"Grammar Tests" - different tense forms

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«Grammar tests» - посібник для формування іншомовних граматичних навичок. Цей посібник складено для учнів середньої школи для групових та індивідуальних занять, самостійної роботи учнів під час підготовки до уроків з метою вивчення, засвоєння та удосконалення граматики англійської мови. Посібник сприятиме розвитку граматичних навичок, практичному застосуванню отриманих знань та навичок. Тренувальні вправи дадуть змогу закріпити вивчений матеріал.
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Шепетівський навчальго-виховний комплекс №3 у складі «Загальноосвітня школа I-III ступенів ім. Н. Рибака та ліцей з посиленою військово-фізичною підготовкою» Хмельницької області





Grammar Tests




Grammar - Adjectives - Teacher Raff




«Grammar tests» - посібник для формування іншомовних граматичних навичок. Цей посібник складено для учнів середньої школи для групових та індивідуальних занять, самостійної роботи учнів під час підготовки до уроків з метою вивчення, засвоєння та удосконалення граматики англійської мови.


Курсы иностранных языков в Донецке и изучение грамматики Grammar Club


Посібник сприятиме розвитку граматичних навичок, практичному застосуванню отриманих знань та навичок. Тренувальні вправи дадуть змогу закріпити вивчений матеріал.






Укладач: вчитель іноземної мови  О.Л.Звенигородська

Part 1 - Present Simple and Present Continuous

1. Use present simple or present continuous:

1. You (not / like) _________________________________ chocolate.

2. She (not / study) _________________________________ at the moment.

3. We often (go) _________________________________ to the cinema.

4. He usually (not / do) _________________________________ his homework.

5. They (not / eat) _________________________________ rice every day.

6. We (not / study) _________________________________ every night.

7. (You / like) _________________________________ spicy food?

8. (She / go) _________________________________ to Scotland often?

9. (He / eat) _________________________________ now?

10. We (go) _________________________________ to the cinema this weekend.

11. They (study) _________________________________ now.

12. I (clean) _________________________________ the kitchen every day.

13. She (work) _________________________________ every Sunday.

14. We (not / sleep) _________________________________ now.

15. He (not / go) _________________________________ to the park very often.

2. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. I ____________ ( just / to look) around the clothes shops now.
  2. He ____________ (to go ) windsurfing every two days.
  3. People ____________ (to say) Edinburgh is a beautiful city.
  4. They ____________(to pratise) radical sports this year.
  5. ____________ ( you / to go) out now?

3. Underline the right tense:

1. What time does the concert begin/ is the concert beginning?

2. I usually get up/ am usually getting up at 7:30 on weekdays.

3. What do you think/ are you thinking of the new teacher?

4. Henry watches/ is watching TV now.

5. My father reads/is reading the newspaper while he has/is having breakfast.

6. Does the doctor advise/ Is the doctor advising you not to smoke so much, Tom?

4. Write the correct form of the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

Tim: I'm a nurse. What ………. you ……….. (do)?

Phil: I (1).....(teach) Spanish. My brother (2).....(teach) in the same school.

Tim: (3).....he.....(teach) Spanish too?

Phil: No, he's a geography teacher. This month he(4).....(travel) in Europe with his students. This week they (5).....(study) the geography of Portugal.

Tim: (6).....they...., (have) a good time?

Phil: Yes. They (7).....(like) the country and the people very much. They (8)..... (not want) to come home! (9)…..you…..(enjoy) travelling?

Tim: Yes. I (10)…..(go) abroad every summer.

  1. Present Simple or Present Continuous


  1. Amanda sometimes _________________ (go) to the cinema.
  2. We never _________________  (watch) TV in the morning.
  3. Listen! Helen _________________ (sing) in the bathroom.
  4. My sister usually _________________ (walk) to school. This week, she _________________ (take) a bus.
  5. My mother _________________ (bake) a cherry pie now.
  6. They often _________________ (play) table games.
  7. Look! The boys _________________ (fight) again!
  8. We _________________  (go) for a walk every day.
  9. I _________________ (learn) new words right now.
  10.  You _________________ (always/come) too late! This is so annoying!



6. Present Simple or Present Continuous


1. Boris  _________________ (walk) his dog right now.

2. My school _________________ (begin) at nine every day.

3. I _______________ (not/work) on Saturdays. But, I ____________ (work) this Saturday.

4. She _________________ (not/sleep) now. She _________________ (read) a book.

5. She can’t speak with you now. She _________________ (have) a meeting.

6. Look! Children _________________ (build) a snow fort!

7. Currently, we _________________ (live) in Canada.

8. He _________________ (be) too rude with his classmates! Nobody likes him.

9. The prices _________________ (grow) these days.

10. We _________________ (fly) to the USA next month.


7. Fill in the spaces with Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple.

Dear Mary

How are you. I …………………… (receive) your letter last week. Thank you for the recipe for the cake I …………………. (ask) for. I made it last week and it ……………….. (be) very nice. I ………………… (have) a new job in a supermarket in the city center. I go there every day at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and …………………. (work) there till 10 o'clock in the evening. I am very happy because my sister ……………………. (work) there too so we travel to and from work together. I ………………………. (get) my first wages last week and I went shopping immediately! I …………………………. (buy) a new stereo for my bedroom. It is gold and black and ………………….. (look) very nice. My brother ………………………. (come) to stay with me for a few days next week. He ………………………. (arrive) on Saturday so I am going to collect him from the station. After I collect him, we are going to that Mexican restaurant near the park. …………………………………………. (you/want?) to come with us? You can ………………………… (call) me to tell me if you want to come or not. John told me that you ………………………. (pass) your Spanish exam last month. Congratulations. …………………………. (it/be) difficult? You know that I ………………… (be) terrible at languages but you are better. …………………………………… (you/go?) to visit Spain for your next holiday so you can practice it?

Please write to me soon with all your news, Mary.

All the best



























Part 2 – Present Perfect and Past Simple

1.Put the verbs in the correct form Present Perfect or Past Simple:

  1. He (not / work)  today.
  2. I (buy)  a new car yesterday.
  3. She (not / see)  her parents for a long time.
  4. She (tell)  us an interesting story yesterday.
  5. We (not / plan)  our holiday yet.
  6. I ………………………………..…(see, already) that film. I saw it last year.
  7. You ………………………………….(miss, just) the bus. It left a minute ago.
  8. ……………..Janet……………..( bring) the shopping in …………..?
  9. Can I read that newspaper? Yes, I …..................................(just, finish) reading it.
  10. …………………Tom and Jake …………………………(ever, eat ) chorizo?
  11. How long ……………………. Henry……………..(live) in Brazil?
  12. I think he ……………………………………..(live) in Brazil since 2008.
  13. That MP4 ……………………………………..(be) in the shop window for months.

2. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the Present Perfect.

1.   I  (drive) a motorcycle.

2.   Diana and her mother  (forget) their jackets again.

3.   He  (hurt) his foot three times this year.

4.   The weather   (be) cold for two weeks.

5.  Raymond   (no, take) a bath today.

6.   The girls   (begin) their swimming class.

7.   The flower  (no, grow) quickly.

8.   Jason  (hit) his head on the door two times today.

9.   Betty and Doug  (know) each other for 3 years.

10.  The sun   (rise) at 6:00am every day this week.

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect tense.


5 p.m. Sue is getting ready for her birthday party. ………… (invite) all her friends. She (1)…...... (not decorate) her room but she (2).....(buy) a lot of food and drink. She is happy because her boyfriend (3).....(send) her som6 flowers and all her friends (4) ………..(give)  her presents. There is only one problem - her brother! He  (5)……..... (break) her CD player and he (6).....(not remember) her birthday. Fortunately, her friend, Emma the party. 11.50 p.m. Sue's birthday party is over. All her friends (8)........  (go) home. They (9)........(eat) all the food but they (10).....(not drink) all the fruit juice.


5. Choose the past simple or the present perfect:

 1. Last night I __________________ (lose) my keys – I had to call my flatmate

to let me in.

2. I __________________ (lose) my keys – can you help me look for them?

3. I __________________ (visit) Paris three times.

4. Last year I __________________ (visit) Paris.

5. I __________________ (know) my great grandmother for a few years - she

died when I was eight.

6. I __________________ (know) Julie for three years – we still meet once a


7. I __________________ (play) hockey since I was a child – I’m pretty good!

8. She __________________ (play) hockey at school, but she

__________________ (not / like) it.

9. Sorry, I __________________ (miss) the bus, so I’m going to be late.

10. I __________________ (miss) the bus, and then I __________________

(miss) the aeroplane as well!

11. Last month I __________________ (go) to Scotland.

12. I’m sorry, John isn’t here now. He __________________ (go) to the shops.

13. We __________________ (finish) this room last week.

14. I __________________ (finish) my exams finally – I’m so happy!


6. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the Present Perfect.


1.   I  (go) to Japan.                               

 2.   She  (see) the movie.

3.   They  (eat) Italian food.                  

 4.   You   (meet) my brother.

5.  Jeff   (no, drive) a car.                      

6.   We   (speak) to the teacher.

7.   They  (no, try) Mexican food.         

 8.   Jen  (do) her homework.


7. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the Present Perfect.


Sandy: Hi, Carl. I'm phoning from France to wish you Happy Birthday.

Carl:   Thanks. How long (go) have you,been you been there?

Sandy: I (1 go).....here since Saturday. The weather (2 not be).....very good but I (3 see).....a lot of places and I (4 speak).....  French all the time.

Carl:   (5 eat).....you.....any frog's legs yet?

Sandy: No, I haven't, what (6 have).....you.....for your birthday? Carl:   My parents (7 buy).....me a new computer. I (8 send).....an e-mail to my friend in New Zealand.

Sandy: Why (9 not send).....you.....one to me?

Carl:   Because I (10 lose).....your e-mail address.


8. Make sentences from the words in brackets. Use the present perfect or the past simple.

  1. (it / not / rain / this week) …………………………………………………….
  2. (the weather / be / cold / recently) ……………………………………………
  3. (it / cold / last week) ………………………………………………………….
  4. (I / not / read / a newspaper yesterday) ……………………………………….
  5. (I / not / read / a newspaper today) …………………………………………...
  6. (Emily / earn / a lot of money / this year) …………………………………….
  7. (She / not / earn / so much / last year) ………………………………………..
  8. (You / have / a holiday recently?) ……………………………………………


9. Put the verb into the more suitable form, present perfect simple or past simple.

  1. I don’t know where Lisa is. ………………………….. (you / see) her?
  2. When I …………… (get) home last night, I ……………………….. (be) very tired and I ……………………. (go) straight to bed.
  3. A: …………………………. (you / finish) painting the bedroom?

       B: Not yet. I’ll finish it tomorrow.

  1. George ……………………. (not / be) very well last week.
  2. Mr Clark ………………………… (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.
  3. Molly lives in Dublin. She …………………………. (live) there all her life.
  4. A: ………………………… (you / go) to the cinema last night?

        B: Yes, but it ………………… (be) a mistake. The film ………………..         (be) awful.

  1. My grandfather ………… (die) before I was born. I …………………….. (never / meet) him.
  2. I don’t know Carol’s husband.  I ……………………….. (never / meet) him.


























Part 3 – Past Continuous and Past Simple


1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous or Past Simple.


Sue (have) ……….. her birthday party last Saturday. When I (1 arrive)....., some people (2 dance)......Sue's young brother (3 cry).....because he (4 not like).....the music. Sue (5 want).....to have a barbecue in the garden, but it (6 rain).....so we (7 cook).....the food in the kitchen. While everybody (8 eat)....., we (9 sing).....

'Happy Birthday' and (10 give).....Sue her presents.


2. Write questions with the past simple.

1 When / you / buy / that tablet / ?

2 How much / your new computer / cost / ?

3 What / you / do / after school yesterday / ?

4 Why / you / not / call me last night / ?

5 Where / Dad / save / the photos / on the computer / ?

6 Which files / you / delete / ?

7 How many copies / Gary / print / yesterday / ?

8 Which company / Steve Jobs / help to start / ?


3. Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I (make) my dinner at 8 o’clock last night.

2 Joe and Sam (use) the wrong program in IT yesterday.

3 Who was that guy you (dance) with at the party?

4 Paula (come) home from school when she saw an accident.

5 In 1999 my father (live) in Dublin. That’s where he met my mother.

6 He (open) the box when he cut his finger.

7 This time last week, we (visit) my grandmother.

8 I (sit) at the back of the classroom so I couldn’t see the screen.

9 Andrew (insert) a photo into his document when the teacher stopped the class.

10 I (start) to do my homework when my friend sent me a message.


4. Complete the sentences with the past simple or the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I (switch off ) the computer because it (make) a strange noise.

2 My dad (listen) to classical music when I (arrive) home from school.

3 We (play) video games when my mum ,(say) ‘Turn the volume down!’

4 My cousin (meet) his wife, Bianca, while he (live) in Italy.

5 My little sister (draw) a picture while I (study) for my French exam.

6 While they (try) to fix the computer, all the lights (go out).

7 When we (leave) school yesterday, it (pour) with rain.

8 When you (see) Paul, he (wear) a black jacket?

9 I (try) to log on when the WiFi (stop) working.


5.Complete the story with the correct past tense form of the verbs in brackets.

Sometimes I hate computers! Once, when I 1 (try) to do my English homework on my laptop, the battery 2 (run out). I 3 (lie) on my bed and I was listening to music on Spotify. It helps me to concentrate. I 4 also (chat) to my friend Daniel on Facebook. OK, so I 5 (not concentrate) very hard on my homework and I 6 (forget) to plug in my laptop!I didn’t notice that the battery was getting low. I was just finishing the essay when the screen 7 (go) black. I 8 (lose) everything. I 9 (scream) in frustration. My dad 10 (come) running into my bedroom. I 11 almost (cry) so he 12 (give) me his laptop. I 13 (try) to remember everything in my essay – it 14 (be) quite difficult especially because Daniel was sending me lots of funny videos. Anyway, while I was watching one, the WiFi stopped working. In the end it was probably better because I 15 (manage) to finish the essay.


























Part 4 – Complete the sentences

1. Complete the sentences with the correct words

happy, sad, excited, worried, tired, angry


1. Their parents get.....when they come home late.

2. He's worked hard all day and now he's.....

3. She's.....because her boyfriend hasn't phoned her this week.

4. I'm.....because I've passed my driving test.

5. The children are going on holiday to America. They're very.....because they've never been abroad.

2. Match the verbs and nouns to make hobbies.

1 collect (d.)  a) judo

2 play   b) models

3 take   c) photos

4 do    d) coins

5 go   e) swimming

6 make   f) chess


3. Complete the sentences with another, other, the other, second, all, none, both, neither.


Did Sue win the race? - No. Anna won it.


1 Close your right eye. Now close.....eye.

2 This pen doesn't work. Have you got.....one?

3 There was a train accident yesterday but.....of the people were hurt.

4 This is the.....time I've seen this film. I saw it last year in London.

5 .....my parents are teachers.

6   Some people like to play sports......people prefer to watch.

7 .....the children in the school were given sweets.

8 The two boys were playing a game. One of them hid a ball and.....tried to find it.

9  Mary and her sister play the piano well but.....of them likes to sing.

10 The boy fell out of the tree and broke.....his legs.


4. Match the questions with the best responses.


1 Have you done your homework ( c)

2  Do you prefer the green jacket or the black one? (  )

3  Is there any ice cream left? (   )

4  Are your brothers at university? (   )

5 Would you like more coffee? (   )

6  Did you win the race? (  )


a) Yes, there's a little.

b) Yes, I'd love another cup.

c) I've done some of it.

d) No. I came second.

e)  Well, I like both of them.

f)  Yes, they're both students.


5.  Complete the sentences with these words:


bargain, borrow, cash, discount, earn, price, lend, lose, save, spend, win


I  like that jacket. What s the ……….please? It's  & 40.

2  I haven't got any money with me. - Don't worry I can.....you  & 5.

3  They.....all their money on clothes.

4  The price of the CD players includes 10%.....

5  Can I pay by cheque? - I prefer to have.....please.

6   I want to.....some money and buy a-new bicycle.

7  These shoes were a......They were &40 and I bought them for &20 in the Sale.

8  Every time I go to the casino, I.....all my money.

9   I've got/good job and I.....a lot of money.

10  Can I.....&10 please? I'll give it you back tomorrow.


6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of do or make.

Have you done, your homework?

1 My sister.....friends very quickly.

2   I didn't.....any mistakes in my homework.

3 My mother always.....the shopping on Friday morning.

4  We.....an English exam yesterday.

5  I'm going to.....a drink. Would you like tea or coffee?

6 Can you help me.....the dishes, please?

7 The children were.....a noise when they were playing in the garden.

8 He goes to the gym and.....exercises every day.

9 They all.....badly in the test last week.

10 I want to.....a phone call before we go out.


7. Complete the sentences with for or since.

    I haven't seen her for a long time.

1 He's been in hospital.....last month.

2  I stayed there.....a fortnight.

3 He's been very happy.....he started his new school.

4 I haven't heard from her.....Christmas.

5 We've known them.....years.


8. Complete the sentences with relative pronouns: who, that, where, whose.


1 I didn't buy the picture.....was Ј50.

2 Susan is the girl.....lent me some money.

3  A boy.....I know has got a pet monkey.

4 Mr Brown is the man.....car was stolen.

5 Is there a park near here.....we can play tennis?

6  This is the ring.....my sister lost.

7  The blue jacket is the one.....I want to buy.

8 John is the student.....Project was given full marks.

9 I don't know anyone.....liked that film.

10 This is the hotel…..we stayed last year






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