TOPIC/THEME: Environment. Pollution

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TOPIC/THEME: Environment. Pollution LESSON FOCUS: Reading, Speaking AIMS: Main: By the end of the lesson students will have developed reading skills (understand general information and details), will be able to use got knowledge in own speech. Subsidiary: The students will recall vocabulary, which they have already learnt, the also will learn some new items and start using them in practice. Personal: to give clearer instructions, not to forget about concept checking questions, adjust my language to the level of the class. SOURCES OF MATERIALS: Family&Friends Classbook, self-designed materials.
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TOPIC/THEME: Environment. Pollution

LESSON FOCUS: Reading, Speaking



Main: By the end of the lesson students will have developed reading skills (understand general information and details), will be able to use got knowledge in own speech.

Subsidiary:  The students will recall vocabulary, which they have already learnt, the also will learn some new items and start using them in practice.

Personal: to give clearer instructions, not to forget about concept checking questions, adjust my language to the level of the class.


SOURCES OF MATERIALS: Family&Friends Classbook, self-designed materials.














Lead in

Do you love nature? What do we call nature? Can you name some natural things around us? Do you like all seasons of the year? Which is your favourite one?

To set the context of the topic

3 min


Vocabulary activation

Look at the blackboard. There are words we met on our last lesson. And there are missing letters in words. You have to listen carefully to the explanation of each word, to name the word and to fill in the missing letters.

The words are:


  1. verb to make a place clean and without litter and pollution – clean up
  2. verb to hurt something or to do something bad to it – damage
  3. noun the world around us – environment
  4. noun paper or other rubbish on the ground – litter
  5. noun a very large round rock in space that goes around the sun, for eg Mars or Earth – planet
  6. noun something that makes our rivers, air and land dirty – pollution
  7. noun a very big place for people to leave the rubbish – rubbish dump
  8. noun animals and birds living in a place – wildlife
  9. noun a place where we can put our little rubbish in the park or in the yard – rubbish bin
  10. noun when things are not on their places but everywhere – mess


To clarify the meaning of the words related to the topic and reading task

4 min


Reading for gist

Now we are going to read the text about the local wildlife park. Be attentive and answer the question “Why do children go to the park?”

To check the main understanding of the text

4 min





Answering the question

So why do children go to the park? Find the proof in the text and read it.

To check the main understanding of the text

1 min


Reading for detail

Look through the text again and be ready to answer the additional questions.


To develop student’ skills to find the details in the text.

2 min



Answering the questions

Who is making a TV programme about the wildlife park today? (a TV crew)

Who used to go to this wildlife park when he was little? (Ed)

Who thinks that the wildlife park is pretty? (Libby)

Who saw the litter in the park? (Fin)

Who said that the park isn’t a rubbish dump? (Kate)

Who saw upset people in the park?(Ed)

Who said that someone dumped a lot of litter in the park? (A woman)

Who was checking a park in the morning? (A man and a woman)

Who thinks that the birds are in danger? (A woman)


To develop student’ skills to find the details in the text.

3 min


Activation phrases/ sentences from the text in own speech

Acting the text in roles

Development of the speaking skills

Now we will play a little game. Imagine you are the heroes of this story. Student 1 is for Fin, Student 2 is for Kate, Student 3 is for Ed, Student 4 is for Libby, Student 5 is for a woman, Student 6 is for a man. Try to act according to the text.

To develops students’ skills in acting and using information by their own.

3 min


Physical pause/ relaxation

Now we are going to have a little break and to relax our bodies with the help of our poem “Yours and Mine”

(Children stand up, retell the poem and make moves according to its sentences)

«Yours and Mine» by Karen Steven

The sun, the trees, the grass, the sky,
The silver moon thats sailing by,
The rain and dew and snowflakes white,
The flowers sweet and stars of night!

The songs of birds, wind whispering,
The autumn leaves, the buds of spring –
Such lovely things to hear and see
Belong to you, belong to me!


To relieve stress during the lesson and make children move

1 min


Development of speaking skills

Now you are ready to continue. On the previous lesson we talked about should/ shouldn’t things.

How do we translate SHOULD?

What is SHOULDN’T?

Each of you has a sentence. You have to read it loudly and add should or shouldn’t for this action. And to put it into the correct place on the blackboard.


  1. Love our planet. (should)
  2. Burn the forest. (shouldn’t)
  3. Plant new trees and flowers.
  4. Throw rubbish into the river.
  5. Put the rubbish into the bin.
  6. Clean the parks and yards.
  7. Cut trees and flowers.
  8. Feed birds.
  9. Damage environment.
  10. Make rubbish dumps in the parks.
  11. Protect our nature.


To deepen the knowledge of students about rules of the correct attitude to nature.

3 min


Eco project

And now we will finish our eco project about the trees. At home you have made the leaves with the words about saving trees. Let’s read them one by one and put your leaves with the words on the top of our tree.

To check the students’ project work about trees’ protection.

3 min


Feedback on the context, summing up the lesson

Today we have deepened our knowledge about environment and have made the rules which we should keep to save our planet. You all were great and our eco project is finished today.

To sum up the lesson

1 min



Kryvoshapka Inna Anatoliyivna
6 грудня 2022
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