Діагностувальна робота з теми "HAVE YOU BEEN TO THE CAPITAL? ""

Про матеріал
Повторення та перевірка засвоєння лексичного і граматичного матеріалу (Present Perfect Tense , Past Passive ) з теми "HAVE YOU BEEN TO THE CAPITAL? ""
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                              "HAVE YOU BEEN  TO THE CAPITAL? "

I. Translate  into  Ukrainian:

 1) elections                                           

 2) landmarks

 3) amphitheatre                       

 4) law       

 5) skyscraper                                    

 6) to  collapse 

 7) royal                          

 8) to  destroy

 9) the   Thames

10)  a capital

11)  a parliament

12)  to crown 


II. Complete  the  sentences  using the words:  Millennium    Square     Egypt    MPs     buried        Edinburgh 

1) Cairo is the capital of........................................................................................

2) .................................................................................is the capital of  Scotland.

3) The.................................................. Bridge is a bridge over the River Thames.

4) Members of Parliament are also called.............................................................

5) We are going towards Independence ...............................................................

6) Many of Great Britain’s famous people are...................................in the abbey.


III. Put  the  verbs  in  brackets  into  the  passive 

1) The London Eye  (not make) … in Great Britain at all.

2) The parts (carry) … to Great Britain by ship.

3) The London Eye  (open) … to the public on 1st February, 2000.

4) The Millennium Bridge (open) … in 2000 by the Queen.

5) Now it  (use) by thousands of people every day.

6) The Members of Parliament  (elect)  four years ago.


IV. Put   the  sentences   into  the   Present Perfect.

1)  Nick .............  (be)    on a sightseeing tour.

2) John .............. (be) to London.

3) What.............. you  (see) there ?

4) They ..............(take)  many photos  in London.

5) Linda.............. (make) new friends  in Kyiv.

6) .................. you  (buy) some souvenirs there?



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