Комунікативна методика викладання англійської мови у початкових класах

Про матеріал
Комунікативна методика викладання англійської мови - це постійна взаємодія учнів між собою, їхня співпраця, спілкування, співробітництво. Це ефективний шлях поповнення знань, словникового запасу та розвитку комунікативних здібностей. Фундаментальним підґрунтям комунікації є загальна відкрита атмосфера навчання, що панує під час уроку та довірливі відносини між учителем та учнем. У цій публікації представлена методика викладання окремих видів діяльності на уроках англійської мови.
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Харківська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів № 126

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Комунікативна методика викладання

англійської мови у початкових класах






Підготувала учитель

 англійської мови

Куценко Оксана Олександрівна





Харків - 2020

 Комунікативна методика викладання англійської мови - це постійна взаємодія учнів між собою, їхня співпраця, спілкування, співробітництво. Це ефективний шлях поповнення знань, словникового запасу та розвитку комунікативних здібностей. Фундаментальним підґрунтям комунікації є загальна відкрита атмосфера навчання, що панує під час уроку та довірливі відносини між учителем та учнем.

 У цій публікації представлена методика викладання окремих видів діяльності на уроках англійської мови.

Warming up

I use it to encourage my student to work actively, to participate in my lessons.

Open them, shut them,

Open them, shut them.

Give a little clap!

Open them, shut them,

Open them, shut them.

Put them in your lap!

Creep them, creep them, creep them, creep them,

Right up to your chin!

Open up your mouth....

but don't let them in!

Open them, shut them,

Open them, shut them

To your shoulders fly!

Now like little birdies let them flutter to the sky!

Now falling, falling, falling, falling all the way to the ground!

Now quickly pick them up again, and turn them round and round.

Faster....faster.....faster! Slower.....slower....slower!

Open them, shut them,

Open them, shut them.

Give a little clap!

Open them, shut them,

Open them, shut them.

Put them in your lap.

Before some games blocks during the lessons I recommend a nice routine activity or a little piece of drama staging for primary kids.

One little bunny,

Wondering what to do,

Another bunny came along,

Then there were two.

Two little bunnies,

Hopping like me,

Another bunny came along,

Then there were three.

Three little bunnies

Jumping by my door,

Another bunny joined them,

Then there were four.

Four little bunnies

So fluffy and alive,

Another bunny joined them,

Then there were five.


Five little bunnies,

Ready for some fun

Hopped away

In the warm, spring sun.

Have you ever had fun, writing small poems for your students?

I have. Simple one, though. Like this:

Touch your nose, touch your head - touch red!

Touch your nose, touch your chin - touch green!

Touch your nose, touch your shoe - touch blue!

Touch your nose, touch your elbow - touch yellow!



Ball games

1.Pass the ball

This game practices adjectives. You need a ball, or a screwed up piece of paper will work fine.


-Students and you stand or sit in a circle.

-Pass the ball to the person next to you in the circle and pretend the ball is really heavy by miming.

-Tell the person next to you that it's really, really heavy and give it to them.

-They continue passing the ball around the circle making out it's heavy.

-Tell students to think of a new adjective each. The ball is going to take on different characteristics as it goes around the circle.

-When you say ‘the ball is changing' the student who has the ball must pass it to the next student using their adjective instead, and so it goes on until everyone has had a chance to change the ball's form.

-It could be hot, cold, light, alive, smelly etc.

At the end ask students the adjectives they remember and get them to mime them for the others to guess.

2. To calm the students down I use: 5,4,3,2,1,0 I'm looking for my student hero. And you look through look-see. With a ball you can drill everything that you want.

We studied illnesses: headache, toothache etc. I used the ball to repeat the whole word: throw to each other, then we threw to spell them: t o o t h a c h e. Or use phrases I've got...  You can use any topic that you like. But that's really good to drill. Funny and useful. And good warmer.

3. Ball and Music

Preparation: A big ball, the bigger the better!

1. Play some music.

2. While the music is playing the kids pass around the big ball.

3. When you stop the music whoever is holding the ball becomes your “volunteer” for the next activity (Run! Dance! Sing a song and etc.)

4.Eatable – uneatable

I’ll throw you a ball and say a word. For example: “carrot”. If we can eat it, you should say “Eatable”. If we can’t eat it you should say “Uneatable”. Then you should throw the ball back to me.

Also, we can play this game without a ball.

Have the group form a circle? Choose one of the players to be the leader. On the signal, the leader names different objects. If the named object is eatable, the players clap their hands in front of them.

If the named object is uneatable, the players clap their hands behind their backs. Here is an example: "roll(front), doll(back), box(back), fox(back), jam(front), ham(front), lamb(back), plane(back), cane(back), cream(front), dream(back), street(back), meat(front), feet(back), pill(front), honey(front), money(back), candy(front), etc."

As the game progress have the leader say the words faster and faster. Those who make mistakes are out of the game. Last one still playing wins.

It organizes kids and keeps them both concentrated and busy. We can do it with “alive - not alive”, choose two topics (clothes and my house, for example) or play opposite personality adjectives.

Learning new vocabulary


1.I show children flashcards with new words (5 or 6) and they repeat them   accordingly.

2.Then students repeat words rhythmically, clapping 1,2,3 after each word.

3.Children shut their eyes and I hide one card. They open their eyes and I ask:

 “What is missing?” They answer.

4.I say: “I am thinking of the card. It is not a teddy; it is not a … I say 4 words, the fifth (last) they guess.

5.I take “Feely bag”, where the toys are and ask: “What is it?”. Every student is touching the bag, trying to guess the word. Then they take out the toy and сheck the answer.

 Уроки за даною комунікативною технологією захоплюють учнів, пробуджують в них інтерес та мотивацію, навчають самостійного мислення та дій. Треба пам'ятати, що від компетентності, уміння і стилю роботи конкретного вчителя залежить ефективність уроку, сила впливу на емоції та свідомість учнів.

До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Павліченко О.М., Доценко І.В., Євчук О.В.)
13 лютого 2020
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