Інтегрований урок англійської мови 4 клас

Про матеріал
Урок скерований ознайомити учнів з новими лексичними одиницями, активізувати вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного монологічного та діалогічного мовлення; збільшувати обсяг знань про соціокультурну специфіку мови країни, що вивчається; удосконалювати уміння будувати своє мовне висловлювання, мовленнєву поведінку адекватно цій специфіці; розвивати пам'ять, увагу, навички мислення й говоріння англійською мовою; виховувати почуття любові до тварин і природи.
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Інтегрований урок із англійської мови й природознавства в 4 класі

Тема. Цікавинки про тварин


  • ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, активізувати вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного монологічного та діалогічного мовлення; збільшувати обсяг знань про соціокультурну специфіку мови країни, що вивчається; удосконалювати уміння будувати своє мовне висловлювання, мовленнєву поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;
  • розвивати пам'ять, увагу, навички мислення й говоріння англійською мовою;
  • виховувати почуття любові до тварин і природи.


Обладнання: зображення тварин, мультимедійний супровід.




Teacher. Good morning, children!

Pupils. Good morning, teacher!

Teacher. Today we have unusual party. We have a guest. It’s Pisnayko.

He knows that you read kid’s magazine and like it very much. Today we’ll speak about wild animals, play interesting games, solve crosswords and do many other things.


Teacher. Do you like going to the zoo? Pupils. Yes, we do.

Teacher. What wild animals do you know? Pupils. A tiger, a lion, an elephant, a crocodile, a panda, a giraffe...

Teacher. All right, children! Now Yevgeny will recite you a poem “At the Zoo.”

At the Zoo I see a bear,

He has brown fluffy hair.

There’s a lion, crocodile with a very toothy smile.

There’s a yellow tall giraffe,

Funny monkeys make me laugh. But my favorite animal at the Zoo is the elephant. What about you?


Teacher. At home you’ve prepared interesting information about wild animals and birds. Tell Pisnayko interesting facts about animals’ life.

(Учні розповідають про тварин, а на екрані з’являються зображення тварин.)

Pupil 1. Giraffes live in African savannas. They have the longest necks and very long legs. Giraffes usually eat leaves from the trees with their long blue tongues.

Pupil 2. Monkeys live in different parts of the world. You can find them in Africa, Asia, and America. You can see these animals in the forests and in the mountains, on the trees and on the ground.



Pupil 3. Usually monkeys live in families. These animals are very clever. They learn during all their life.

Pupil 4. The arctic fox lives in the north. It has a thick coat. This coat is white in winter and grey- brown in summer.



Pupil 5. Some arctic foxes, for example, in Greenland, are blue or grey-blue. When the fox is white, it is hard to see it in the snow. Thus it can hide.

Pupil 6. Arctic foxes catch small animals. They can hear these animals even under the snow. Arctic foxes do not sleep in winter like bears. They are active all year round.

Pupil 7. Chameleons are lizards. Usually they are green, because they hide on the trees. They can be yellow, red, or blue, too. Chameleons can change colors. For example, when they are angry, they become black. Chameleons eat insects with their long tongues.



Pupil 8. The swallow is one of the national symbols of Ukraine. It is good if swallows build their nest on the house. It will bring love and happiness to the family:



Pupil 9. Swallows usually come to us in April. And in summer they often have nestlings. Parents bring food to their kids up to 400 times a day! Swallows eat flies, mosquitoes, and other insects. In August or September swallows fly away to Africa. They spend their winter holidays there.

Pupil 10. There are many kinds of deer. They live on every continent except Australia and Antarctica. Deer have big antlers.



Pupil 11. The largest deer is the moose, which is over 2 meters tall. The pod of South America is the smallest deer. Some pods are only 25 centimeters high.

Pupil 12. Deer shed their antlers every winter. Their new antlers grow in spring and in summer. Many deer live in forests. They eat leaves, twigs, and grass.


Pupil 13. Hippos are big and heavy animals. They can weigh 4000 kg as much as 45 big men! A million years ago, these animals lived in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Now they live only in some parts of Africa.


Pupil 14. There are two kinds of hippos: pygmy hippos and river hippos. River hippos live near rivers. They spend half their lives in water. They swim there and hide from the sun. Hippos eat only vegetables, but they have very big teeth. Even crocodiles are afraid of hippos!


Pisnayko. OK, children! I see you know a lot about animals.

1. Answer the questions.

1) What do hippos eat? (Vegetables)

2) What color is the giraffe’s tongue? (Blue)

3) When do swallows spend their winter holidays? (In Africa)

4) What color is the coat of arctic foxes in summer? (Grey-brown)

5) When do swallows usually come to us? (In April)

6) What do chameleons eat? (Insects)

Pisnayko. Well done, children! Now it’s time to have a rest. Listen to the song “The Animal Show”.



Father and mother and I will go to a funny animal show.

Where lions and bears sit on chairs,

Horses and camels Jump on tables,

Oh, I love this animal show.

Sister and brother and I will go

To a funny animal show.

Where hippos and elephants

Ring their telephones,

Baby baboons Blow balloons,

Oh, I love this animal show.

2. Find an odd word. (Знайдіть зайве слово.)

1) A lion, a tiger, a box, a crocodile, a bear.

2) A forest, a river, a field, a book, a pond.

3) A leg, a dress, a tail, a head, an eye.

4) Meat, grass, fish, pencil, milk.

5) Doll, tall, short, big, long, small.

3. Unscramble these words. (Розгадайте слова.)

areb (bear)

pophi (hippo)

phanelet (elephant)

nilo (lion)

colediroc (crocodile)

regti (tiger)

4. Let’s play a game “Guess an animal”. (Відгадайте за описом тварину.)

Listen carefully. What animal is it?

  1. This is a wild animal. It is kind. It is very big and grey. It has got a long trunk and four legs. It lives in Africa. It has two large ears. (An elephant.)


  1. This animal is very tall. It has a long neck. It is white and brown. It lives in the forest in Africa. (A giraffe.)


  1. This animal is very angry. It is very long and green. It has a long tail. It lives in the river. (A crocodile.)



  1. This animal is red and small. It is kind. It has a bushy tail. It lives in the forest. It likes to eat nuts, mushrooms. (A squirrel.)


  1. This animal is not very big. It is sly and red. It lives in the forest. It has a bushy tail and four legs. It has two small ears. (A fox.)



  1. It is a big wild animal. It lives in the forest. It has a nice coat. It is yellow, black and white. It is very angry. It is strong. It has four paws and a long tail. (A tiger.)


5. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. (Доповніть речення словами)


Climb, fly, run, swim, and jump

  • A tiger can run.
  • A bird can fly.
  • A kangaroo can jump.
  • A crocodile can swim.
  • A monkey can climb.
  • A hippo can swim.
  • A giraffe can run.
  • A panda can climb.

6. Choose the correct word. (Виберіть потрібне слово.)

Key: An elephant is big.

A giraffe has got a longneck.

A crocodile is angry.

The monkeys complete the sentences with the words from і the box.

Climb, fly, run, swim, and jump

|1) A tiger can 

2) A bird can 

3) A kangaroo can 

4) Acrocodilecan 

5) Amonkeycan 

6) A hippo can 

7) A giraffe can 

8)Apanda can 


Choose the correct word.

An elephant is (big, small).

A giraffe has got a (short, long) neck.

A crocodile is (angry, kind). і The monkeys are (funny, sly) animals.

A fox is (sly, kind).

A panda has got a (long, short) tail.

Are funny animals.

A fox is sly. A panda has got a short tail.



Dear children, I liked your party very much. We worked a lot at this lesson and I hope you liked it too. I hope you will read kid’s magazine “Pisnayko” and learn more and more about animals and other interesting things. Thank you very much.



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23 січня 2020
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