Конспект уроку "Alphabet" початкова школа

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План - розробка уроку "Alphabet" з англійської мови для учнів початкової школи
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Модуль 3. Planning lessons and courses

Залікова робота за темою


Task 1 : Make a lesson plan for any topic for Grade 1 including vocabulary games, grammar chants and songs.
You can also use the ready-made lesson plans on this website




The alphabet


  • To provide young pupils with a basic knowledge of English, giving them a foundation for successful language learning
  • To help pupils develop confidence  in listening and speaking English
  • To make learning English meaningful, by focusing on topics and vocabulary of interest to this age group
  • To make learning English enjoyable, through songs, stories, games and communicative activities

Age 6-8

Time 40



In this lesson, learners will practice the alphabet, the letter names and sounds and writing through a song and various games. For extension, they will listen to a story about sounds, and work as a class to produce an alphabet and sounds.


Materials and resources

Song, activity sheet, posters ‘The ABC’, cards with letters and sounds, interactive whiteboard and laptop.




1. Introduce the topic (5 mins)



  • Show a pictures of an apple, a banana and a cat on the board. Elicit what they are from learners.
  • Write A, B, C  next to each picture. Ask learners, if they can, to tell you the rest of the word.
  • Now invite learners to come up to the board and write or draw letters they hear in each word.

2. Song and rhymes about letters (13 mins)


  • Play ‘The alphabet song’. Let learners sing along if they like, leaving the alphabet on the board for reference. After the song, give learners the activity sheet and ask them to complete exercise  by writing the remaining letters in the alphabet. They can use the alphabet on the board for reference.
  • Say the alphabet together as a class, in the same sections as in the song. Focus on any letters that are particularly difficult for your learners. Now practice the chorus of the song together, or say rhymes together
  • Next, play a game.  Ask all learners to stand in a circle. Throw a soft ball to one learner, saying ‘A’. That learner throws the ball to any other learner, saying ‘B’. Repeat until all the alphabet has been said.
  • Finally, you might like to play the ‘Missing letters’ game. Learners take a look at letter collage and guess which letter is missing on the next slide. Put learners into small groups and play in teams.


3.Fairy sounds story

 (15 mins)



  • If you think your learners need to focus on the standard sounds that each letter makes in English, tell them a story.
  • Tell learners they are going to listen to a story about sounds around us. Use the flashcards to review all the sounds in the story. Ask learners repeat them with you. After narration show one of the flashcards and ask the learners what sound is it. If they can’t remember, you can remind them.
  • Finally, play a writing race, with the class in two teams. You could sound out words, for example /k/-/æ/-/t/ and learners must pronounce the word ‘cat’ aloud .



4. Round off activity (5 mins)



  • For fun, play the ‘ABC countdown’ game! Learners should play in teams and try to click on the letters of the alphabet in order in less than 30 seconds. Which team can finish the quickest?



Setting homework (2 mins)



  • Learners can also play any of the games again at home.




The Alphabet song.


I’m in the jungle in a coconut tree


Do you want to come and play?


I will bring a friend or two


A zebra and a chimpanzee W-X-Y-Z

We’ll play until it’s time for bed


Some of rhymes


Flowers here, flowers there

Flowers growing everywhere.



‘S’ is for snow.

‘S’ is for sun.

Let’s play in the snow.

Let’s lie in the sun.



‘Y’ is for yellow.

‘Y’ is foryes.

‘Let’s play a little’,

Says sister Bess.



Язичок на ім'я [ j ] живе в зручному теплому будиночку - в роті свого господаря. У будинку є дві стіни, підлога, стеля і коридор. Язичок любить тепло, тому в будинку у нього двоє дверей - зуби і губи. Язичок спить на підлозі - там йому зручніше. А у кінчика язичка є улюблене місце на стелі. Він любить грати в різні звуки [d, t, n, l, s, z]. Ось так язичок живе-поживає, назовні не виходить - боїться застуди.

Одного разу… .




17 січня 2021
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