Cамостійна робота " Family and Friends "

Про матеріал
Матеріал призначено для перевірки лексичного запасу, рівня сформованості вмінь правильного вживання ступенів порівняння прикметників та побудови власного висловлювання з теми " Family and Friends "
Перегляд файлу

Form 6



  1. Match


My mum knows a lot                        She is bossy.

about stars.


Her friends always laugh                  She is greedy.

at  her jokes.


My sister never helps                        She is intelligent.

my parents.


Ann never gives me any                    She has a good sense

apples.                                                   of  humour.


Mrs Blake always tells us                             She is lazy.                   

what to do.


  1. Choose, write and translate into Ukrainian.
  1. Her children are (curious, the most curious) children in the class.
  2. My friend is (more sociable, the most sociable) than my sister.
  3. My mum is (more patient, the most patient) person in my family.
  4. My uncle is (gloomy, gloomier) than my aunt.
  5. I get on (better, the best) with my mum than with my dad.


  1. Make up a story about your family using the questions.
  1. Is your family large or small?
  2. Who does your family consist of?
  3. Are your parents of the same age? How old are they?
  4. What do you like doing together?
  5. Do you miss them when you are at school?




До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
2 вересня 2022
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