Game show “We Love Ukraine”
Мета: узагальнити та розширити знання учнів з теми Україна;
активізувати навички та вміння усного мовлення на основі вивченого
прищеплювати любов до вивчення англійської мови;
розвивати пізнавальну активність учнів;
сприяти розширенню кругозору учнів;
виховувати почуття гордості за свою країну;
виховувати громадянську свідомість учнів.
Обладнання: картинки із символами України, мультимедійна дошка,
презентації по темі.
Хід заходу
Compere 1. Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to greet you at our game show “We love Ukraine”. (музика) Today we are going to speak about Ukraine, its geographical position, its people and traditions, about cities and towns of Ukraine. The motto of our show is: "He, who loves not his Motherland can love nothing" (G. Byron) These wonderful words, belong to the great poet Byron.
Compere 2. Boundless steppes, thick forests, towering mountains, warm and caressing seas, wide rivers, numerous parks, exotically rich museum collections, historical and cultural landmarks. This is our Ukraine, our Motherland, our native land.
Compere 1. And now let’s introduce the participants. You can see two teams in our hall. Who is the captain of the first team? (P1: I'm the captain of the team. The name of our team is “Flowers”. The members of my team are: ___________
Our motto is “Ukrainians are kind, Ukrainians are friendly and Ukrainians are the best !”)
Who is the captain of the second team? (P2: I'm the captain of the team. The name of our team is “Cossacks”. The members of my team are: ___________
Our motto is “We live in Ukraine and we love Ukraine!” )
Compere 2. To begin with we must choose the jury. Today our jury is:
_____________________________________ , the teacher of English of school
Compere 1. Let’s start our competition. I wish you good luck. And now, girls and boys we’ll give you cards. Your task is to fill in the gaps (1) with the words given below. You'll get one point for each right answer.
banks, wash, longest, rivers, European, population, devoted, snowball—tree, mineral resources, capital, mountains
Ukraine is a __________________ country.
The ____________________ of our Motherland is Kyiv.
It is on the _____________________ of the Dnipro River.
The Black Sea and the Asov Sea ____________________Ukraine.
There are beautiful _________________in our country: the Carpathian and the Crimean.
There are many____________________ in our country: the Dnipro, the Dniester and the Bug.
The _____________________ river is the Dnipro.
The__________________________ of Ukraine is 47 million people.
Ukraine is rich in _____________________________ .
People sing songs about a _______________________ and plant it near their houses.
Compere 1. Now, let’s relax a bit and while the teams are doing their task we’ll listen to a song “If you are happy” performed by the pupils of the fourth form.
If you're happy
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!
If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!
If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet!
If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet!
If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet!
If you're happy and you know it, shout Hooray!
If you're happy and you know it, shout Hooray!
If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it, shout Hooray!
If you’re happy and you know it, say «We are!» (We are!)
If you’re happy and you know it, say «We are!» (We are!)
If you’re happy and you know it, then you really want to show it
If you’re happy and you know it, say «We are!» (We are!)
Jury, sum up the points, please.
________ has got______ points has got _______points
Compere 2. The next item of our competition is to match the first part (2) of the phrase to the second one to make up a proverb. For every correct ending you'll get one point .
1 East or west … (home is best)
2 Every country … (has its customs)
3 All is well … (that ends well)
4 Better late … (than never)
5 A good beginning … (makes a good ending)
6 First think … (then speak)
7 A friend in need … (is a friend indeed)
8 There is no place … (like home)
9 An apple a day … (keeps a doctor away)
10 Everything is good … (in its seasons)
11 So many countries … (so many customs)
12 Every bird … (likes its nest)
Compere 2. Now the pupils of the 7th form will dance for you.
Jury, sum up the points, please.
Compere 1. And now we'll ask you the questions. (3) If you give the right answer then your team will get 2 points for each question. The leading team starts the task.
Compere 1. Well done. While our jury is counting the results, we come to another item of the competition. I am sure that you know the Ukrainian national holidays and festivals and your task is to match the names of the holidays (4) and their dates. For each correct answer you will get a point.
1 January
1) Ukrainian Independence Day |
7 January |
2) Mother's Day |
5 May |
3) New Year's Day |
24 August |
4) Victory Day |
March - April |
5) Day of knowledge |
1 May |
6) Easter |
9 May |
7) Women's Day |
19 December |
8) Day of Spring and Labour |
8 March |
9) Christmas |
1 September |
10) St. Nicholas' Day |
Compere 1. While the teams are doing their task the pupils of the fifth form will tell jokes.
Jury, sum up the points, please.
Compere 2. Let's continue our competition. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. Do you know the places of interest of Kyiv? Look at the photos (5) and in turns tell what it is. For every correct answer you'll get one point .
If the team fails to answer, the opposite team has a chance to answer and get a point. The leading team starts the task.
What is it?
A Kyiv Shevchenko Opera and Ballet House
B Andriyivskyi Uzviz
C Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra
D The monument to Bohdan Khmelnytsky
E Khreshchatic
F Maidan Nezalezhnosti
G The Golden Gates
H The monuments to Prince Volodymyr
Jury, value this competition, please!
Compere 1. The next item of the competition is a musical one. Now you must do the following: listen to music (6) and try to guess the song. If the team fails to answer, the opposite team has a chance to answer and get a point. The leading team starts the task.
1. ``The Mighty Dnieper roars and bellow``…
2. ``Song about a towel.``
3. ``Two colours`.
4. ``Moonlight night``
5. ``Why did not you come ``.
6. ``A Red Ruta`.
7. ``A Ukrainian girl`
8. ``My Ukraine`.
9. “Stozhary”
10. “ Family ”
Jury, value this competition, please!
Compere 2. A good captain is the flag of the team. Let’s begin our captain’s competition. It is called "The Best Reciter". (7) Each captain has prepared a poem. So, let's listen to them and see who is the best in reciting poems. For the best poem the team will get five points .
Jury, value this competition, please!
Compere 1. The next competition in our game is the most interesting. The task is to make the map of Ukraine (8) of the puzzles. Each team gets some puzzles and makes the map. The team which makes the map of the puzzles first will get (or gets) ten points.
Jury, sum up the points, please.
Compere 2. And now it’s time for the jury to sum up the results of our competition.
While our jury is counting the results
Jury, sum up the points, please.
________ has got______ points has got _______points
(Виступ журі) The winner is team __________. Our congratulations.
Compere 1. Our game show is over. We are grateful to our participants. I hope you had a lot of fun today. Love Ukraine with all your heart. Let there always be peace and friendship on our land, in our Ukraine! Let us always be good friends and good neighbors in a village, in a town, in Ukraine, in Europe and in the whole world!
(Oleg Shak “I Love Ukraine”)