Full Blast 5 клас Round up 7

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19.04.24, 14:08                                                                                     Full Blast 5 клас. Round up 7 | Quizizz

1.     imageThree adjectives descibing feelings:

a)   scary, sad, always         b) surprised, scared, sad c) angry, excited, blackout

2.     Three types of films:

a)   science fiction, adventure, weekend     b) horror, adventure, animated

c) documentary, amusement park, science fiction

3.     Three places of entertainment:

a)   funfair, stadium, romantic film    b) bowling alley, cinema complex, suddenly c) bowling alley, skating rink, stadium

4.     At the weekends, my friends and I hang out at the cinema ____ .

a)   alley      b) rink

c) complex

5.     Look! I've got a big ___ on my leg!

a)   bruise    b) science fiction c) blackout

6.     This is a brilliant film! Don't ___ it!

a)   see        b) watch

c) miss

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19.04.24, 14:08                                                                                     Full Blast 5 клас. Round up 7 | Quizizz

image                        a) last                                                                    b) ago

8.        My dad prepared dinner for us ____ evening.

a)   ago      b) yesterday

9.        Lind and Robert were at the stadium ___ .

a)   last      b) yesterday

10.      We bought two tickets for the theatre yesterday evening.

a)   WRONG          b) CORRECT

11.      In 1720, there wasn't any planes.

a)   WRONG          b) CORRECT

12.      John usually tidies his room at the weekend, but last weekend he didn't did any housework.

a)   WRONG          b) CORRECT

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