конспект уроку 2 клас тема "My friends. Revision"

Про матеріал
Урок узагальнення та систематизації знань з теми "My friends" Для проведення уроку вчителю необхідно мати завантажений аудіододаток та мультимедійний додаток до підручника авт. О.Д. Карп'юк.
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Form 2          Unit 2.  My friends. Revision
Objectives: - to review the language of the topic;

  • to reflect on pupil’s learning.

Recycled language: personal pronouns: I, he, she, we, they;

                               Structures: Who is this?/ Who is your   friend?/ My best friend is … /He/she is … /We/They are friends.

                                                Do you like …? – Yes, I do/ No, I don’t. My friend likes …

Materials:  students’ books, activity books, Audio scripts, MP, pictures and posters, Smiley Sams.

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speak about their friends,  and use the vocabulary and the structures of the topic in games.


  1. Greeting
    T: Good morning, pupils. Nice to see you!

Ps.: Good morning, dear teacher, nice to see you!

Ps listen and sing the “Hello” song

Ps ask each other and answer –How are you? – I’m good/ great/ wonderful.

Aim and Warming up

T. – Ps: Do you remember our theme? (MP Unit 2 My friends)

Ps listen and sing “ 1,2, -1,2,3, I like my friend and she likes me”

T.:   what good friends do together? T. shows pictures and pupils name them:  They go to school, jump, run, swim, ride a bike together.

T -Ps.: -Who is your friend? -P1., P2, P3, P4, : … is my best friend.   
T. So friends, have a look at our tasks.

  T.: At the lesson we are going to:

- revise the words on the topic;

- read the words and the sentences;

- listen and say the number of the picture;

- point and say;

-read and match;

- choose  and write.

By the end of the lesson you will be able

  • To speak about your friends;
  • To say what you and your friend like

T. As you are friends, you will work together.


  1.   Ps sit at the desks put in the circle. Pictures  and sheets with words : funny, clever, nice, pretty    are at the desk. Ps match pictures and words and describe each other. (Nastia is ... , Anna is …, Zhenia is…, Liza is … .)
  2.  Reading 

Ps revise the ABC, than play Phonics game (2). Ps are split into two groups. They listen and complete the word. For each point they get smiley.

  1. Listening

Ps play game 2 part 2. They do it individually one by one.


  1. There are pictures on the blackboard: a doll, a teddy bear, a plane, a car, a kite, a bike, a cake,  a book, tea, chocolate, ice-cream, juice.

Ps come to the board, take out the words on the sheets of paper, read and match with the pictures.

  1. Listen and say the  number of the picture

Ps. book task 1, p. 35. Ps look at the picture , listen to the audio and find the appropriate picture.


  1. Look and say

Ps. Book task 2 p. 35 (Ps look and say what the children like)

  1. Read and match
  2. Ps. Book p. 35 task 3

Ps read  the sentences and match  to the pictures.


  1. Speaking.

Ps play “Mingle-Mingle”. They ask each other: Do you like …? –Yes, I do/No, I don’t./ Then they tell  about each other what he/she likes.

  1. Writing

Activity books p. 30. Task 2  (Ps do it individually, then ask each other.)

Activity books p. 30 Task 1(Ps. Do it individually)


Ps present their circles of friends. They say:  We are friends. We …., and … together. We like ….

Home task: Activity book p. 31

Summary T. : Look at the blackboard. What colours can you see? –Yellow and blue. These are the colours of our country. I want you to be friends forever and love our Ukraine forever .too.

Ps watch and sing “Goodbye” song









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Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 2 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
26 лютого 2023
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