Конспект уроку для 9 класу "Teenagers: Their Life and Problems"

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Конспект уроку для 9 класу на тему "Teenagers: Their Life and Problems" містить завдання на розвиток комунікативних навичок, навичок читання та письма, роботу в групах.
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Lesson Plan for the 9th form
Topic: Teenagers, Their Life and Problems



  1. Develop students’ speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.
  2. Expand vocabulary related to teenage life and common problems (e.g., relationships, peer pressure, mental health, independence).
  3. Encourage critical thinking and discussion about teenage issues.

Expected Outcomes: by the end of the lesson, students will:

  1. Understand and use key vocabulary related to teenage life.
  2. Discuss teenage problems confidently and suggest solutions.
  3. Reflect on their own experiences and express their thoughts in writing.

Resources: vocabulary flashcards, short reading passage (teacher-prepared or adapted from a textbook), worksheets for vocabulary and comprehension activities.

Lesson Structure

I. Warm-Up


Teacher writes “Teenagers” on the board.

Students brainstorm words/phrases associated with teenagers (e.g., friends, school, stress, freedom).

Teacher categorizes them into groups: Emotions, Problems, Activities.

Discussion Prompt:

Teacher “What do you think is the biggest challenge for teenagers today?”

Students share short answers.


II. Vocabulary Introduction

Key Vocabulary:

Teacher introduces and explains terms:

Peer pressure, independence, self-esteem, bullying, stress, generation gap, mental health, social media, identity.

Students repeat and use the words in example sentences.

Matching Activity:

Students match vocabulary words with definitions on a worksheet.


III. Reading and Comprehension

Short Text:

Teenagers are young people between the ages of 13 and 19. This is an important time in their lives because they are growing up and becoming adults. However, teenage life is not always easy. Teenagers face many problems.

One common problem is school stress. Teenagers have to study a lot, do homework, and prepare for exams. Sometimes, they feel tired and worried about their grades.

Another problem is peer pressure. Teenagers want to be liked by their friends, so they may do things they don’t want to do, like smoking or skipping school.

Family relationships can also be difficult. Teenagers want more freedom, but parents often worry about them. This can lead to arguments.

Social media is another issue. Many teenagers spend a lot of time on their phones. They compare themselves to others and may feel unhappy if they don’t have as many followers or likes.

Finally, teenagers may feel lonely or misunderstood. It’s important for them to talk to someone they trust, like a friend, parent, or teacher.

Even though life can be hard for teenagers, they can find solutions to their problems. They should take care of their health, focus on their goals, and ask for help when they need it. Being a teenager is a time to learn and grow!


Can You Tell which Sentences are True and which are False?


1.Teenagers are usually between the ages of 10 and 15. F

2.School stress is a common issue for teenagers. T

3.Teenagers always get along well with their parents. F

4.Many teenagers feel lonely sometimes. T

5.Social media makes teenagers feel happy all the time. F


Let's Answer the Following Questions


1.What are the typical ages of teenagers?

2.Why is the teenage years an important time in a person's life?

3.What are some common problems that teenagers face?

4.How can school stress affect teenagers?

5.What is peer pressure, and how can it impact teenagers?

6.How can family relationships be challenging for teenagers?

7.What issues can social media cause for teenagers?


IV. Speaking Activity

Group Discussion:

Divide students into small groups.

Each group discusses a given problem (e.g., social media pressure, bullying, balancing studies and hobbies) and suggests possible solutions.


Students act out a short role-play scenario:

Example: A friend struggling with peer pressure, asking for advice.


V. Writing Task

Reflection Paragraph:

Students tell some sentences about:

“What is the most difficult part of being a teenager? How can teenagers deal with these problems?”


VI. Wrap-Up

Class Discussion:

Teacher asks:

“What did you learn today about teenage life and problems?”

“What advice would you give to a younger teenager?”


Create a simple survey about problems your classmates have and  how to deal with them, present your results next lesson


До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Буренко В. М.)
3 грудня 2024
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