Конспект уроку aнглійської мови

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Конспект уроку aнглійської мови з використанням навчального посібника Г. К. Мітчелл «Smart Junior 4». Form: 4
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Конспект уроку aнглійської мови з використанням навчального посібника Г. К. Мітчелл «Smart Junior 4».

Form: 4


Lesson: 60

Topic: “That’s amazing! Our World.”

Outcomes: at the end of the lesson, the students will be able to tell about their heroes.

Objectives: to introduce and practice the new vocabulary and grammatical material (degrees of comparison), to listen and read the stories, to say TRUE or FALSE, to answer the questions, to ask and answer, to develop students` listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

Structures of the lesson: “Popular – more popular – the most popular”, “good – better – the best”, “bad – worse – the worst”

Materials: Power Point Presentation, Pupil’s Book, Activity Book.



  1. Warm-up:

Greeting. Sing a song.

Hello, Hello, how are you?
Hello, Hello, how are you?
How are you?
How are you today?

I am fine; I am great
I am fine;
I am just great
I am fine; I am great
I'm very well today!

Hello, Hello, how are you?
Hello, Hello, how are you?
Hello, Hello, How are you?
How are you today?

I am hungry; I am tired
I am hungry; I am tired
I am hungry; I am tired
I'm not so good today.

Ah, well I hope you feel better soon!

How are you?
How are you?
How are you?
I'm very well today!


-         Today we have very interesting tasks, as usual! Let’s start!

Yesterday we finished our previous topic and you wrote the tests. Your results I’ll show your tomorrow and we’ll discuss the mistakes.

Today we have the new topic! Who can guess what is it? What is it about? Maybe, look at the blackboard, the pictures will help you! (на дошці малюнки gorilla, panda, rhino, polar bear)

Ok! Yes, there are wild animals! We are going to find out something new about them! It’s our nature!


  1. Pre-activity:

The icons of the lesson.


  1. Main activity:

Introduction of the vocabulary. Listen and repeat.


. Interactive task.


Moving exercise.

. Work with Pupil’s Book. Listen and read. Then answer. Who are Denzel’s, Chen’s and Alia’s heroes?

Listen and read.

My name’s Denzel. I live in the USA.

I’m the biggest fan of basketball. It is one of the most popular sports in my country. This is my hero. He is a basketball player. His name is Steve Serio and he is from the USA. He is the fastest in his team.


My name’s Alia. I am from India.

I am the youngest in my family. I have got two older brothers. My hero is my mum. She works every day, but she cleans the house and cooks food for her family too. She is the happiest and strongest person I know. When I grow up I want to be like her.


Gymnastics for the eyes.

. Read and say TRUE or FALSE.

  1. Denzel is the biggest fan of football.
  2. Denzel’s hero is a basketball player, Steve Serio.
  3. Alia’s hero is dad.
  4. Alia’s mum works every day, but she cleans the house and cooks food for her family.


Grammar. Listen and say.

Аnswer the questions

  1. Who is Denzel’s favourite hero?
  2. Where’s Alia from?
  3.  Who is Alia’s favourite hero?
  1. Practice:

Ask and answer with your partner.

Who’s the funniest person in your family?


  1. Assessment and evaluation:

Ending of the lesson. Sing a song.


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