Конспект уроку для 5 класу на тему "Хоббі"

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку для 5 класу по темі "Хоббі" стане в нагоді для вчителя, який хоче змістовно і ефективно провести урок, щоб в кінці уроку домогтися отримати хороший результат від учнів, засвоївши лексичний матеріал по темі "Хоббі" та вживання Present Simple i Present Continuous.
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5th form.  Hobby.

Мета :вдосконалювати граматичні навички вживання Present Simple та Present Continuous tenses;

-вдосконалювати навички  читання та говоріння по темі «хоббі»;

- развивати інтерес до вивчення   іноземної мови.


Хід уроку:

1 Організаційний момент. Привітання.

Good afternoon, children. How are you today?     Today we are going to continue working on the topic “Our hobbies”

2 Мовна  розминка:

 - Tell me please, do you have any hobby? what is it?

 - is it interesting to have a hobby?

 -What useful hobbies do you know? (useful for your health)

What hobbies do you know ?  Please, write down them on the blackboard.





Thank you very much, and now look at this, the letters are mixed up, find the right word order to make a word:

1 bsgade (badges), 2 inocs (icons), 3 aetlrivlng (travelling), 4 gihsifn (fishing) 5 ngingader (gardening)

3 Основна  частина уроку:

Dear friends, now we should read short dialogues and to know more about other people’s hobbies, and then you should act. (работа в парах)


- Hello Mike, how are you?

- Hi, Nick, I am fine and you?

- I am Good too, thanks.

-Do you have a hobby?
- Yes.
- What’s that?
- I like to photograph.
- What else?
- I liked to play baseball when I was a child.
- Do you play it now?
- No. Unfortunately, I don’t have free time now.

- Hello Nina, how are you?

- Hi, Alice, I am fine and you?

- I am fine too, thanks.

- What do you like to do?
- I like to sing and dance.
- Where do you dance?
- I dance at a club at the university.
- Can you play a piano?
- Yes, I play piano and guitar.


- Hello Tom, how are you?

- Hi, Ted, I am fine and you?

- I am OK too, thanks.
-What sports do you play?
- I like figure skating.
- Do you know how to skate?
- A little bit.
- I skate too.
- Maybe we’ll skate together on Sunday?
- Yes, good idea.

- Hello Ann, how are you?

- Hi, Sam, I am fine and you?

- I am all right too, thanks.

-There are paintings in your house. Do you collect painings?
- Yes.
- For how long?
- My grandmother used to collect them. And now I do, too.
- Can you draw?
- Yes. 
- And what do you like to do?
- I like to play baseball and basketball.

4 фізкультхвилинка  

Let’s have a relax. Stand up!

Hands up, hands down

Hands on hips, sit down.

Stand up, hands up, to the sides

Bend left, bend right.

Go! Run! Swim! Jump!Fly!

  Take your seats, please.


T: Thank you very much, and now we should revise grammar material: present simple and continuous, tell me, when do we use present Simple tense? When do we use present continuous tense? 

Look at these sentences and use the right tense of the word:

1 He usually____ the questions (answer)

2 He ______ his homework at the moment (do)

3 I ___ to school every day (go)

4 She___ a book now (read)

5 My mother ___ an artist, she___ to paint pictures (to be, like)

That is a good job, and now  your task is to make   negative and question sentences: (ex: Does he usually answer the questions? He doesn’t usually answer the questions…etc

5 Підведення підсумків.    д\з

Thank you for the lesson, you have worked very good today. Everybody gets a good mark.  Bye-bye!.



Petrashchuk Oksana
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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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