Diagnostic Work 5 Form Prepare

Про матеріал
Діагностична робота для учнів 5 класу НУШ за підручником PREPARE. Завдання містять питання на знання вивченої лексики, часу за годинником, прийменників, неозначених займенників та артиклів
Перегляд файлу

Thursday, the third of November

Diagnostic work

  1. Write the names next to the pictures.             2. Write the times.


                                                                               06.10: It’s six ten.     

                                                                               22.00: It’s ten o’clock.

                                                                           1 07.00__________________________________________

                                                                                    2 13.10__________________________________________

                                                                            3  03.20__________________________________________

                                                                                     4  06.30__________________________________________

                                                                          5  14.50__________________________________________

 6 17.00 ______________________________________________             






3. Choose the correct option (a or b) to complete the sentences.

Example: Have you got ___ vegetables at home?

     a no b any

  1.    We’ve got ____ food for the party.

a lots of b a

  1.    There’s_____ apple under my desk.

a any b an

  1.    I haven’t got______ bread to make a sandwich.

a any b some

  1.    We need______ butter to make a cake.

a  any              b some

  1.    There are______vegetables  in my garden.

a lots of b any

  1.    We haven’t got _____ milk in the fridge.

a some b any

4. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. PREPOSITIONS: at, on, from, until

Example:  Let’s meet in /on Saturday.

  1.   We have a science test on / at school tomorrow.
  2.   The test is on/at one o’clock.
  3. The test is from / until one o’clock from / until two o’clock.
  4. Can you come and help me study at/on my house tonight?
  5.    See you later on / at seven o’clock.


5. Write one preposition (at, on, from, until) in each gap to complete the short answers.

Example: Where is your bag? At   school.

  1.   When’s David’s birthday?  ______ 17th March.
  2.   Where do you meet your friends?  _____ the cafe.
  3.   What time does the film start?  ______half past eight.
  4.    Where do you play video games?  ______ home.
  5.    When are you going shopping?  _______Saturday.
  6.    What time is the party? From 5 pm________10 pm.
  7.    When can we hand in the homework?  _______Friday. That’s the last day.
4 грудня 2022
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