Customs and Traditions of Great Britain

Про матеріал
Ознайомлення учнів з англійськими звичаями і традиціями. Розширення кругозору учнів; розвиток пізнавального інтересу. Прищеплення інтересу до вивчення англійської мови, культури та традицій іншого народу.
Перегляд файлу

Сценарій позакласного заходу для учнів 5-х класів

Customs and Traditions of Great Britain

Suggested level – A1 – elementary

Nadezhda Bondarenko

A teacher of English

English specialized secondary school №27



 познайомити учнів з англійськими звичаями і традиціями;

 розширювати кругозір учнів; розвивати пізнавальний інтерес;

 прищеплювати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови, культури та традицій іншого народу.

Хід заходу

Teacher: Dear children! We are glad to see you at our meeting. You know, there is a proverb “Every country has its customs”. Great Britain is not an exception. English people are proud of their customs and traditions and try to keep them up. Today we are going to present you a little performance on the topic “English customs and traditions”.

A boy in a costume of a calendar appears on the stage (звучить пісня “The Months”, “English Together 2”, Pupils’ Book, page 30).

Pupil:  Hello, boys and girls! I am an English calendar. I have many holidays. English people like to celebrate them very much. Today I want to tell you about some of them.

  1. Christmas

A boy appears on stage in a costume of Santa Claus with a red bag on his back (звучить пісня “Jingle Bells”).

Pupil: Merry Christmas to you! Merry Christmas to you! I am Santa Claus. I have arrived from the North in a sleigh pulled by the reindeer.

You know, it is the most colourful and bright holiday of the year. The cities, towns and the villages are decorated with coloured lights and Christmas trees. I bring my presents to all obedient children and place them under the trees. Some children hang up stockings, so I can fill them with candies, fruit and other small gifts.

Розкладає подарунки у підвішені біля ялинки панчохи.

  1. First Footer

A handsome boy in a black hat and smart black suit carries a black box.

Pupil:  Hello, children! I am the First Footer. I bring a piece of coal, a piece of bread and some money to the people’s houses. I come to Scottish people’s houses on 1st January. I am a symbol of plenty for the coming year.

  1. Halloween

The pupils in masks, dressed as witches and ghosts are on the stage. They carry pumpkins cut as faces in their hands. They perform a dance of witches and make different movements.

Звучить пісня “Winnie the witch’s song”, “English Together 1, Pupils’ Book”, page 62:

Take three snake’s teeth and

Four frog’s legs,

A tortoise’s tail and

Eight ant’s eggs,

Say abracadabra jim, jam, jell and

Now you’ve got a magic spell

Pupil:  It is Halloween. This festival takes place on 31st October. It means Holly Evening and is associated with the supernatural. It began more than 2000 years ago among the Celtic people of Britain and France. It is the night for ghosts, witches, and other horrible things. On this day children wear special witch or vampire costumes and go from house to house tricking or treating for candies, like this:

Trick or treat Trick or treat

Give us something good to eat.

Give us candy, give us cake.

Give us something good to take.

Група учнів у масках демонструють цю традицію.

The pumpkin, the black and yellow cats and witches in the windows are the symbols of Halloween.

Teacher: There are special games for children on this holiday. Do you want to play them? Okay, let’s start!

Гра 1 “Bobbing for apples”

У зал вноситься дві миски з водою, у яких плавають невеликі за розміром яблука. По одному учаснику з кожної команди підбігають до миски і намагаються спіймати яблука ротом (руками не можна). Перемагає та команда, учасники якої впоралися із завданням швидше і «спій-мали» більше яблук.

Гра 2 “Ghostly Groans”

Кількість учасників необмежена. Один учасник гри – “a ghost hunter” (мисливець за привидом) із зав’язаними очима намагається спіймати одного з «привидів», який вільно пересувається по кімнаті. Якщо йому це вдається, «привид» каже: «Облиш мене!» або кричить: “A ghost hunter!”. Якщо мисливцю вдається по голосу впізнати «привид», вони міняються ролями.

Гра 3 “Musical Chairs”

У грі беруть участь до десяти учнів. На сцені розставлено дев’ять стільців. Доки грає музика, діти бігають, танцюють. Музика стихає - і кожен учень повинен сісти на стілець. Той, кому не вистачило стільця, вибуває з гри. Один стілець забирається, і знову лунає музика. Із двох ви-грає той, хто першим устиг сісти на стілець.



Гра 4 “Pin-the-tail-on-the-Donkey”

Учасники двох команд (по три-чотири учні в команді) по черзі (із зав’язаними очима) прикріплюють «ослику» хвостик. Виграє та команда, яка зробить це точніше.

Teacher:  There is one more thing that children like to do at home on Halloween. They like to tell one another poems that will send shivers down their spine.

П’ятеро учнів розказують по одному рядку вірша і демонструють те, про що йдеться. Вірш “In the dark, dark wood”, “English Together 2”. Action Book, page 24

Pupil 1: In a town, there was an old, old castle.

Pupil 2: In a castle, there was a big, big room.

Pupil 3: In the room, there was a tall, tall cupboard.

Pupil 4: In the cupboard, there was a small, small box.

Pupil 5: In the box, there was a tiny, tiny... ghost!

  1. Jack

A boy, with grey beard in a black hat and black raincoat with a pumpkin cut as face, appears on a stage. Hello, dear boys and girls!

Pupil:  Don’t be afraid of me. My name is Jack. I lived many years ago. I was not a good man during my life. God punished me; God didn’t allow me into heaven because I was very stingy. So, my soul has to wander around the earth with a lantern. So, children, be good and kind, now and when you grow up.

  1. St. Valentine’s Day

There is a large box on the table in a form of a heart with “valentines” in it. Accompanied with a song of Elvis Presley “Love me, tender” a girl appears on the stage. She gets Valentine cards out the box.

Учні читають вірші:

Pupil 1: Good morning to you, Valentine,

 Give your lucks as I do mine.

One before and two behind.

Good morning to you, Valentine.

* * *

Pupil 2: I'll be your sweetheart, if you will be mine

All my life, I'll be your Valentine

* * *

Pupil 3: Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

Sugar is sweet,

And so are you.

* * *

Pupil 4: Your hair is so fair.

Your eyes are so blue.

That’s why I can't stop loving you.

Pupil:  It is the 14th of February – St. Valentine’s Day. It is the festival of affection and love. People send greeting cards called “valentines” to their sweethearts, friends and members of their families.

This holiday comes from an ancient Roman festival called “Lupercalia” which took place every February 14th. This festival honoured Juno, the Roman goddess of women and marriage, and Pan - the God of nature.

Учні виконують пісню «Let me call you sweetheart»:

Let me call you "Sweetheart," I'm in love with you.

Let me hear you whisper that you love me too.

Keep the love-light glowing in your eyes so true.

Let me call you "Sweetheart," I'm in love with you.

  1.         Easter

A girl with a basket full of a chocolate hare, eggs, sweets and spring flowers appears on the stage.

Pupil:  It is on Sunday in March or April. It is a religious holiday. In Britain it’s time for giving and receiving presents such as decorated eggs, sweet cross buns, chocolate baby rabbits and spring flowers. It is the most important holiday for all Christians. They believe that on this day Jesus rose from the dead after he was crucified. They believe that they will also have life after death in heaven.

Pupil:  Many people go to special church services on Easter Sunday. Families often wear new clothes on this holiday and walk in Easter parades after church to show them off. Many children get baskets of sweets and toys from the Easter Bunny and take part in egg hunts and egg rolls.

Teacher:  Eggs play an important part in Easter sports. There are some traditional Easter egg games: “Easter Egg Hunt”, “Egg Bowling”. Now, let’s play one of them.

Гра “Egg Bowling”

Egg Bowling Use coloured hard-boiled eggs and one white hard-boiled egg. Roll the white one into the centre of a room and take turns to see who can roll their coloured egg closest to the white egg.

  1.     Mothering Sunday

Pupil: They celebrate it on the second Sunday in March. On this day, a mother is rewarded for all her work about the house and family during the rest of the year. Her husband and children usually buy her cards, small gifts and traditionally bring her breakfast in bed.

Pupil:  Earlier it was usual for servants to be given a holiday on Mothering Sunday, so that they might visit their mothers and take them a cake, and perhaps some violets gathered in the forest. Flowers and cakes are still the traditional mothering gifts.

 A boy recites a poem devoted to mother.

Pupil: I like the way you look.

I like the way you cook,

Now what I really want to say is “Happy Mother’s Day!”

  1. April Fools’ Day

Pupils with funny faces appears on the stage singing a song “A huge, hungry hippo” (“English Together 2”, Pupils’ Book, page 71):

Pupils: A huge, hungry hippo is walking down the road,

Left, right, left, right,

He’s walking down the road

Pupil:  Normally called “April Fools’ Day” this day falls on the 1st of April. It is by tradition the day on which practical jokes are played. It is a very old custom. One of the most popular tricks is sending someone to find something that doesn’t exist. Many other people celebrate the holiday by making it a “backwards” day. They wear their clothes inside out and backwards, walk backwards, eat breakfast for dinner, and wear their socks over their shoes.

Pupil:  At school pupils try to pin notices on one another’s back with the words like “Kick me!” or “I’m a fool!” Those who fall into a trap are greeted with laughter and shouts, “April Fool! April Fool! Send your mother back to school!”

Учні демонструють пропоновану ситуацію.


Teacher: Dear children and guests, I hope you had a good time during our party. But everything must come to its end and our party, too.



Список використаних джерел

  1. Diana Webster and Anne Worrall, English Together 1, Longman
  2. Diana Webster and Anne Worrall, English Together 2, Longman
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Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 5 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
4 січня 2021
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