Дидактичні матеріали для проведення зрізової контрольної роботи з англійської мови

Про матеріал
Завдання до контрольного заміру знань призначені для перевірки знань з дисципліни іноземна мова за курс загальноосвітньої середньої школи за програмою Рівень стандарт. Вони містять 27 варіантів, кожний з яких складається із 43 тестових завдань з обранням однієї правильної відповіді та 2 тестових завдань на відповідність. До кожного завдання 1-43 наведено чотири можливі варіанти відповіді, з яких тільки одна є правильною. Завдання з вибором однієї відповіді вважається виконаним правильно, якщо указано тільки одну літеру, якою позначена правильна відповідь. При цьому студент не повинен наводити будь-яких міркувань, що пояснюють його вибір. До завдання № 44, 45 подано інформацію, позначену цифрами (ліворуч) і буквами (праворуч). Щоб виконати завдання, необхідно встановити відповідність інформації, позначеної цифрами та буквами (утворити «логічні пари»). Завдання вважається виконаним, якщо студент правильно зробив позначки на перетинах рядків (цифри від 1 до 4) і колонок (букви від А до Д). Зміст усіх завдань відповідає чинній програмі для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Директорська контрольна робота проводиться упродовж 45 хвилин. Перелік тем до директорської контрольно ї роботи: Лексичні 1. Я, моя сім’я, друзі 2. Робота та професії 3. Шкільне життя 4. Національна кухня 5. Наука і технічний прогрес 6. Природа та погода 7. Живопис 8. Дозвілля та спорт 9. Мистецтво 10. Природа і довкілля Граматичні 1. used to 2. Present Tenses 3. Past Tenses 4. Future Tenses 5. Conditionals 6. Phrasal verbs 7. Passive voice
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Mark the correct variant

1.The company needed to hire many more _______ .

    A. customers              B. experience               C. employees           D. professions


2. She never says «Hello». She is really_______.

   A. polite                    B. cheerful                    C. generous              D. rude


3. Education helps us to acquire knowledge and learn new_______.

   A. skills                     B. powers                     C. abilities                D. progress


4. If you cook something in oil, you_______ it.

   A. boil                        B. steam                       C. fry                        D. grill


5. The «brain» of a computer is the_______.

   A. mouse                   B. processer                 C. cursor                   D. desktop


6. The _______ had been dormant for years, but last month it showed signs of new life.

    A. volcano                B. frequency                C. deforestation        D. rubbish bin


7. My favourite painting is a picture which_______ a picnic scene.

    A. holds                    B. devotes                    C. depicts                  D. influences


8. Real Madrid _______  Juventus in the final a few years ago.

    A. promoted              B. beat                         C. played                   D. tackle


9. A postman hasn’t come yet.

   A. Present Simple       B. Past Simple            C. Future Simple       D. Present Perfect


10. Mum _______ dinner when we came back from school.

   A. had been cooking     B. is cooking            C. cooks                     D. was cooking


11. Garry ________ his training when he saw a famous coach.

    A. has just finished      B. had just finished     C. finished              D. would just finish


12. If I ________ you, I’d drink less coffee.

    A. wasn’t                     B. were                        C. would                 D. would be


13. When we were younger, my brother and I didn’t really _______ well, but now we have a good relationship.

     A. get on                     B. get away                 C. get off                 D. get to


14. I have always tried to keep _______ touch with my friends from school.

     A. in                            B. with                        C. on                        D.


15. They would log _______ their account and take a look at prices and decode what they’d like to do.

     A. into                         B. onto                        C. to                         D. in


16. I _______ writing my first novel at last. It should be published in a month.

     A. finished                 B. have finished         C. have been finishing       D. finish


17. By 11 p.m., Ann had already fallen asleep.

   A. Past Perfect    B. Present Perfect Continuous      C. Present Continuous     D. Present Perfect


18. Our plants_______ if we _______ them.

   A. will die; don’t water     B. die; will not water   C. dies; won’t water     D. will die; doesn’t water


19. A _______ teacher is a teacher who is in charge of a school.

     A. head                    B. graduate                  C. grammar                      D. staff



20. We _______ by a loud noise during the night.

    A. woke up                  B.  are woken up       C.  were woken up       D. were waking up


21. There’s somebody walking behind us. I think_______.

    A. we are following    B. we are being following    C. we are followed    D. we are being followed

22. Don’t drink the milk. I’m afraid it’s_______.

     A. Gone by             B. Gone with                  C. Gone off           D. Gone out



23. The rain seems ______. Call the children. I don’t want them ______.

A. to be, to be got wet through                         C. to have started, to have got wet through

B. to be starting, to get wet through                  D. to have been started, to be getting wet through

24. I do not want to be disturbed, so do not call me _______ it is something very important. 

    A. when                   B. if                               C. unless                 D. although

25. When I arrived, Tom (lie) on the sofa and (speak) over the phone.

    A. lied, spoke   B. was liing, speaking    C. was liing, was speaking      D. was lying, was speaking

26. I can not believe that the burglars _______ the house in the broad daylight.

      A. Broke down            B. Broke in             C. Broke up                    D. Broke off


27. During my first few weeks at _______ I missed my parents a lot.

     A. class                  B.  boarding school          C. curriculum              D. graduate


28. 1. Envious.

    A. чесний         B. заздрісний                          C. працьовитий            D. сумний


29. Youth and the youth_______ have become an important factor in the public and political life of our state.

      A. moving              B. movement                 C. mowing                  D. movie


30. Scientists have come up with a new theory on why wooly mammoths became_______ 21000 years ago.

      A. distinct              B. extinct                       C. instinct                   D. instinctive


31. Global warming _______ to be caused by the greenhouse effect.

      A. is believed         B. was believed              C. is believing            D. was believing                  


Mark the correct translation


32. True friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.

A. Вірних друзів важко знайти, складно покинути і неможливо забути.

B. Справжніх друзів важливо знайти, складно покинути і неможливо забути.

C. Справжніх друзів важко знайти, складно покинути і неможливо забути.

D. Справжніх друзів важко знайти, складно виїхати і неможливо забути.


33. Знання та вміння використовувати комп’ютерні програми є неодмінним у твоїй роботі

A. Knowing and being able to use computer program is essential for your occupation.

B. Knowing and being able to use computer programs is unnecessary for your occupation.

C. Significant and being able to use computer program is essential for your occupation.

D. Knowing and being able to use computer programs is essential for your occupation.


34. Відвідувати

      A. repeat                 B.  attend              C. behave                   D. include


35. Score

      A. ряд                     B. перемога          C. знак                      D. рахунок




Mark the mistake

36. If she (A) had more (B) money, she (C) would buy a new (D) dresses.


37. Your mother (A) wants you to (B) turn the TV (C) of and come (D) for dinner.


38. I (A) wouldn’t (B) bought that computer (C) if I (D) didn’t need it.


39. When I (A) arrived at the theatre, Kathy (B) had already picked up the tickets and she (C) waited for us near (D) the entrance.


40. Sam (A) are usually (B) given interesting (C) books (D) by Edith.


41. The bridge (A) joined (B) the two parts (C) of the city (D) is very beautiful.


42. Mark the incorrect sentence

    A. I use to live in the country, but now I don’t.

    B. Where did she use to live, before she lived in London?

    C. She didn’t use to do any exercise, but now she goes running every day.

    D. She didn’t use to speak any Italian, but now she’s almost fluent.


43. Mark the second type of conditional sentences.

A. I’d lend you money if I had any.

B. Alan won’t win the lottery if he doesn’t buy a ticket.

C. If you eat too much chocolate you’ll become fat.

D. We won’t go to the restaurant if you’re not hungry.


44. Match the words to make up a word combinations

       1. stay               A. championship

       2. tennis            B. fit

       3. score             C. a goal

       4. world            D. court


45. Match two parts of the sentence

1. I used to eat a lot of chocolate but                                          A. now she plays the violin.            

2. Miranda used to work in London but                                     B. now I eat a lot.                             

3. She used to play the piano but                                                C. now she works in Sheffield.

4. When I was younger, I didn’t use to eat cheese but               D. now I’m on diet.

























Mark the correct variant

1. Honest.

    A. заздрісний                B. чесний                      C. працьовитий            D. сумний


2. Teenagers are often very _______ about their appearance.

   A. manipulative        B. sensitive                  C. reliable                  D. honest


3. He was looking forward to a long and successful _______ when he graduated.

   A. skills                    B. career                      C. staff                       D. applicant


4. For _______ we can all have ice cream. Yummy!

   A. a starter                B. desert                       C. dessert                  D. a finisher


5. To open a file, just _______ on it with the mouse.

   A. press                     B. cluck                        C. hit                        D. click


6. Several _______ were heard during the night as the army occupied the city.

    A. pollutions            B. earthquakes              C. explosions           D. lad slides


7. The_______ of British kings and queens, politicians and other famous people can be seen at this gallery.

    A. landscapes            B. portraits                    C. images                D. representative


8. The injured player walked off the _______ supported by his coach.

    A. pitch                      B. competition             C. tournament          D. promotion


9. It has been raining recently.

   A. Present Simple       B. Present Perfect Continuous      C. Present Continuous     D. Present Perfect


10. Nick is regarded _______ the best player in the team.

   A. as                            B. at                             C. by                     D. to


11. Tim is still watching television. He  ________ television all day.

    A. has watched      B. is watching                   C. has been watching              D. had been watching             


12. If I ________ you, I’d do this exercise.

    A. wasn’t                     B. were                        C. would                 D. would be


13. We________ for the train for a long time when it finally arrived.

     A. had waited             B. had been waiting          C. waited           D. are waiting


14. The teacher decided to ______ the exam until next week.

      A. put off                   B. leave out                C. give out               D. do off

15. The new computer system ... next month.

 A. is being installed by people       B. is be installed          C. is being installed       D. is been installed


16. He … his key and he has been trying to wake his flatshare by throwing stones at his window. 

     A. has lost                  B. has been loosing        C. was loosing            D. had lost


17. Alan won’t win the lottery _______ he doesn’t buy a ticket. 

A. if                         B. than           C. unless                    D. as


18. Garry _______ his training when he saw a famous coach.

     A. has just finished     B. had just finished     C. finished              D. would just finished           


19. If you ________ rich, what car?

A. are; would you have         B. were; would you have     C. will be; have you    D. would be; had you

20. Never in my life __________ so frightened.

    A. have I felt                  B.  I have felt                   C.  feel                      D. did I feel

21. _______ I was falling down I noticed that the other parachutist hadn’t jumped.

    A. Still                          B. As                              C. For                            D. Just

22. He went to bed ________ he had brushed his teeth.

     A. before                   B. while                   C. after                            D. yet


23. Jane ______ of going to Goa for years until she finally got there in 2010.

A. was dreaming              B. has been  dreaming       C. had been  dreaming       D. had dreamed


24. When I came home, her sister (lie) on the sofa.

    A. lied                           B. was liing              C. was liing                 D. was lying

25. If it ________ sunny, we could have gone out.

    A. were                          B. was                     C. is                              D. had been

26. I _______ to him if I were you

      A. don’t listen            B. didn’t listen        C. won’t listen                D. wouldn’t listen


27. To turn _______ the computer, press the «Start» button.

     A. off                            B.  on                      C. in                                D. up


28. _______ means looking at a variety of things casually, especially while browsing the Internet or television channels.

     A. downloading      B. charting                     C. surfing                     D. looking 


29. _______ are birds or animals which are in danger of extinction.

      A. endangered species         B. climate change             C. deforestation        D. introduced species


30. A______  is a type of work or activity which requires special training and knowledge.

      A. opportunity            B. skill                      C. knowledge              D. curriculum


31. Hurry up Lucas! You_______ only two questions and we have to write the answers to five.

      A. wrote                B. write                          C. have written            D. have been written                  


Mark the correct translation


32. Success at work depends on willing to keep learning and improving your skills.

A. Успіх на роботі залежить від бажання знань і покращення своїх умінь.

B. Успіх на роботі залежить від бажання продовжувати вчитися і покращувати свої вміння.

C. Успіх на роботі залежить від готовності вчитися і покращувати свої навички.

D. Успіх на роботі залежить від бажання покращення своїх вмінь та навичок та покращувати свої вміння.


33. Навіть якщо мешкаєш за багато миль від своїх друзів та сім’ї, немає причин втрачати з ними зв'язок.

A. Even if you’re living miles away from your friends and family, no reason for you to lose touch with them.

B. Even when you’re living miles apart from your friends and family, no reason for you to lose touch with them.

C. Even if you’re living miles away from your friends and family, there’s not reason for you to lose touch with them.

D. Even if you’re living miles away from your friends and family, there’s no reason for you to lose touch with them.


34. Папка

      A. folder                             B.  cursor              C. arrow                                D. icon


35. Curriculum

      A. навчальний план          B. умова              C. загальноосвітній              D. теперішній



Mark the mistake

36. It (A) has been raining all week. I (B) hope it (C) stops (D) to Saturday because I want to go to the beach.


37. It (A) is a good idea (B) for everyone (C) to learn how (D) speaking a foreign language.


38. She (A) wouldn’t (B) bought that oven (C) if she (D) didn’t need it.


39. When Tom (A) arrived at the cinema, Ann (B) had already picked up the tickets and she (C) waited for him near (D) the entrance.


40. Look (A) at the turkey in the oven – (B) there’s the smell of (C) burning meat (D) in the kitchen.


41. She (A) was standing (B) by the mirror, (B) brushed her (D) hair.


42. Mark the incorrect sentence

    A. When I was young, I used to swim every day.

    B. He used to dance every night, but now he studies.

    C. My sister used to like this town, but she hates it now.

    D. He used to have a motorbike.


43. Mark the first type of conditional sentences.

A. If they told their father, he’d be very angry.

B. Sam won’t win the lottery if he doesn’t buy a ticket.

C. If they had listened to me, we would have come home earlier.

D. If I were rich, I would travel all over the world.


44. Match the words to make up a word combinations

       1. crowds of             A. track

       2. to kick                  B. spectators

       3. athletics               C. a match

       4. to win                  D. the ball


45. Match two parts of the sentence

1. If I had an America visa,                                          A. you wouldn’t be so flabby.            

2. If you lent me some money,                                     B. I would give you back tomorrow.                             

3. If I were at the seaside,                                             C. I would go to New York this summer.

4. If you went by bicycle more often,                           D. I would lie in the sun.























Mark the correct variant

1. A _______ is a set of data and information about a particular subject which is available on the Internet.

    A. hardware              B. blog                         C. website                D. software


2. She’s a very _______ lad and he wants to play at the highest level.

   A. polite                    B. ambitious                 C. generous              D. rude


3. A _______ is a type of work or activity which requires special training and knowledge.

   A. skills                     B. opportunity              C. abilities                D. progress


4. When you cook this sauce, don’t forget to _______ it every 5 minutes.

   A. stir                        B. bake                         C. cook                     D. include


5. Warming of the atmosphere that occurs when certain gases absorb part of the solar radiation reflected by the Earth is called _______.

   A. volcano               B. acid rain                   C. acid gases              D. greenhouse effect


6. He used to _______ jogging every day when he was at university.

    A. play                    B. go                             C. do                          D. get


7. There is an _______ of Monet’s work at the Tate.

    A. expression          B. item                          C. exhibition              D. impression


8. Carl Lewis set many world records in his athletic _______.

    A. career                  B. game                        C. contest                   D. supporter


9. The play won’t start until 8:30.

   A. Present Simple       B. Past Simple            C. Future Simple       D. Present Perfect


10. I won’t come there _______ they ask me to.

   A. if                             B. even if                   C. unless                    D. when


11. I ________ to drive for six years already, but I don’t have my driving licence yet!

    A. have learned          B. had been learning        C. was learning             D. have been learning    


12. If I exercised more, I ________ much fitter.

    A. am                         B. will be                    C. would be                D. was


13. I am thinking of _______ away on holiday over Easter.

     A. to go                     B. going                     C. go                           D. went


14. If I went to Russia, I_______ the Hermitage museum.

     A. visit                      B. visited                       C. will visit               D. would visit


15. Ann would log _______ her account and take a look at prices and decode what she’d like to do.

     A. into                         B. onto                        C. to                         D. in


16. It took me two hours to key _______ that text.

     A. in                            B. on                           C. at                         D. about


17. I _______ that, if I were in your shoes. 

A. don’t do               B. didn’t do                 C. won’t do              D. wouldn’t do


18. They had been walking _______ hours before they stopped for a rest.

   A. since                        B. for                           C. by                        D. until


19. Ann _______ usually given interesting books by Edith.

     A. are                       B. is                               C. was                      D. were



20. I feel like _______ for a swim – do want to come?

    A. go                          B.  to go                       C.  going                    D. to going

21. Greenpeace is an independent organization which uses nonviolent, creative confrontation to expose global _______ problems.

    A. environmental          B. supporter              C. nuclear                 D. we are being followed

22. By the time we get there, the post office_______.

     A. was closed           B. will be closed            C. would be closed           D. has been closed



23. If a computer user fails to log ______, the system is accessible to all.

     A. off                         B. into                           C. through                   D. in

24. If she _______ better tomorrow, she will see a doctor. 

    A. feel                         B. feels                          C. doesn’t feel             D. won’t feel

25. When she came home, Jim (lie) on the sofa and (speak) over the phone.

    A. lied, spoke   B. was liing, speaking    C. was liing, was speaking      D. was lying, was speaking

26. The new computer system _______ next month.

A. is being installed by people        B. is be installed       C. is being installed        D. is being installed


27. English is the compulsory foreign language on the school _______.

     A. class                  B.  grade                          C. curriculum              D. graduate


28. I have been working hard, so now I’m going to have a rest.

   A. Present Simple       B. Present Perfect     C. Present Continuous     D. Present Perfect Continuous     


29. We could not send you a postcard because we _____ our address book.

      A. have forgotten          B. had forgotten            C. had forgotted               D. have forgotted                     


30. Your food _______.

 A. is still being prepared         B. has still been prepared       C. is being prepare       D. will prepare yet


31. My _______ of world history is limited.

      A. education         B. opportunity                C. vacancy                  D. knowledge                  


Mark the correct translation


32. Computers are our best helpers and a unique chance to overcome human being’s limitedness.

A. Комп’ютери – наші найкращі помічники та унікальний шанс перебороти безмежність людини.

B. Комп’ютери – наші найкращі помічники та унікальний шанс перебороти обмеженість людини.

C. Комп’ютери – наші найшвидші помічники та унікальний шанс перебороти безмежність людини.

D. Комп’ютери – наші найкращі помічники та унікальний шанс перебороти безпорадність людини.


33. Хоча Моне в більшості зображав сцени природи, він інколи включав у свої картини людські фігури.

A. Although Monet seldom painted nature scenes, he sometimes included human figures in his paintings.

B. Although Monet mostly painted nature scenes, he sometimes included individual figures in his paintings.

C. Although Monet mostly painted nature scenes, he sometimes included human figures in his paintings.

D. Although Monet mostly painted life scenes, he sometimes included individual figures in his paintings.


34. Прикріплення

      A. arrow                 B.  attachment              C. software                   D. add


35. Famine

      A. голод                B. лавина                    C. загроза                      D. катастрофа


Mark the mistake

36. (A) Did you (B) use to play football (C) when you (D) was young.


37. Did you (A) knew that more than thirty percent of students (B) have to leave university, not because they (C) can’t cope with their studies, but because they simply (D) can’t afford it.


38. (A) I’m sure I (B) was making some mistakes when typing. If you (C) find any mistakes, please (D) correct them.


39. If they (A) has (B) a car, they (C) will drive to (D) Italy.


40. I’ll (A) travel (B) to USA if I have (C) enough (D) money.


41. If I (A) known how to (B) cook, I (C) would make you a cake (D) for your birthday.


42. Mark the incorrect sentence

    A. My sister and I have been baking cakes since 12 o’clock.

    B. I was taking French lessons since autumn.

    C. Jane had been dreaming of going Paris for years until she finally got there in 2016.

    D. Dan is exhausted. He has been working too hard this week.


43. Mark the third type of conditional sentences.

A. I would lend you money if I had any.

B. Alan won’t win the lottery if he doesn’t buy a ticket.

C. If you eat too much chocolate you’ll become fat.

D. If I had known that Dorothy was in town, I would have called her.


44. Match the words to make up a word combinations

       1. reasonable               A. juice

       2. sour                         B. potatoes

       3. to peel                     C. prices

       4. apple                       D. cream


45. Match two parts of the sentence

1. He used to have a motorbike but                                    A. I used to get up early to commute to work.

2. When I lived in the city,                                                B. now I find him a bit boring.                             

3. I used to really enjoy his company but                          C. I often used to go to the theatre.

4. When I worked in the city,                                            D. now he drives a very boring family car.













24 січня 2019
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