Діагностична робота №2 НУШ 5 клас

Про матеріал
Використані матеріали підручника Дж.Коста, М. Вільямс "Prepare" за темами "My Home" та "My Things".
Перегляд файлу

5 Form V-I

  1. Have got or has got?
  1.     Klara ………… a red pen.
  2.     Edvin and Dan ……….. big balls.
  3.     My mother ……….. a beautiful face.
  4.     They ………. new books.
  1. Write the nationalities:
  1.     England - ……
  2.     China - …..
  3.     Ukraine - ……
  4.     Canada - …….
  1. Complete the questions with is or are:
  1.     _____ you hungry?
  2.     _____ your friend funny?
  3.     _____ it Monday?
  4.     _____ your parents Scottish?
  1. Answer the questions:
  1.     How old are you? -
  2.     What is your friend’s name? -
  3.     Where are you from? -
  4.     Have you got a pencil-case? -



  1.         Form V-II
  1. Have got or has got?
  1.     Anna ………… blue scarf.
  2.     Ella and Emmy ………… red hats.
  3.     My parents ……….. a big house.
  4.     Sarah ……….. a new guitar.
  1. Write the nationalities:
  1.     Italy - ……
  2.     America - …..
  3.     Poland - ……
  4.     Spain - …….
  1. Complete the questions with is or are:
  1.     _____ you happy?
  2.     _____ your friend sad?
  3.     _____ it Tuesday?
  4.     _____ your brother tired?
  1. Answer the questions:
  1. How old are you? -
  2. What is your mother’s name? -
  3. Where are you from? -
  4. Have you got a new bag? -


Ishchenko Gala
До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
1 грудня 2023
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