Урок побудовано на основних принципах комунікативно спрямованого навчання англійської мови із використанням інтерактивних прийомів навчання, що підвищує мотивацію учнів до набуття нових знань та створює ситуацію успіху для кожної дитини.
Promoting Healthy Family Lifestyle
Level – Intermediate
Objectives : by the end of the lesson students will be able to
Materials: 1. Handouts;
2. sets of cards and stars for grouping and”rewarding”;
3. a record of the song by SClub7 “Reach”
How are you? |
I’m pretty good. |
How are you getting on? |
I’m OK, thanks. |
How do you feel? |
I’m great/fantastic. |
How are things going? |
I’m so-so. And what about you? |
Look around the room. You can see cards with the tips for a healthier family lifestyle. They are 5. Find them and fill in the form. (Running Dictation)
Small Steps to a Healthier Family Lifestyle
What else can be added to this list? Discuss it in your group. Share your ideas and express your point of view
Using Conditional I. Mind the formula: If Present Simple, will V1
The prompts on the right will help you to express your ideas:
a. |
be physically fit |
b. |
make you be happy |
c. |
help to avoid obesity |
d. |
improve your health |
e. |
become a healthy young adult |
f. |
stay on track for healthy life |
g. |
gradually change old habits |
h. |
have a positive self image |
If I were you… |
Why don’t you… |
You’d better… |