Keep Calm and Treat Animals with Kindness ( Year 10-11)

Про матеріал
Урок доброти для учнів 10-11 класів до Всесвітнього дня захисту тварин , який відзначається 4 жовтня. Матеріал містить конспект заняття з активними посиланнями на відео та інтерактивні ресурси, які урізноманітнюють урок та розвивають цікавість до вивчення англійської та формують ключові компетентності здобувачів освіти.
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Subject:  Stay Calm and Treat Animals with Kindness

T eaching Objectives:

1) to help pupils get to know  more about  a World Animal Day and kindness to animals;

2) to develop  the 21st century skills;

3) to  bring up ecological awareness, the feelings of respect and empathy;

4) to expand knowledge  about proper actions in case of emergency.

Teaching Aids and Materials: Power Point presentation, an interactive white board and the internet resources WordArt  and Plickers , mobile phones, handouts (cards with quotations about animals)

The Type of the Lesson:  skills class


I. The beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting

Good morning! Nice to see you at our Lesson of Kindness devoted to the World Animal Day celebrated on the 4th of October. I am sure that you will enrich yourself with useful information and get positive emotions. Here is the motto of our lesson “Keep calm and take care of animals”

C:\Users\User\Desktop\Kindness\take care.jpg

Рис. 3.1.1

2. Warm up

Now I would like you to sing a song of Imagine Dragons “ Birds”. Pay attention to the spelling and pronunciation. Have a look on the lyrics on the in interactive board. Find main words of this song .


II. The basic part of the lesson

As you`ve understood we are going to speak about love and kindness to animals. So, now your task is to make an image in WordArt using your mobile phones. You have to write all words which are associated with the notion Kindness.


We see that everyone included the words animals or pets in your images. It means we can`t imagine our lives without love and animals.

A group work ( reading and discussing)

This time you are to split into 5 groups and then try to make a quotation from the given parts of  the papers. Who is he first , that one will read and comment on it.

C:\Users\User\Desktop\Kindness\images (8).jpg         C:\Users\User\Desktop\Kindness\images (9).jpg 

       Рис.3.1.4                                        Рис.3.1.5                                               C:\Users\User\Desktop\Kindness\images.jpg   C:\Users\User\Desktop\Kindness\images (11).jpg

            Рис. 3.1.6                                            Рис. 3.1.7

C:\Users\User\Desktop\Kindness\images (10).jpgC:\Users\User\Desktop\Kindness\images (12).jpgРис.3. 1.8                                   Рис.3.1.9

Thank you for your wise thoughts.

Now we are going to play Plickers in order to check your knowledge about pets and cases of emergency connected with animals. So, remember to read the questions attentively and hold the correct letter on the top of the Plickers` cards. A volunteer from each group has to read one question aloud and say the variant of the answer after showing your cards


Рис. 3.1.10

An interactive game Plickers ( reading,  revising vocabulary and discussion):

Set 1 “Kindness to animals”

  1. Homeless animals are those who…
  1.                 live in the street;
  2.                  are not fed up by the owner;
  3.                  are out of their homes and are not controlled by their owners;
  4.                 don`t have a dog –collar or muzzle.
  1. A science that studies dogs is called…
  1.                 zoology;
  2.                  psychology;
  3.                  gerontology;
  4.                 cynology.
  1. Dogs that are taught to save people in the mountains are called…
  1.                 Labradors;
  2.                  St Bernard dogs;
  3.                  Dalmatians;
  4.                 Shepherds.
  1. When do we have to vaccinate our kittens and puppies against rabies? When they are…
  1.                 1 month old;
  2.                  3 months old;
  3.                  6 months old;
  4.                 1 year old.
  1. The best guide-dogs are…
  1.                 Shepherds;
  2.                  Labradors;
  3.                  Dalmatians;
  4.                 St Bernard dogs.

Set 2 When you have been bitten by a dog

  1. When you have been bitten by a dog, first you have to…
  1.                 call a doctor;
  2.                  wash a wound carefully;
  3.                  apply a patch;
  4.                 drink a lot of water.
  1. The best thing for washing a wound is…
  1.                 alcohol;
  2.                  clear water;
  3.                  tea;
  4.                 a soup.
  1. After washing a wound you should
  1.                 go to bed;
  2.                  use antiseptic;
  3.                  go to hospital;
  4.                 call a doctor.
  1. After using antiseptic you have to…
  1.                  apply a sterile bandage;
  2.                  call a doctor;
  3.                  take some medicine;
  4.                 watch TV.
  1. If you have not been vaccinated against rabies for 5 years, you have to do it again.
  1.                 False;
  2.                  True.

Thank you so much for you answers and I hope you`ve memorized what to do in case of emergency.


And  at the end of our lesson of kindness I would like you to watch a short video. (watching and discussion)


So, you`ve seen how many animals were rescued by people in different countries of the world.

  •           Could you say that you have ever done the same?
  •           What tips would you give your classmates about kind attitude towards animals?

III. The final part of the lesson

  1.                   Summarizing

To sum up, answer my questions and   express your point of view .

  •           What impressed you most?
  •           What are you planning to do in the future in order to help animals?
  1.                   Homework

Your task at home will be to write an article “Why should we take care of animals?”

        3.  Praising the pupils. Evaluation.

  1. Saying “goodbye”

Looking forward to see you next time and read or listen to your articles.

Keep calm and treat animals with kindness!!!



23 лютого 2023
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