. X3. X4. X-rays5. Xerox

Номер слайду 50

N0w stand by the letter Y1. Americans are called Y…2. We have a garden in our Y…3. One of the world’s largest cities is New Y…4. Twelve months is a Y…5. How good it is to be Y…6. The opposite of NO is Y…7. Before today was Y…8. People are fond of sailing on the Y…

Номер слайду 51

answers1. Yankees2. Yard3. York4. Year5. Young6. Yes7. Yesterday8. Yacht

Номер слайду 52

We finish the alphabet with the letter Z1. The last letter of our alphabet is Z…2. In the zoo we saw a Z…3. The freezing point is Z…4. Animals are displayed in the Z…5. Polish money is called Z…6. Science about animals is called Z…7. Children like it. It’s very sweet. It’s Z...8. People use in their job Z...

Номер слайду 53

answers1. Zed2. Zebra3. Zero4. Zoo5. Zloty6. Zoology7. Zephyr8. Zoom

Номер слайду 54

thank you fortaking the quiz!

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