Настільна гра «Бінго» є однією з найпопулярніших ігор у Великобританії, а також вона використовується для навчання англійської мови дітей дошкільного та молодшого шкільного віку. Дух суперництва, бажання виграти, бурхливі емоції роблять цю гру захоплюючої і корисної серед малюків і дорослих. Ця гра проводиться з допомогою тематичних карток, на яких перелічуються слова з тем, що вивчаються.
Мета використання карток «Бінго» — закріплення лексики теми з допомогою гри.
– знайомити дітей молодшого шкільного віку з культурою і традиціями англомовних країн;
– розширювати словниковий запас.
– розвивати пізнавальний інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови;
– розвивати фонематичний слух, увагу, пам'ять, здібності до імітації, здогадку.
– формувати інтерес та повагу до традицій і звичаїв людей, що говорять англійською мовою;
– розвивати мотивацію до подальшого вивчення іноземної мови.
Для чого потрібні картки Бінго з англійської мови?
По-перше, вони добре розвивають пам'ять. По-друге, з допомогою них відпрацьовується правильна вимова. По-третє, при роботі з картками відбувається тренування уваги. І підсумком усього цього можна назвати значне поповнення активного і пасивного словникового запасу.
Актуальність використання тематичних карток в тому, що вони сприяють підвищенню інтересу до вивчення предмета, поглиблюють і розширюють отримані знання, дають можливість учням проявити свої мовні та пізнавальні здібності. Крім того, це сприяє розвитку у дітей правильної вимови.
Картки можна використовувати для колективної, індивідуальної або диференційованої роботи з учнями.
Print off your bingo cards and start playing! If you can't get to a printer you can also play online - share this link with your friends: mfbc.us/m/yg6n6c and they can play on their mobiles or tablets.
On the next page is a sheet for the bingo caller that contains of all the words that appear on the cards.
Pin these bingo cards on Pinterest, share on Facebook, or post this link: mfbc.us/s/yg6n6c
To add more words or make changes to this set of bingo cards go to mfbc.us/e/yg6n6c
Go to myfreebingocards.com/bingo-card-generator to create a new set of bingo cards.
The terms of use for these printable bingo cards can be found at myfreebingocards.com/terms.
Have Fun!
If you have any feedback or suggestions, drop us an email on hello@myfreebingocards.com.
Bingo Caller's Card |
rice |
meat |
fruit |
potatoes |
bread |
cheese |
chocolate |
sausage |
apple juice |
chicken |
jam |
ice- cream |
milk |
orange juice |
fish |
sweets |
carrot juice |
pasta |
biscuits |
toast |
tea |
coffee |
salad |
vegetables |
eggs |
Food |
Food |
sweets |
pasta |
fish |
jam |
chicken |
rice |
bread |
jam |
chicken |
orange juice |
orange juice |
chocolate |
meat |
biscuits |
cheese |
fruit |
pasta |
salad |
milk |
cheese |
sausage |
vegetables |
milk |
coffee |
ice- cream |
sausage |
chocolate |
tea |
biscuits |
toast |
tea |
eggs |
carrot juice |
toast |
fruit |
eggs |
apple juice |
ice- cream |
vegetables |
fish |
rice |
salad |
bread |
apple juice |
potatoes |
coffee |
carrot juice |
potatoes |
meat |
sweets |
Food |
Food |
salad |
meat |
pasta |
rice |
eggs |
potatoes |
milk |
salad |
fish |
ice- cream |
fruit |
chocolate |
potatoes |
sausage |
chicken |
sweets |
chicken |
vegetables |
bread |
tea |
toast |
fish |
carrot juice |
biscuits |
ice- cream |
chocolate |
meat |
rice |
biscuits |
pasta |
cheese |
bread |
tea |
apple juice |
jam |
coffee |
sausage |
apple juice |
eggs |
toast |
orange juice |
coffee |
sweets |
milk |
vegetables |
orange juice |
jam |
fruit |
cheese |
carrot juice |
Food |
Food |
tea |
jam |
sausage |
cheese |
meat |
jam |
cheese |
tea |
chocolate |
apple juice |
biscuits |
milk |
orange juice |
toast |
salad |
eggs |
salad |
pasta |
biscuits |
sweets |
rice |
potatoes |
vegetables |
chocolate |
carrot juice |
vegetables |
bread |
toast |
fruit |
ice- cream |
fish |
eggs |
chicken |
sweets |
fruit |
chicken |
carrot juice |
milk |
fish |
rice |
pasta |
bread |
ice- cream |
apple juice |
coffee |
coffee |
sausage |
potatoes |
meat |
orange juice |
Food |
Food |
jam |
bread |
rice |
chicken |
vegetables |
toast |
carrot juice |
orange juice |
sausage |
vegetables |
carrot juice |
pasta |
chocolate |
meat |
salad |
coffee |
salad |
pasta |
chicken |
ice- cream |
milk |
apple juice |
potatoes |
orange juice |
ice- cream |
chocolate |
potatoes |
fruit |
biscuits |
milk |
eggs |
sausage |
tea |
toast |
fruit |
jam |
meat |
fish |
apple juice |
tea |
fish |
sweets |
cheese |
biscuits |
coffee |
rice |
eggs |
cheese |
sweets |
bread |
Food |
Food |
toast |
rice |
eggs |
fruit |
apple juice |
eggs |
fish |
meat |
sausage |
biscuits |
carrot juice |
tea |
biscuits |
jam |
cheese |
jam |
cheese |
chicken |
ice- cream |
rice |
salad |
potatoes |
milk |
chocolate |
chicken |
potatoes |
milk |
toast |
chocolate |
pasta |
sweets |
bread |
vegetables |
ice- cream |
orange juice |
sweets |
coffee |
orange juice |
carrot juice |
fruit |
fish |
coffee |
pasta |
meat |
sausage |
apple juice |
salad |
bread |
vegetables |
tea |
Food |
Food |
tea |
sausage |
orange juice |
bread |
carrot juice |
bread |
sweets |
rice |
biscuits |
chicken |
pasta |
coffee |
chocolate |
biscuits |
apple juice |
milk |
eggs |
jam |
meat |
salad |
meat |
vegetables |
rice |
fish |
salad |
coffee |
toast |
orange juice |
vegetables |
ice- cream |
ice- cream |
toast |
jam |
sweets |
cheese |
pasta |
potatoes |
sausage |
carrot juice |
tea |
fruit |
potatoes |
eggs |
chicken |
milk |
apple juice |
chocolate |
cheese |
fruit |
fish |
Food |
Food |
pasta |
coffee |
milk |
bread |
chocolate |
salad |
vegetables |
cheese |
eggs |
fish |
fish |
meat |
fruit |
sweets |
chicken |
meat |
carrot juice |
chicken |
toast |
milk |
ice- cream |
salad |
biscuits |
vegetables |
toast |
pasta |
sausage |
rice |
chocolate |
coffee |
jam |
tea |
rice |
eggs |
carrot juice |
apple juice |
orange juice |
biscuits |
fruit |
tea |
apple juice |
potatoes |
orange juice |
sausage |
cheese |
bread |
ice- cream |
jam |
sweets |
potatoes |
Food |
Food |
fish |
vegetables |
cheese |
ice- cream |
meat |
coffee |
eggs |
jam |
pasta |
bread |
carrot juice |
salad |
potatoes |
fruit |
milk |
potatoes |
tea |
meat |
chicken |
biscuits |
chocolate |
sweets |
pasta |
apple juice |
jam |
milk |
cheese |
sausage |
salad |
rice |
orange juice |
biscuits |
tea |
chicken |
sausage |
vegetables |
fruit |
chocolate |
toast |
apple juice |
rice |
toast |
eggs |
coffee |
bread |
sweets |
carrot juice |
orange juice |
ice- cream |
fish |
Food |
Food |
biscuits |
milk |
ice- cream |
toast |
chocolate |
jam |
milk |
chicken |
toast |
vegetables |
tea |
sweets |
salad |
vegetables |
meat |
cheese |
coffee |
bread |
sausage |
eggs |
potatoes |
orange juice |
apple juice |
jam |
fish |
fish |
meat |
apple juice |
fruit |
pasta |
pasta |
rice |
fruit |
eggs |
sausage |
ice- cream |
carrot juice |
sweets |
orange juice |
potatoes |
cheese |
coffee |
bread |
chicken |
carrot juice |
rice |
tea |
biscuits |
chocolate |
salad |
Food |
Food |
ice- cream |
bread |
apple juice |
cheese |
salad |
chocolate |
fruit |
vegetables |
ice- cream |
fish |
meat |
rice |
milk |
orange juice |
potatoes |
carrot juice |
eggs |
cheese |
meat |
orange juice |
tea |
jam |
fruit |
fish |
eggs |
potatoes |
toast |
rice |
chicken |
sausage |
sausage |
chocolate |
coffee |
chicken |
carrot juice |
pasta |
coffee |
salad |
biscuits |
apple juice |
biscuits |
pasta |
sweets |
toast |
vegetables |
jam |
sweets |
milk |
tea |
bread |
Food |
Food |
meat |
sausage |
chocolate |
milk |
apple juice |
sausage |
orange juice |
milk |
coffee |
rice |
pasta |
orange juice |
coffee |
jam |
bread |
potatoes |
jam |
tea |
cheese |
biscuits |
vegetables |
sweets |
fruit |
ice- cream |
eggs |
carrot juice |
chicken |
toast |
vegetables |
fish |
salad |
carrot juice |
tea |
toast |
potatoes |
pasta |
salad |
apple juice |
meat |
ice- cream |
biscuits |
chicken |
cheese |
fish |
rice |
chocolate |
bread |
fruit |
sweets |
eggs |
Food |
Food |
ice- cream |
apple juice |
cheese |
fish |
orange juice |
fruit |
fish |
apple juice |
pasta |
carrot juice |
jam |
pasta |
bread |
eggs |
biscuits |
sausage |
toast |
potatoes |
tea |
eggs |
toast |
salad |
sweets |
fruit |
rice |
salad |
ice- cream |
chocolate |
coffee |
vegetables |
carrot juice |
meat |
sausage |
chicken |
coffee |
meat |
sweets |
orange juice |
milk |
cheese |
tea |
vegetables |
potatoes |
milk |
chocolate |
chicken |
rice |
biscuits |
bread |
jam |
Food |
Food |
sweets |
potatoes |
chocolate |
bread |
fruit |
potatoes |
meat |
tea |
cheese |
carrot juice |
orange juice |
milk |
vegetables |
tea |
jam |
eggs |
ice- cream |
apple juice |
fish |
toast |
meat |
coffee |
cheese |
ice- cream |
eggs |
fruit |
milk |
bread |
sausage |
sweets |
pasta |
apple juice |
carrot juice |
fish |
chicken |
salad |
vegetables |
chicken |
rice |
orange juice |
rice |
sausage |
biscuits |
salad |
toast |
coffee |
jam |
pasta |
biscuits |
chocolate |
Food |
Food |
apple juice |
coffee |
fish |
salad |
chocolate |
jam |
coffee |
toast |
tea |
meat |
biscuits |
toast |
ice- cream |
sausage |
fruit |
sausage |
biscuits |
apple juice |
vegetables |
sweets |
cheese |
pasta |
jam |
carrot juice |
orange juice |
cheese |
potatoes |
ice- cream |
carrot juice |
rice |
potatoes |
sweets |
meat |
vegetables |
milk |
eggs |
orange juice |
milk |
fish |
fruit |
rice |
eggs |
bread |
chicken |
tea |
bread |
pasta |
salad |
chicken |
chocolate |
Food |
Food |
fruit |
rice |
toast |
pasta |
chocolate |
fruit |
bread |
sweets |
apple juice |
cheese |
sausage |
sweets |
tea |
apple juice |
milk |
coffee |
biscuits |
carrot juice |
ice- cream |
eggs |
carrot juice |
potatoes |
salad |
fish |
eggs |
meat |
milk |
vegetables |
tea |
chocolate |
cheese |
bread |
coffee |
chicken |
meat |
potatoes |
salad |
sausage |
chicken |
toast |
vegetables |
orange juice |
biscuits |
ice- cream |
jam |
orange juice |
pasta |
rice |
fish |
jam |