Граматичні вправи на тему " Модальні дієслова"

Про матеріал

Гравматичні вправи направлені на тренування і закріплення модальних дієслів. Різноманітність вправ сприяє мотиваціє учнів до їх викуонавння. Вправи містять декілька відповідей , з яких вибирається одна правильна.

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Grammar topic “Modal verbs”

Choose the appropriate modal verb


1)      Bill  ___________ (should / must / can / shouldn't)  drink milk every day. He is very thin.

2)      Students  ___________ (shouldn't / should / must / can)  leave the classroom before the ring bells.

3)      You  ___________ (should / shouldn't / must / can)  brush your teeth after breakfast.

4)      Your father  ___________ (should / must / would / can)  stop smoking.

5)    ___________ (Can / Must / Should / Would)  you pass my pencil to me?

6)      You  ___________ (mustn't / shouldn't / can't / couldn't)  talk aloud in the library.

7)      You  ___________ (mustn't / should / can / could)  smoke cigarette in hospital.

8)      We  ___________ (should / must / can / could)  visit our grandparents more often.

9)      You  ___________ (shouldn't / mustn't / can't / can)  touch burning things.

10)  You  ___________ (mustn't / can't / shouldn't / couldn't)  drive too fast in the city.












Choose the right modal verb


1) _________ you speak French? - Only a few words, but my Russian is pretty good.

(  ) Can

(  ) Must

(  ) Could

(  ) May


2) You __________ eat so much chocolate. It’s not good for you.

(  ) shouldn't

(  ) mustn't

(  ) don't have to

(  ) needn't


3) I __________ talk already before I was two years old.

(  ) could

(  ) should

(  ) would

(  ) can


4) I __________ move the table. It was too heavy.

(  ) couldn't

(  ) mustn't

(  ) shouldn't

(  ) wouldn't


5) You __________ put your feet on the cafeteria tables.

(  ) don't have to

(  ) mustn't

(  ) shouldn't

(  ) wouldn't


6) If you don’t start working harder, you ________ repeat the course next year.

(  ) will have to

(  ) must

(  ) have to

(  ) should


7) You ____ take a mobile phone into the exam.

(  ) mustn't

(  ) can't

(  ) shouldn't

(  ) don't have to


8) I know that he intended to go but he _________ have stayed.

(  ) may

(  ) can

(  ) should

(  ) must


9) Bob's car has broken down: he _______ go to work.

(  ) can't

(  ) may not

(  ) must not

(  ) should not


10) They ______ be very rich. Look at the house!

(  ) must

(  ) can

(  ) might

(  ) should









Fill in the gaps with the modal verbs below

1)  We   ___________  pay the tax at the fixed time.


2)  You   ___________  clean your room more often.


3)   ___________  you speak German? No, I    ___________ .


4)  Jane   ___________   play the violin when she was five, but now she   ___________   play it very well.


5)  You   ___________   be so nervous. I think it   ___________   be very easy.


6)   ___________  we go out tonight, please? Yes, but you   ___________   be late.


7)  It's OK- you   ___________   go when you've finished.


8)  I can't go out now. I   ___________   do my homework, my mum tells me.

  May       must       have to       can       will       Can       can't       should       couldn't       shouldn't       may       musn't  






Put the modal verbs into the right tense

Present simple: They must work harder.

     Past simple: They   ___________   work harder.

     Future simple: They   ___________   work harder.


Present simple: We can help you in the garden.

     Past simple: We   ___________   help you in the garden.

     Future simple: We   ___________   help you in the garden.


Present simple: She may invite friends.

     Past simple: She   ___________   invite friends.

     Future simple: She   ___________   invite friends.


Put the modal verbs

into the right tense


Present simple: She can swim very well.

     Past simple: She   ___________   swim very well.

     Future simple: She   ___________   swim very well.


Present simple: You may leave early.

     Past simple: You   ___________   leave early.

     Future simple: You   ___________   leave early.


Present simple: You must tell me all about it!

     Past simple: You   ___________   tell me all about it!

     Future simple: You   ___________   tell me all about it!
















Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 3
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  1. Кущ Елена
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Куліченко Наталія Миколаївна
    дуже гарний матеріал. дякую.
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  3. Мазалова Лариса Яківна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
31 грудня 2018
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5.0 (3 відгука)
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