Правила та методика складання і заповнення анкет. Резюме
Резюме. Анкети. Їх види
CV (Автобіографія).
Мета: сформувати уміння та навички монологічного та діалогічного ділового мовлення за даною темою, розвивати логічне мислення у веденні бесіди, вміння аналізувати та узагальнювати, мовлення в аспекті логічного викладу думок, вдосконалення навиків читання та письма ;
Студенти (учні) повинні:
знати: - тематичну лексику за темою «Resume. Application and its kinds. CV”.
кліше та вирази необхідні для заповнення анкет та написання резюме, автобіографії (CV) та супровідного листа.
вміти: складати діалоги за темою, заповнювати анкети та правильно оформляти резюме та CV, грамотно відповідати на запитання «роботодавця»
Забезпечення заняття:
Роздатковий матеріал: копії тематичної лексики, фрази та кліше за темою, приклади діалогів та розмовних фраз, картки із вправами та завданнями.
Наочність: опорні конспекти з теми; презентація “Job Interview”;
Технічні засоби навчання: мультимедійний проектор, ноутбук.
Питання для актуалізації опорних знань:
Have you received my covering letter and resume?
When is the deadline for application?
Do you need a letter of recommendation or any other references?
Is it necessary for applicants to have commercial experience?
The theme of the lesson Resume. Application and its kinds. CV.
Навчальна мета
Practical Aim: to learn how to apply for a job; to discuss the peculiarities of the job interview and resume; to talk about your favourite profession; to conduct dialogue between an employer and applicant; to learn how to write own resume and application form.
Освітня мета
Educational Aim
To develop student’s personal skills in learning and understanding; to activate speech habits of students; to develop learner’s habits of maintaining a dialogue; to practice student’s listening comprehension skills.
Виховна мета:
Cultural Aim: to develop positive attitude towards life, to develop creative thinking; to develop student’s independence and self-control in communicative situation;
New material presentation and practice:
Discuss the problem “Choosing a profession is not an easy task” (Students ask questions to each other, discussing the problem);
Answer the following questionnaire yourself and ask your friend to answer;
Say which profession is described in each of the following examples;
Pre-reading task (new vocabulary);
Match the words to their synonyms;
Read the text “Applying for a job”;
Post-reading tasks (answering the questions, filling the table);
Pre-listening task (while listening to the text “Resume” answer the questions);
Post-listening tasks (answer the questions, write a resume, work in groups. Students are divided into three groups. Each group is given the task, written on the card).
2.9. Пояснення дамашнього завдання:
Setting the home-task
Write a letter of application and resume;
Act out a dialogue “At the interview”
Application Letter
The application letter (sometimes called “a cover letter” because it is sent with a C.V. in the same envelope) is aimed at getting a job interview.
There are two types of application letters. A solicited application letter is sent to a definite, or announced, job opening. An unsolicited or “prospecting” letter is one sent to a company that has not announced an opening. The objectives of an application letter are:
- To get attention;
- To introduce qualifications;
- To present evidence;
- To encourage action
Remember, your application letter will represent you to the employer. If several applicants have the same qualifications, only those writing impressive letters will be interviewed.
Application letter – лист-заява; анкета;
Cover letter – супроводжувальний лист;
Solicited letter – закритий лист;
Unsolicited (prospecting) letter – відкритий лист;
To present evidence – презентувати докази
Task 1.
Read the passage, summarize the main points, use them as guidelines in your job search.
Advice for Job Seekers
(By Robert M. Hochheiser)
The only reason for sending your application letter is to motivate an employer to meet with you. And it means that you shouldn’t say anything in a letter that has even the slightest chance of keeping you off his already overcrowded interview schedule.
In the first paragraph of your letter, identify the job you are writing about. Mention how you found out about the job. Was it through a newspaper ad or did an employee with the business tell you about the job?
The next paragraph should talk about your abilities. Tell why you are a good person for that particular job.
The final paragraph should contain two items: a request for an appointment at the employer’s convenience and information about when and how you can be reached.
If you think the boss wants an MBA and you haven’t got it, don’t mention your education. Does this mean that you should lie? No, it only means that you shouldn't volunteer information that might be considered in a negative light. Be specific, focus on how good you are and don’t say anything that might be viewed as negative. Most important, ask for an interview.
Tailor your application as closely as possible to the known or probable requirements of the job you seek. That may be difficult if you are sending out hundreds of applications. Use a series of well-written letters, each of which highlights your strengths relative to a specific set of hiring requirements, and whenever possible, personally addressed.
At the employer’s convenience – коли буде зручно роботодавцю;
Job requirements – функціональні обов’язки;
To highlights one’s strengths акцентувати чиїсь позитивні якості;
Hiring requirements – вимоги до кандидати на посаду
Modal Letter
Date Addressee’s name Job title Company name Company address Salutation Body of the letter
Sender’s name
Components of the Application Letter
Great Britain USA
10 Spring Gardens 145 Chinaville Rd
London SW1A 2BN Lake Forest, 1L 60045
United Kingdom USA
The Date
The date is written below the sender’s address, sometimes separated from it by a space.
The traditional British variants: 11Apr. 2006; 11th April, 2006.
The American variants: April 11, 2002; April 11th, 2002.
The addressee’s name
E.g.: Mr. George Wright, Vice-President
The salutation
Dear Sir/Madam opens a letter written to a man/woman whose name is not known. “Dear Sirs” is used to address a company. In the USA a letter to a company may open with “Gentlemen”, followed by a colon.
The body of the letter
The body of the letter usually consists of three parts: introduction, main part and closing.
In introduction mention the source of information about the job and position you are applying for.
In qualifications describe your merits and qualities which correspond to the job description (It is a summary of responsibilities and duties of an employee).
In closing request for an interview.
The parting
The parting formula depends on the form of salutation: “Yours sincerely” is used if the letter begins with “Dear Mr/Mrs/M….”, “Yours faithfully” if the letter begins with “Dear Sir/Madam”, “Yours truly” or “Very truly yours” if the letter begins with “Gentlemen”.
dear шановний;
courtesy title ввічливе звертання;
job title посада;
body of the letter зміст листа;
at your convenience у зручний для Вас час;
Yours sincerely / Yours faithfully з повагою;
enclosure /enclosed додається
Task 2
Match the synonyms
1. secret |
a. error |
2. when it best suits you |
b. salutation |
3. surname |
c. layout |
4. mistake |
d. forename/Christian name |
5. I would be grateful |
e. job title |
6. to give proofs |
f. at your convenience |
7. position |
g. confidential |
8. looks |
h. I would appreciate |
9. first name |
i. family name |
10. greeting |
j. to present evidence |
Task 3.
Study the application letter. What’s wrong with it? What information is missed, what is redundant or irrelevant? Rewrite it in a more professional way.
Dear Ms. Collins: I saw your advertisement for a new reporter, and I wish to apply for the job. Enclosed is my resume and some clips for your consideration. Although I have made my living in marketing, writing and news have always been my first love. I have been writing features for a couple of local newspapers while working at market research. I majored in journalism at State university and did an internship at Island Hopper News in my junior years. While I may not have all the hard news experience you are looking for, I certainly know how to write.
My best regards, Angela Reed
A good application letter should:
”Attention –Interest – Desire – Action”
Functional Language
Application Letter Writing
Referring to the job advertisement in….. |
Відносно оголошення про роботу в …. |
I apply for the position of….. |
Я хочу отримати посаду…….. |
I would like to apply for the position of…. advertised in this month’s edition of…… |
Я хотів би подати заяву на посаду….. згідно оголошенню в періодичному виданні…. За поточний місяць
I am writing to you concerning your advertisement of a vacancy for a bilingual secretary to work in your export department |
Звертаюсь до вас по оголошенню про вакансію двомовного секретаря в експортному відділі
I am answering your advertisement for the post of Bank trainee which is published in…. |
У відповідь на Ваше оголошення про вакансію стажера в банку, яке було опубліковане у…… |
I am writing to ask if you might have a vacancy in your office for an account clerk |
Звертаюся до Вас з питанням про наявність можливої вакансії бухгалтера у Вашому офісі |
I was recommended by Mr…. who is currently working in your firm to write to you concerning a possible post in your department |
Товариш…, який в даний час працює У Вашій компанії, порекомендував мені звернутися до Вас з приводу можливої вакансії у Вашому відділі |
I am particularly interested in the position you offer, as I know my previous experience and academic background would be valuable in the area of… (engineering, business, accountancy). |
Посада, яку Ви пропонуєте, викликає у мене особливий інтерес, так як мій попередній досвід і освіта могли би бути корисними у сфері….. (техніки, бізнесу, бухгалтерії). |
I am sure I would be successful in this post as I have now gained the experience and skills that are required |
Я впевнений, що досягну успіху на цій посаді, так як володію необхідним досвідом і навиками |
During my time at …. I worked on several projects which were very successful |
За час роботи в….. я розробив декілька проектів, які були досить успішними |
At…… company my duties included… |
В компанії…… в мої обов’язки входило…… |
I graduated from…. College in 2001 with a diploma in…… |
У 2001 році я закінчив……інститут і отримав диплом по спеціальності…… |
Speaking about my proficiency in foreign languages they are the following: English – excellent, German – fluent, French – good. |
Мої знання іноземних мов: англійська – відмінно, німецька – вільно, французька – добре |
I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualification with you at your convenience |
Буду вдячний за можливість обговорити з Вами мою кваліфікацію у зручний для Вас час |
Resume is a summary of education, work experience, and qualifications. There are two terms which exist in parallel: C.V. (Br.), or curriculum vitae, which comes from Latin and means autobiography, and resume (Am.) which is borrowed from French and means a summary. There is no much difference between them except that a resume is usually shorter (one page long) and written by those applicants who have little work experience.
The resume is very important in job searching. It is calling card which is purposed to attract the interest of the prospective employer.
The resume should describe an applicant’s personality and demonstrate his energy, ambition, and ability to work in teams. It should give the employer a sense that this candidate would be a good investment for the company.
An effective resume must make a good first impression. Of course, appearance is important but content is even more crucial. The information in resume needs to be well-organized, easy to read, and result-oriented. It usually includes personal information, professional and volunteer experience, special skills, education, accomplishments, and references.
An effective resume should address the employer’s needs. Its aim is to show the prospective employers how an applicant’s skills, accomplishments and abilities match their needs and organization goals. The best way to achieve this is to include only the work experience that is relevant to the job you are applying for.
Every day employers sort through piles of resumes and typically devote 30 seconds or less to each one. Employers won’t read any more than two pages, anyway.
There are two main formats of resume: chronological and functional. The most popular among the beginners is chronological resume. In the chronological resume a list of education and work experience is presented in a reverse chronological order. This is followed by a statement explaining job re4sponsibilities.
In the functional resume experience and skills are given under the job title, without dates or places of an employment. In the functional resume, emphasis is placed on what you’ve achieved and not where and when you achieve it. It is particularly useful if you have made many changes from one field to another or previous jobs are unrelated to the current position.
The matter of fact is that even an excellent resume will not get you a job all on its own. But it does show that you take your career seriously and help you to market your skills and experience. A good resume helps you to pique a prospective employer’s interest and prevents you from achieving circular status.
Resume / C.V. резюме, автобіографія;
сrucial вирішуючий;
accomplishment досягнення;
reverse зворотний;
self-assessment самооцінка;
self-inventory підведення своїх досягнень;
to pique викликати;
circular status біг по колу.
Model: Chronological Resume
Name: Address: Tel / fax / e-mail: Date of birth: Nationality: Marital status: (single, married)
Job objective: (optional)
Summary of qualifications / skills: (optional) |
Work experience: |
(job-by-job history in a reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent position, including dates, companies and their location, positions, responsibilities and duties, accomplishments and promotions, military service and volunteer work) |
Education: |
(degrees, diplomas, and certificates listed in reversed chronological order, names and location of schools / institutes / universities attended, graduation dates etc. |
Honours, awards, fellowships: |
(years and names of prizes or awards) |
Special skills: |
(computer literacy, names of software programs, hardware or other equipment; driving license) |
Languages: |
(levels of proficiency: proficient, excellent, fluent, good) |
Activities and interests: |
(names of organizations, societies, kinds of sport, other specific activities) |
References (testimonials Am.) |
(names, jobs titles, addresses, phone / fax/ e-mail of 2-3 people who know your work well) |
marital status сімейний стан;
reference, testimonial AM. рекомендація;
job-by-job посада за посадою;
major спеціальність;
grade point average (GPA) середній бал;
internship інтернатура, стажування;
job objective пропонована посада;
Task 1
Study the following abbreviations, tick those which correspond to you
B.A.= Bachelor of Arts – бакалавр гуманітарних наук;
B.L.= Bachelor of Law – бакалавр права;
B.S.= Bachelor of Science – бакалавр точних наук;
CSE = Certificate of Secondary Education – атестат про середню освіту;
M.A. = Master of Arts – магістр гуманітарних наук;
M.B.A. = Master of Business Administration – магістр економіки;
М.Ed. = Master of Education – магістр педагогічних наук;
M.S. / M.Sc.= Master of Science – магістр точних наук;
Ph.D. = Doctor of Philosophy – доктор філософії
Task 2
Study the list of action verbs, use them in your resume
Action Verbs
Accomplished |
Виконував |
Administered |
Управляв |
Applied |
Застосовував |
Arranged |
Організовував |
Audited |
Перевіряв звітність |
Charted |
Замовляв |
Compiled |
Складав |
Contracted |
Заключав (договір) |
Controlled |
Керував |
Counseled |
Консультував |
Delivered |
Постачав; читав (лекції) |
Distributed |
Розповсюджував |
Elaborated |
Детально розробляв |
Estimated |
Попередньо оцінював |
Evaluated |
Давав оцінку якості |
Examined |
Перевіряв |
Expanded |
Розвивав (торгівлю) |
Filed |
Вів торгівлю |
Handled |
Керував; обробляв (вантажі, документи; продавав) |
Implemented |
Застосовував |
Instructed |
Навчав |
Liaised |
Підтримував зв’язок |
Maintained |
Обслуговував (обладнання) |
Managed |
Управляв |
Monitored |
Контролював |
Motivated |
Стимулював |
Negotiated |
Вів переговори |
Operated |
Працював на машині |
Ordered |
Замовляв |
Outlined |
Описував в загальних рисах |
Performed |
Виконував |
Processed |
Обробляв |
Provided |
Забезпечував |
Purchased |
Купував |
Recorded |
Реєстрував |
Recruited |
Наймав на роботу |
Repaired |
Ремонтував |
Reviewed |
Перевіряв |
Scheduled |
Складав розклад |
Searched |
Досліджував |
Supervised |
Керував |
Supported |
Забезпечував |
Traced |
Підсліджував |
Trained |
Навчав |
Verified |
Перевіряв, контролював |
Supervised five subordinates.
Arranged summer schools for teachers.
Managed performance of three projects
Letter of Recommendation
(You may also come across the following names of the document: “Recommendation letter”, “Letter of reference”, and “Reference letter”. “The letter of Reference” differs from the “Letter of recommendation” by that it does not recommend the candidate for the post but only presents information about him.)
Letter of recommendation is written to present an honest evaluation of the applicant personality and to give characteristics of his working abilities and qualifications. Its main aim is to present objective and helpful information about the candidate which is to help in making decision on whether or not to9 accept a candidate. As a rule, letters of recommendation are written in response to a request from the applicant or the prospective employer.
Letter of recommendation is written only in positive. It’s better when a reference knows the candidate quite well. The better the reference knows the candidate the more effective would be the recommendation.
Most employers are particularly interested in applicant’s proficiency and such qualities as communication, ability to work both in a team and independently, self-motivation, responsibility, and loyalty to the company. The want specifics, not generalizations. It is good to say that the applicant is hard-working but it should be backed up by some examples. Positive evaluation of a candidate may be reinforced by comparing and ranking him among other employees.
A letter of recommendation is a confidential document and sometimes an applicant is not supposed to see it. It should be signed by a reference and bear his name, position, phone number, e-mail or post address in case a prospective employer would decide to check the information. A candidate can apply for a letter of recommendation to his former employer, supervisor, teacher, University professor, or colleague.
applicant претендент, кандидат;
prospective employer майбутній (потенційний) роботодавець;
a reference, a recommender особа, що дає рекомендацію;
proficiency досвід, вміння, майстерність;
self-motivation наявність життєвого досвіду;
specifics конкретика;
confidential конфіденційний, секретний
Task 1
Study the model of the letter of recommendation, compose your own one.
Addressee’s name Date Position Address
Salutation: (Dear Mr / Ms / To whom it may concern)
Re: / Reference for / Recommendation of (applicant’s name)
Opening: (name of the candidate and the position sought)
Body: (description of qualifications, accomplishments and qualities)
Closing: (summarizing and general evaluation)
Name of a reference
Job title / position
Phone number /fax / e-mail/ address
Task 2
Study the vocabulary; use it to diversify your letter of recommendation
Adaptable здатний швидко адаптуватися;
Ambitious честолюбивий, амбіційний;
Broadminded з широкими інтересами, кругозором;
Cheerful привітний;
Co-operative здатний до співпраці;
Creative творчий;
Flexible гнучкий;
Friendly дружелюбний;
Good natured доброзичливий;
Intellectual розумний, мислячий;
Reliable надійний;
Resourceful винахідливий;
Responsible відповідальний;
Self – confident впевнений в собі;
Self-motivated з власною життєвою програмою;
Supportive здатний надати допомогу;
Tactful тактовний;
Trustworthy достойний довіри;
Zealous добросовісний, старанний.
At the request of ….. I submit this confidential information….. |
На прохання…… я надаю цю конфіденційну інформацію….. |
His excellent command of English and oratory skills are obvious. |
Його прекрасні знання з англійської мови і ораторські здібності очевидні |
His tasks at that time were |
В цей час в його обов’язки входило… |
It quickly became evident that he is extremely knowledgeable about…. |
Незабаром стало очевидним, що він надзвичайно багато знає про ….. |
During the working period he demonstrated enthusiastic individual approach combined with pioneering spirit |
За час роботи він проявив індивідуальний, повний ентузіазму підхід в поєднанні з ініціативним характером |
He has introduced several innovations into the technological process of production….. |
Він вніс декілька новаторських рішень в технологічний процес виробництва….. |
He is always willing to share his experience and knowledge with other members of the staff |
Він завжди готовий поділитися своїм досвідом і знаннями з іншими членами колективу |
In conclusion I should mention that he is extremely responsible |
На завершення я мушу відмітити, що він досить відповідальний |
He is always cordial and professional in his relations with our staff |
Він завжди душевний і компетентний по відношенню до співробітників |
In my opinion, he would be an asset to your company |
На мою думку, він буде знахідкою для Вашої компанії |
I am pleased to recommend…. |
Я із задоволенням рекомендую |
Therefore, I can recommend Mr…. without any hesitation. |
Таким чином, я можу рекомендувати ….. без усяких сумнівів |
Were he return to us, we would be glad/ pleased to rehire him |
У випадку повернення, ми будемо раді знову прийняти його на роботу |
Application Form
For many jobs, you will be given an application form to fill in. Application forms vary from company to company; questions on them may be different. Take time to study the form before you write in the information. The easiest way to be prepared for filling in an application form is to carry a summary of your information with you. Your personal information can be written in a little notebook. You may also take a copy of your resume. People will form an impression about you based on the way you fill in the application form, too.
Some applicants ask for two copies of an application form to use one of them as a rough copy. The best thing is to take the forms home where you can take as much time as you need to fill in the form neatly and correctly. If you must do it in the office and have only one copy of the form, notice how much space you have for each answer. Think over each answer before writing it. Follow the instructions: does the form tell you to print, write, or type the information? If block capitals are required, make sure you use them.
To print писати друкованими літерами;
Block capitals великі друковані літери;
Ball-point pen кулькова ручка;
Erasable pen коректор;
Name ______________________________________Social Security №_______ Last First Middle Present address ______________________________________________________ Phone №. ______________________ Sex: M ________ F _________ Height: __________ Weight: _________ Marital status: Single _____ Married ______ Divorced _______Widowed_____ Date of Birth __________Nationality _________ №. Of Children__________ Present Position_____________ Driver’s license__________________ Person to notify in case of emergency _____________________________
Position applying for _________________ When available ___________________ Salary expected _______________ Have you ever applied for this company before? _________________ Where _________ When________________
Elementery________________________________________________________ High_______________________________________________________________ College______________________________________________________________ University___________________________________________________________ Other________________________________________________________________ Special skills (list)________________________________________________ Typing speed WPM__________________ Shorthand speed WPM___________ MILITARY SERVICE RECORD
Dates of duty: from _____________ to _________________ Branch of Armed Forces __________________ Rank at discharge________________________ Decorations received______________________
Please use this space for further details of knowledge and experience that you consider are relevant. ____________________________________________
Please give names of three persons who can be consulted regarding your suitability for this post: Name of occupation _______________ Address_________Phone №.____________
List any physical defects which preclude you from performing certain kinds of work.____________________________________________________________ Have you had a major illness in the past 5 years?____________________ Were you ever injured?__________________________ Give details__________ Have any defects: in hearing?_______ in vision?_________in speech? ___________
Date______________________________ Signature______________________
Filling the Forms
Date of birth дата народження;
Ethnic group етнічна група, національність;
Marital status сімейний стан;
Social security number (SS#) - номер соціального страхування;
Ailment недуги;
Illness хвороби;
Physical disability, handicaps фізичні недоліки;
To preclude перешкоджати;
Creed релігійні переконання;
Violation порушення (прав);
Mode of living стиль життя;
Academic університетська (освіта);
Vocational професійна;
Extra – curricular додаткова (про предмети);
Major (subject) основний предмет, спеціалізація;
Post –graduate course аспірантура;
Scholastic average середній бал;
Work History
When / Date available - коли можете приступити до роботи?
Immediate supervisor безпосередній начальник;
Reason for leaving причина звільнення;
Left to pursue other opportunities звільнився в зв’язку з переходом на іншу роботу;
Personal reasons за власним бажанням;
Personal references рекомендації;
Fair employment practice law трудове законодавство;
Have you taken any training under the G.I. Bill of Rights? Чи проходили військову підготовку?
Branch of service рід військ;
Decorations нагороди;
To discharge демобілізуватися;
Injuries sustained отримані поранення;
Rank звання;
Reserve запас;
Affidavit письмове свідчення під присягою;
Resignation відставка;
Other expressions
Check one відмічати хрестиком і «галочкою»;
Person to notify in case of emergency особа, котру потрібно повідомити у випадку незвичайної ситуації;
N.A. (not available) нема в наявності;
Have you ever been bonded? Чи були Ви під вартою;
The facts set forth above in my application for employment are true and complete -
Дана анкета заповнена мною правильно і повністю;
False statements on this application shall be considered sufficient cause for dismissal – Неправдиві свідчення в анкеті можуть слугувати підставою для звільнення;