Граматична вправа "Do You Remember Modal Verbs?"

Про матеріал
Граматична вправа "Do You Remember Modal Verbs?" допоможе пригадати особливості модальних дієслів та перевірити рівень завоєння матеріалу
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Do You Remember Modal Verbs?

Fill in the proper modal verb.

Use the Word Bank: may, might, can, could, should, ought, must.

  1. I ….swim well enough, when I was 10.
  2. …you type quickly? – Yes, I ….
  3. You……to consult the doctor, your cough is terrible.
  4. …..you please show me the way to the post-office?
  5. …..I come in?
  6. You…..do it ASAP!
  7. Well, it….rain tomorrow.
  8. You ….devote more time to your family.
  9. She doesn’t feel very healthy,   I think, she….not go on a hike with us.
  10. Many people all over the world ….speak English
  11. He ….help his parents with babysitting, they both work.
  12. ….you read, when you were 5? – Yes, I ….


Put the modal verb into the correct grammar form

  1. He ….(can) help you if you asked him.
  2. I will call you tonight if I ….can).
  3. She …..(must) do it yesterday, but she didn’t.
  4. I ….(can) do it tomorrow, I guess.
  5. ….(can) she drive? – No, she (can)
  6. You ….(must) finish this article  by next Monday.
  7. When I was 5, I …..(can) count and read.
  8. ….(can) you swim, when you were 7?
  9. She …(can) join us only in 3 hours.
  10. Your cough is terrible. You ….(should) consult the doctor. 





До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 5 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
29 травня 2019
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