Конспект уроку англійської мови 5 клас "Природа. Одяг."

Про матеріал

Розширити словниковий запас учнів, поглибити знання з теми, навчати учнів лексиці з теми, вчити вживати вивчену лексику в усному та писемному мовленні, розвивати навички говоріння, читання, письма, розвивати мовну здогадку, пам'ять, увагу, логічне та творче мислення учнів. Виховувати ввічливість, взаємоповагу та взаємодопомогу.

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Конспект уроку англійської мови


Клас: 5 Г

Тема: Природа.  Одяг.

Підтема : Погода та одяг

Мета: Розширити словниковий запас учнів, поглибити знання з теми, навчати учнів  лексиці з теми, вчити вживати вивчену лексику в усному та писемному мовленні, розвивати навички говоріння, читання, письма, розвивати мовну здогадку, пам’ять, увагу, логічне та творче мислення учнів. Виховувати ввічливість, взаємоповагу та взаємодопомогу.

Обладнання: підручники, зошити, презентація, тематичні малюнки, роздатковий матеріал.


Хід уроку

1. Орг.момент.

Teacher: Good morning! How are you? It’s high time to begin our lesson. Well, І see you’re in a good mood today. So, let’s begin our lesson.


2.Фонетична розминка

Look at the screen. Read the poem, mind your sounds and intonation, please.

Whether the weather be cold
Or whether the weather be not
We‘ll weather the weather
Whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.


3. Мовленнєва розминка

3.1.  Read word-combinations and sentences.

hot summer,  warm spring, sunny day,  rainy autumn, wet clothes, snowy winter, cold season, foggy week, snow storm. It is windy now. It is snowy and cold in winter. It is foggy in spring.

It’s snowing but it isn’t cold. It usually rains in autumn.


3.2. Answer the questions.

-  Do you like today’s weather?

-  What is the weather like today?

-  How many seasons are there in a year?

-  What season is it?

-  Do you like winter?

-  What weather do you like/dislike?


4.  Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: I hope you understood that the topic of our lesson is “Weather and clothes”. At our lesson we shall read, write, speak in English, listen to the English text, do interesting tasks to show what we can do on theme “Clothes”.

T: Solve the puzzle and read the proverb that is the motto of our lesson.

А-1, B-2, C-3, D-4, E-5, F-6, G-7, H-8, I-9, J-10, K-11, L-12, M-13, N-14, O-15, P-16, Q-17, R-18, S-19, T-20, U-21, V-22, W-23, X-24, Y-25, Z-26.

20,8,5,18,5   9,19  14,15  2,1,4  23,5,1,20,8,5,18 – 20,8,5,18,5  1,18,5  2,1,4   3,12,15,20,8,5,19

Writing. There is no bad weather – there are bad clothes.


5. Guess the weather

Teacher: Look at the screen. Read and guess what the weather is like.

1     It’s so cold and I can’t see anything.                         It"s

2     Hurray! Everything is white!                                     It"s

3     Oh, I haven’t got my umbrella. I’ll get wet.              It"s

4      We can go swimming in the sea.                              It"s

5     Look! The sky is grey. There is no sun.                    It"s

6     Look, the papers and leaves are flying like birds.     It"s


6. Work in pairs.

Many names of clothes came to us from the English language. Their names almost coincide with Ukrainian. Do you know them? (sweater, jeans, jumper, cap, uniform, bandana, sandals, cardigan, pullover, boots)

  •                   What do you wear in hot weather?
  •                   What clothes do you like to wear?
  •                   What are you wearing today?
  •                   What do you usually wear at home?


T: Now I’ll give you cards with letters. Your task is to make up the words and sort out the word-combinations into two groups “Weather” and “Clothes”.  You have 2 minutes.

snowy                 rainy

sunny                 freezing

cold                    sweater

windy                 hot

warm                  suit

raincoat              boots

scarf                    jeans

skirt                    T-shirt








7.  Solve the riddles.

Teacher: And now let’s solve the riddles. More than one answer is possible.

1         You wear them on your feet in winter.

2         You put it on your head.

3         You wear them when you sleep.

4         Girls wear it on the beach.

5         You put it around your neck.

6         You wear them on your feet at home.


8.   Make own riddle.

 Teacher: Let’s make your own riddle. Test your partner.



9. Play the guessing game in a group.

Teacher: Say what one of your classmates is wearing at the moment. Let the other pupils guess who she / he is.

Pupils: He/she  is wearing …


10. Write and say. Writing

1. I’m going to the beach. I need _______________________________________________.

2. I’m going to the shop. I need ________________________________________________.

3. I’m going to sleep. I need ___________________________________________________.

4. I’m going to my tennis lesson. I need __________________________________________.


11.  Physical break.

T: Stand up, please. Let’s have a rest and play the game “Simon says…”

  •                   touch your nose
  •                   touch your ear
  •                   close your eyes
  •                   open your eyes
  •                   clap your hands
  •                   look through the window
  •                   sit down


12.  Формування навичок читання та говоріння.

Teacher: Listen and read, then act out the dialogue in pairs.

Jane: Bye, mum!

Mother: Jane, stop! Hey, what are you wearing?

Jane: Well, I am wearing my favourite dress and shoes ...

Mother: Oh, dear, look! It is raining today. Better put your raincoat on.

Jane: Oh, no ... The weather is really bad. Mum, give me my green boots, please.

Mother: Take your umbrella,  Jane!

Jane: Thank you, mum!


13.  Listening

1) Етап підготування до аудіювання. Ознайомлення з новими словами

Hurry – спішити

Comb – гребінь

Front door – вхідні двері

Rush – помчати, кинутись


2) Listen and read the story to find out which day is Jasmine’s favorite one.

3) Post-reading activity.  Впр.3,с.160

1, 6, 3, 4, 2, 5

Listen the text and choose the correct variant to complete each sentence.

1. Jasmine_____________ gets up at 7 o'clock.

A never  В sometimes    С always       D rarely

2. She was in a hurry, so she had time only____________.

A to comb her hair В to put on a dress   С to brush her teeth D to eat

3. The weather was____________________.

A cold and raining  В foggy and chilly  С hot and sunny D warm and cloudy

4. When she changed her clothes, she put on ____________________.

A a scarf and mittens В a raincoat and boots С a hat and a coat D a warm sweater and jeans

5. When Jane found out that there was no school that day, she decided________________.

A to go to sleep В to finish reading a book С to brush her teeth D to watch TV

6. _______________ is Jasmine's favourite day of the week.

A Sunday        В Monday       С Saturday     D Friday


14. Reading.

14.1. Read the word from the box. 

14.2. Read and fill in the text with the words from the box.

overcoats and caps, high boots and mittens, dresses, T-shirts and shorts, socks and sandals, jeans and trousers, clothes.


There are four seasons in a year.  Each of them brings different weather and different ________________________.

When it is hot people wear _______________________________, light blouse and skirts, sport shoes, ______________________________________________.

In summer people dress like this in Africa, Canada, Ukraine, Great Britain and America.

In cold weather people usually put on warm clothes: ________________, sweater and jackets, ________________________.

In winter they wear fur coat and fur caps, ________________ or gloves. The proverb says, “There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes”.

Another proverb says, “Everything is good in its season”.


14.  Перевірка домашнього завдання

Teacher: Well done, boys and girls. (проектні роботи « My favourite  clothes and weather»)


15. Заключна частина уроку. Підведення підсумків уроку. Повідомлення домашнього завдання.

Teacher:   It was my pleasure to work with you today. You were very active.

Thank you for your job. Give me your impression about the lesson.

Have you been successful? Put the sticker on the poster - have you been comfortable? Interested? creative? dreamy? happy?


Well, you’ve been very active and productive today; I hope you’ll be the same doing your homework. It is on the slide.

Your marks are…

Thank you for the lesson.







1.Фонетична розминка

Whether the weather be cold
Or whether the weather be not
We‘ll weather the weather
Whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.


2. Мовленнєва розминка

2.1.  Read word-combinations and sentences.

hot summer,  warm spring, sunny day,  rainy autumn, wet clothes, snowy winter, cold season, foggy week, snow storm. It is windy now. It is snowy and cold in winter. It is foggy in spring.

It’s snowing but it isn’t cold. It usually rains in autumn.


2.2. Answer the questions.

-  Do you like today’s weather?

-  What is the weather like today?

-  How many seasons are there in a year?

-  What season is it?

-  Do you like winter?

-  What weather do you like/dislike?


3. T: Solve the puzzle and read the proverb that is the motto of our lesson.

А-1, B-2, C-3, D-4, E-5, F-6, G-7, H-8, I-9, J-10, K-11, L-12, M-13, N-14, O-15, P-16, Q-17, R-18, S-19, T-20, U-21, V-22, W-23, X-24, Y-25, Z-26.

20,8,5,18,5   9,19  14,15  2,1,4  23,5,1,20,8,5,18 – 20,8,5,18,5  1,18,5  2,1,4   3,12,15,20,8,5,19


4. Guess the weather

Teacher: Look at the screen. Read and guess what the weather is like.

1     It’s so cold and I can’t see anything.                         It"s

2     Hurray! Everything is white!                                     It"s

3     Oh, I haven’t got my umbrella. I’ll get wet.              It"s

4      We can go swimming in the sea.                              It"s

5     Look! The sky is grey. There is no sun.                    It"s

6     Look, the papers and leaves are flying like birds.     It"s


5.  Work in pairs.

  •                   What do you wear in hot weather?
  •                   What clothes do you like to wear?
  •                   What are you wearing today?
  •                   What do you usually wear at home?


6.  Solve the riddles.

1         You wear them on your feet in winter.

2         You put it on your head.

3         You wear them when you sleep.

4         Girls wear it on the beach.

5         You put it around your neck.

6         You wear them on your feet at home.

7 . Write and say.

1. I’m going to the beach. I need _______________________________________________.

2. I’m going to the shop. I need ________________________________________________.

3. I’m going to sleep. I need ___________________________________________________.

4. I’m going to my tennis lesson. I need __________________________________________.


8.  Listening

1) Етап підготування до аудіювання. Ознайомлення з новими словами

Hurry – спішити

Comb – гребінь

Front door – вхідні двері

Rush – помчати, кинутись


2) Listen and read the story to find out which day is Jasmine’s favorite one.

3) Post-reading activity. 

3.1. Впр.3,с.161        1, 6, 3, 4, 2, 5

3.2. Listen the text and choose the correct Pvariant to complete each sentence.

1. Jasmine_____________ gets up at 7 o'clock.

A never  В sometimes    С always       D rarely

2. She was in a hurry, so she had time only____________.

A to comb her hair В to put on a dress   С to brush her teeth D to eat

3. The weather was____________________.

A cold and raining  В foggy and chilly  С hot and sunny D warm and cloudy

4. When she changed her clothes, she put on ____________________.

A a scarf and mittens В a raincoat and boots С a hat and a coat D a warm sweater and jeans

5. When Jane found out that there was no school that day, she decided________________.

A to go to sleep В to finish reading a book С to brush her teeth D to watch TV

6. _______________ is Jasmine's favourite day of the week.

A Sunday        В Monday       С Saturday     D Friday


9. Reading.  Read and fill in the text with the words from the box.

overcoats and caps, high boots and mittens, dresses, T-shirts and shorts, socks and sandals, jeans and trousers, clothes.


There are four seasons in a year.  Each of them brings different weather and different _________.

When it is hot people wear ________, light blouse and skirts, sport shoes___________.

In summer people dress like this in Africa, Canada, Ukraine, Great Britain and America.

In cold weather people usually put on warm clothes: ________, sweater and jackets ________.

In winter they wear fur coat and fur caps, ________ or gloves. The proverb says, “There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes”.

Another proverb says, “Everything is good in its season”.





s n o w y                  r a i n y

s u n n y           f r e e z i n g

c o l d                s w e a t e r

w i n d y                       h o t

w a r m                       s u i t

r a i n c o a t            b o o t s

s c a r f                    j e a n s

s k i r t                T – s h i r t

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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
18 березня 2018
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