Friends and friendship

Про матеріал
Friendship - discussion, communicative tasks on the text, filling in the blanks with the words and expressions, making true or false statements, interpretation of new words meaning in English
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Friends and Friendship


  • to develop pupils’ speaking, writing and reading skills related to the topic
  • to develop students’ memory, fantasy attention, communicative skills using active lexis on the topic, creative and logical thinking and mutual respect
  • to incorporate pupils’ pair-, group and independent work
  • to check students’ skills of listening comprehension
  • to foster the desire to answer the questions
  • to focus pupils’ attention on specific words and word combinations
  • to encourage the pupils to guess meanings of new words from the contest
  • to cultivate love for friends, to teach students to be polite and respect one another and friends
  • to involve pupils in the world of friendship and kindness

Equipment: a tape-recorder, a dialogue for listening comprehension, a box with different things, a text for reading, work sheets, a computer, a microphone, handouts, posters, a box with a toy-dog

Methods: discussion, communicative tasks on the text, filling in the blanks with the words and expressions, making true or false statements, interpretation of new words meaning in English





I. Introduction

T: Good morning children!

Ps: Good morning teacher!

T: I am glad to see you!

Ps: We are glad to see you too!

T: Today we have a lesson which is not ordinary.

      Tell me please,

- have you got friends?

- are you a friendly class?

T.- So, children, what is the topic of our lesson?

P.- The topic of our lesson is “Friendship”.


II. Warming- up


Yesterday I was very tired. I went home after my working day and walked into the kitchen. I saw a box on the table.  “That’s impossible!” I thought. Then I opened it and was very surprised. Inside the box was something I have wanted for a long time. I put it into the box and brought here. Guess what it is in the box. Put the questions to receive the answers Yes/No. I will give you a tip. It is a symbol of friendship.
P1:  Is it a book?

T: No, it is not.

P2: Is it a letter?

T: No, it is not.

P3: Is it a chocolate inside?

T: No, it isn’t.

P: Is it a dog?

T: Yes, it is. How clever you are!


  1. Main part of the lesson
  1. Speaking


T: What is a friend? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Well, if not, it’s ok. Let’s try it now. As a matter of fact, it is not an easy question to answer. The word friend is hard to define. May be because this word means different things for different people. Do you agree?

Give the toy dog to one another and finish the sentence:

A friend is someone who……..

P: A friend is someone who ….

  •                 you can talk to
  •                 you can trust, and that friend can trust you
  •                 you can depend on when you need a helping hand
  •                 you can count on
  •                 you can call on when you are down
  •                 that cares about what you do
  •                 that you can share your secrets with
  •                 you can share your moments with
  •                 you can laugh with
  •                 that can lift your spirits up when you are down
  •                 that can comfort you when no one is around
  •                 who accepts you
  •                 who needs you
  •                 who can count on you even in bad times
  •                 you can feel close to and can share your feelings with
  •                 you enjoy being with

T:  Everyone needs a friend. Some people want to have a lot of friends, others need one, or two close ones. Sometimes you choose friends, sometimes other people choose you as their friend. Some of us make friends easily, but there are people who are shy, and it is very difficult for them to make friends.

2. Group  work

1) I’m sure that all of you have friends. Maybe they are your classmates, your neighbours…

What is a true / best friend like? 

T: Split into two teams: boys/ girls. Boys, you are to choose and glue a list of adjectives you want your friend to be.

Girls, You are to choose and glue a list of adjectives you don’t want your friend to be.

In order to answer this question, we’ll use the word combinations from the table.


A True Friend is / must be…

A True Friend is / mustn’t be…

  • the most kind-hearted, impolite, cheerful, rude, responsible, loyal, silly, greedy, honest, mean, sociable, talkative, intelligent, unfriendly, helpful, generous, upset, reliable, clever, cheeky, tidy, nervous, optimistic, lazy, polite, refuse to help me, energetic, angry, active, easy-going, calm,  moody, selfish, quarrel with me.


P: I want my friend to be:

  • the most kind-hearted
  • cheerful
  • responsible
  • loyal
  • sociable
  • helpful
  • reliable
  • clever
  • honest
  • tidy
  • optimistic
  • polite
  • intelligent
  • generous
  • energetic
  • active
  • calm
  • easy-going

P: I don’t want my friend to be:

  • impolite
  • rude
  • silly
  • greedy
  • mean
  • talkative
  • unfriendly
  • upset
  • cheeky
  • nervous
  • lazy
  • refuse to help me
  • angry
  • moody
  • selfish
  • quarrel with me.


  1. Game:  ‘Try to guess the fairy-tale hero’

Гра:  «Відгадай казкового героя»:

  • This boy is very easy-going, but lazy and doesn’t like to study. He has a very long nose and wooden body. His hat is made of a sock. (Pinocchio).
  • This man is fat and funny. He is cheerful and kind-hearted. He likes cakes and jam. He lives on the roof and has a propeller on his back. (Carlson).
  • This girl is very pretty: her hair is black; her face is white as a snow. She is polite, gentle, friendly and kind. Her father is a king, but her step-mother is very angry, she doesn’t like her step-daughter and wants her to die. (Snow  White).

T.- Can you give me the examples of literature characters that may be called true friends? It helps you when you guess the riddles

P.- Sherlck Holms and Dr.Watson, Kay and Gerda, D ’Artanian and three musketeers, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs…

4. Physical minute

Sing a song “The More We Get Together”

T.- You are right! The greatest human feelings – friendship. Let’s sing a song “The More We Get Together”


  1. Reading

1) Pre-reading. Matching:

There are many proverbs about friendship. Match the beginning and the ending:

 Lend your money

is better than gold

A friend in need

make a pair

A faithful friend

as the sun in winter


 lose your friend

A good friend is

buy friendship

Money can’t

is a friend indeed

Friends may meet but

flock together

Birds of feather

mountains never



  1. Lend your money, lose your friend.
  2. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  3. A faithful friend is better than gold.
  4. Friends make a pair.
  5. A good friend is as the sun in winter.
  6. Money can’t buy friendship,
  7. Friends may meet but mountains never,
  8. Birds of feather, flock together.


2) They say: “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. Do you agree with this proverb?

Now I’d like you to share your opinion on the point…

when people usually help their friends, particularly your friend.

My friend gives me a helping hand when I…

  • am in trouble;
  • am in a bad mood;
  • am ill;
  • don’t know what to do;
  • have problems with my schoolwork,
  • need advice;
  • the others.


3) Reading


Introducing the vocabulary:

healthy- enjoying good health

headache-pain in the head

sharp-keen; biting

pain-the sensation of physical hurt or discomfort caused by injury, illness, etc

to breathe- to take in oxygen from air, respire

to save- to rescue or guard (a person or thing) from danger or harm

to rush- to hurry

a chest- the front part of the body from the neck to the belly


The Gift Ashlock, a 14-year-old girl from California, was very sick. She had a bad heart. “Donna needs a new heart,’' her doctors said. “She must have a new heart, or she will die soon.” 

Felipe Garza, 15 years old, was worried about Donna. Felipe was Donna's friend. He liked Donna very much. He liked her smile. Felipe didn't want Donna to die. 

Felipe talked to his mother about Donna. “I'm going to die,” Felipe told his mother, “and I'm going to give my heart to Donna.” 

Felipe's mother didn't pay much attention to Felipe. “Felipe is just kidding,” she thought. “Felipe is not going to die. He's strong and healthy.” 

But Felipe was not healthy. He had terrible headaches sometimes. Felipe never told his parents about his headaches. 

One morning Felipe woke up with a sharp pain in his head. He was dizzy, and he couldn't breathe. The Garzas took Felipe to the hospital. Doctors at the hospital had terrible news for the Garzas. “Felipe's brain is dead” the doctors said. “We can't save him.” 

The Garzas were very sad. But they remembered Felipe's words. “Felipe wanted to give his heart to Donna,” they told the doctors. The doctors did several tests. Other doctors took out Donna's heart and put Felipe's heart in her chest. In a short time the heart began to beat. 

Three months after the operation Donna Ashlock went back to school. She has to take medicine every day. But she is living a normal life. 

Felipe's brother John says, 'Every time we see Donna, we think of Felipe. She has Felipe's heart in her. That gives us great peace."

4) Post-reading

Task 1. To translate the first two paragraphs.

Task 2. Which sentences have the same meaning as the sentences in the story? Circle the letter of the correct answer.


1. Felipe’s mother didn’t pay much attention to Felipe. “Felipe is just kidding,” she thought.

a. Felipe’s mother didn’t give him any money. “He’s only a child,” she thought.

b. Felipe’s mother didn’t listen carefully to Felipe. “He’s not serious,” she thought.


2. Felipe woke up with a sharp pain in his head, and he was dizzy.

a. Felipe’s head hurt very much, and he thought, “The room was going around and around.”

b. Felipe’s head hurt a little, and he thought, “I was having a wonderful dream.”


3. Felipe couldn’t breathe.

a. Felipe couldn’t get air

b. Felipe couldn’t eat.


4. Donna is living a normal life, but she has to have regular checkups.

a. Donna is healthy now, but she has to pay the doctor. She pays by check.

b. Donna is healthy now, but she goes to the doctor sometimes. The doctor checks and makes sure her heart is working well.


  1. Listening
  1. Pre-listening

T: Where do people usually make friends?

P: Usually we make friends…

in the kindergarten, in the holiday camp, at work, in an airport, by using a computer, at the disco, while studying, in a car park, in the sports centre, in the yard.

T: And where did you meet your friend for the first time?

  1. Listening


Friends are extremely important to us. They are often like members of our own family. In fact, many people spend more time with their friends than with their relatives. People also tell their friends more sec­rets. We start friendships almost from the time we can walk. Everyone has special childhood friends, and some of these become lifelong friends. We usually meet out best friends early on in our life. Best friends usu­ally stay best friends forever. Nowadays the Internet has changed the way we make friends. Many people strike up friendships online. The Web is also useful to find long-lost friends. There are many sites to find old friends.

  1. Post- listening activity
  • Match the following phrases from the article.

1)   Friends are extremely-

a)   best friends forever

2)   People also tell their friends

b)   early on in our life

3)   Everyone has special

c)   more secrets

4)   We usually meet our best friends

d)   important to us

5)   Best friend usually –

e)   lost friends

6)   find long-

f)   childhood friends




  1. Writing
  1. Our life is not only work and studying. Sometimes we learn more about our friends socializing with them. What is the best thing to do in spare time?

Free time

We can … in our free time.

  • do sports;
  • go shopping;
  • walk in the park;
  • talk on the phone;
  • travel together;
  • communicate through the Internet;
  • the others.


  1. Writing

Complete the sentences. Use the present simple form of do, play or go.

  1. Liam _________ gymnastics on Friday evening.
  2. I _________ basketball after school.
  3. We don’t ________ athletics at school.
  4. My sister _________ karate.
  5. Jason _________ skateboarding with his friends.
  6. My cousin _________ tennis on Sundays.
  7. I don’t _________ ice skating very often.
  8. My friends and I _________ rollerblading in the park.


  1. does, 2. play, 3. do, 4. does, 5. goes, 6. plays, 7. go, 8. go.





  1. Summing-up
    1. Game “Magic box”

T:  While the music is playing give this box to each other. When the music is stopped open it, read the question and answer it.


  • What does your friend do in his/ her free time?
  • What is your friend’s favourite subject?
  • Does your friend envy you?
  • Does your friend speak bad about other people?
  • Is your friend warm- hearted?
  • What is your friend’s favourite pastime?
  • Do you enjoy spending time with your friend?


  1. Fun- activity

T: There are a lot of recipes of friendship cocktails. Everyone has his own.  Will you be so kind to make your own friendship cocktail? Put the ingredients according to your recipe.


  • Kindness
  • Care
  • Happiness
  • Attention
  • Loyalty
  • Smile
  • Honesty
  • Support
  • Responsibility
    1. Summing-up


Friends are a necessary and inseparable part of our life. They make us kind and generous, because a true friend is always near you when you are in times of need. A true friend never betrays you: he will help you in trouble. The proverb says. "A friend in need is a friend indeed". A true friend is a precious jewellery box which holds keys to our happiness and kindness. That's why we should cherish our old friends while making new ones.


  1. Homework (2-3 min)

At home you are to write a composition “My best friend”

(Students write a composition using models prepared in advance…

  1. My best friend is…
  2. We made friends…
  3. My close friend gives me a helping hand when I…
  4. We usually / often…
  5. My best friend always…
  6. He / she never…)



28 березня 2021
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