Комплексна робота з англійської мови для 6 класу(сімейна форма навчання) )

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Контрольна робота розрахована для проведення оцінювання з англійської мови для учнів 6 класу на сімейній формі навчання за І семестр.
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Завдання для проведення оцінювання за І семестр для

учнів 6 класу  предмету «Англійська мова»

(сімейна форма навчання)



Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets in the correct form.


1 When we were in Greece, we (swim) in the sea every day.

2 Marina (come) to my house and we watched a film.

3 I (not get up) early this morning. It’s Saturday.

4 We (not sleep) in tents on our last holiday. We stayed at a hotel.

5 We (not meet) at my house at the weekend.

6 A: (go) to Milan last weekend?

   B: Yes, I did.

7 We (cannot) buy presents for our friends. The shops were closed.

8 (fly) to America last year?

Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use the past simple.


1 My dad (work) in Los Angeles last year.

2 I (join) the school orchestra in March.

3 My mum (study) maths at university.

4 We (start) school on 15th September.

5 They (visit) London in 2015.

6 The Great Fire (kill) rats in 1666.

7 We (cook) pancakes on 19th February.

8 My grandmother (phone) me last night.

Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.


1 I’m a bit______ about the maths exam tomorrow.

A afraid B worried C sorry D glad

2 We’re so_______ you could come tonight. It’s going to be such fun.

A glad B upset C nervous D interested

3 My mum builds roads and buildings. She’s______ .

A a customer B an engineer C a factory worker D a mechanic

4 My cousin’s a famous _______ . People take photos of him.

A manager B farmer C staff D model

5 My aunt works in an Italian restaurant. She’s _______ .

A a cook B a photographer C a shop assistant D an engineer














Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F).

The Great Fire of San Francisco

On 18th April 1906, there was an earthquake in the city of San Fransisco. It was 5 o'clock in the morning and there weren't many people in the streets; most people were in bed. But it was a very big earthquake and people felt it in Los Angeles, more than 600 km from San Francisco. It destroyed many buildings.

But soon there was another problem. Many small fires started after the earthquake. At that time in San Fransisco, the city was crowded and most old houses were made of wood. The fires moved quickly from building to building and from street to street. People didn't have water to stop the fire, and soon buildings all over the city were on fire.

The city burned for four days and it destroyed 28,000 buildings in the city. Around 250,000 people lost their homes and about 3,000 people died. After the fire, the people built a new city, with big streets and new houses.

  1. On 18th April 1906, there was a fire in San Fransisco.
  2. There was an earthquake in San Diego.
  3. The San Fransisco fire happened in spring.
  4. At 5 o'clock in the morning there were many people in the streets.
  5. People felt an earthquake in Los Angeles.
  6. The earthquake wasn't big.
  7. Many small storms started after the earthquake.
  8. Most old houses were made of wood.
  9. The fires moved slowly from building to building.
  10. People didn't have water to stop the fire.


For each question, choose the correct answer.


1 Two friends are talking at the shopping centre.Why is the boy at the shopping centre?

A His computer’s not working.

B He wants to visit a new shop.

C He always gets his shopping there.

2 A boy is talking about shopping. What did he buy?

A some fruit

B a dog

C some bread

3 A woman is talking to her daughter about a present for her son, Matt. What is the present?

A something for Matt to wear

B something that Matt asked for

C something Matt needs for school

4 Two friends are talking at one of the friend’s houses. What is the boy doing?

A He’s reading his homework diary.

B He’s looking at websites.

C He’s doing his homework.

5 A teacher is talking to the class about a school trip. What is he telling them to do?

A get to school early

B bring T-shirts

C wear warm clothes




1. Shopping

2. An exciting trip

3. This is my day

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Всього відгуків: 1
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  1. is Life
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