Конспект уроку з англійської мови у 9 класі на тему

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови у 9 класі на тему

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови

у 9 класі на тему:






Вчительки англійської мови

НВК «ЗОШ І-ІІІ ст. №1-гімназія» м. Хоростків

Пшик Тетяни Євгеніївни


2016 р.


The theme of the lesson: “The Ecology of our Environment & its Problems”

Objectives of the lesson: 

  • Practical: to revise the vocabulary on the topic for expressing opinions, practice using the knowledge on the theme “Crime” in real life situations.
  • Educational: to activate pupils’ speaking skills through various creative activities, teach to be quick-witted, increase pupils’ awareness towards the problem under discussion.
  • Developing: to develop pupils’ ability to self-study and to search information, creative imagination, logical thinking and memory, the abilities of listening to the speakers.
  • Upbringing: to encourage pupils to learn a foreign language, use the Internet resources and social network, bring pupils up to love and be friendly to nature and our native country environment.

Equipment: a video, a text for reading, a computer presentation, the song “Earth Song”, visuals (posters, schemes)

Type of the lesson: lesson-discussion.


If you don’t think of the nature,

you will have nothing…


I. The beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting.

T: Good afternoon, pupils.

Ps: Good afternoon, teacher.

T: It’s so nice to see you today. How are you?

Ps: We are fine, thank you.

2. Introducing the theme and aims.

(The demonstration of slides with students’ comments during the whole lesson).

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/67/Steinr2.jpg/250px-Steinr2.jpgT: Pupils, look at these landscapes. Ukraine is considered a picturesque land that nature could give. The beauty of Ukraine was praised in folk songs about the Dnieper quiet waters, the picturesque tops of the Carpathians Mountains, the blue woodlands and lakes…  The world we live in is really wonderful: blue oceans, seas and rivers, mountains, hills, fields and valleys. We live surrounded by this beauty. But the situation isn’t the same in different parts of our planet. At this picture you can see the Elba River.

 One of the most beautiful rivers in Europe is dying. That is the result of people’s action. There are a lot of places like that in the world. The nature faces a great threat. That’s why people who take care of our planet have established the 22nd of April as a special day around the world - the Earth Day. It’s the day for people to learn what they can do to protect the planet.

 So, at our lesson we are going to discuss one of the main problems of the time - the ecological problem. Tell me please, what does the word “ecology” mean?

P: The word “ecology” came from Greek word which means “home”. This idea of home includes the whole planet of ours.

3. Warming up.

T: Each pair of pupils is given a sheet of paper with a poem. The task is to name which environmental problem is mentioned in each piece of poetry.

The fish in the sea are dying

From the pollution we create

We’ve got to stop polluting

Before it’s too late.


Our planet is in trouble

It gets worse every day

We have to help our planet

In every possible way.


In the woods and forests

They’re cutting down the trees.

We’ve got to save the forests

Everyone agrees.


The hole in the ozone layer

Is getting bigger every day.

We’ve got to stop air pollution

We have to find a way.

T: What environmental problems are mentioned in the poem?

P1: There are mentioned such ecological problems as water pollution, deforestation hole in the ozone layer, air pollution.

T: Our environment includes the whole planet, its population, the Nature, animals, birds, and fish. Do all of them live a happy and healthy life in our home? Let’s speak about it.

P1: I think animals are not happy because hunters often kill them.

P2: I agree with you, many animals are endangered because people are destroying their natural habitat.

P3: In my opinion, birds are not happy, because they have nothing to eat in winter and they can die.

P4: I agree with you but animals also don’t have enough to eat.

T:    For the slogan I have chosen famous words of Prince Philip of Britain: Look after this planet, it’s the only one we have. The Ears is our home. Unfortunately, we destroy it. Do you agree with these words? Express your opinion.

P1:   Really, we have only one planet to live, so we must take care of it.

P2:   If we pollute our planet, we’ll destroy ourselves too.

P3:   If people cut down trees they won’t have enough oxygen in the air.

P4:   If we throw rubbish everywhere, we’ll destroy nature.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Vocabulary practice.

T: Let’s revise some ecological words.





T: Let’s work in groups. We divide into two groups. Each group gets a set of “ecological words”. The first group should find the words which belong to the section “Man the creator”. The second group chooses the word which describes “Man the destroyer”.

Let’s make up the rules what we should do, and what we should not do.

P1:  We should love nature.

P:. We shouldn’t kill animals

P3: ...

P4: …

P5: …

P6: …

T: Match the words with their definitions.

1. ecology

a) the  air‚ the  water‚ and  land  in  which  people‚ animals  and  plants  live

2. energy   efficient

b) to  make  something  smaller‚ less in  size, amount

3. ozone  layer

c) using  little  energy

4. environment

d) to  use  something  again

5. environmentalist

e) contamination  of  the  environmental  situation

6. greening

f) person  who  works  toward  protecting  the   environment   from  destruction  or  pollution

7. pollution

g) the  science  that  studies  the relations  of  plants‚ animals  and  people  to  each  other

8. to  reuse 

h) the  act  of  making  something  green  or  fresh; a  restoration


9. recycling

i) a  region  in  the  upper  atmosphere  containing  a   high  amount  of  ozone  gas  that  absorbs  the   sun’s  ultraviolent  radiation

10. to  reduce

j) the  process  of  collecting  used  products  and  remanufacturing  them  into  new  products  instead  of  throwing  them  away  as  garbage

Keys: 1g, 2c, 3i, 4a, 5f, 6h, 7e, 8d, 9j, 10b.

T: Make as many sentences as possible.









supplies us with

presents us with

gives us

mineral resources, food, clothes raw materials for our industries fresh air: there is no other planet in our sun system with such unique conditions for living


enjoyment, because we really enjoy blue lines of rivers, green patches of meadows.

2. Reading.

1) Pre-Reading Activity.

T: Nature shows us wonderful pictures of different colours: the blue sky and the green grass, the white snow and the black night, the red poppy and the yellow sunflower. Nature is a great artist and poet.

 Protection of nature has become one of the actual problems of the 21st century.

Earth: Imagine that this apple is our Earth. If I cut the apple into quarters and look at it, I can see that only three quarters of the Earth’s surface is water and only one quarter is land. If I cut the piece representing land in half I’ll see that only 0.25 of the land surface is habitable. The rest of the land is deserts, mountains, frozen ice caps and other places where people cannot live.

 If I eat this piece of apple, you can understand what will happen. We’ll have no land to grow our food on. People will die of hunger. So land is precious, but it is being polluted with garbage.

 Almost all garbage is taken to a garbage dump and is buried in land. Now we are making so much garbage that in many places there is not enough room to bury it all. We can recycle (which means reusing materials instead of throwing them away).

 Speaking about garbage I cannot but mention space litter. Scientists have estimated that 10,000 to 15,000 large pieces of junk are orbiting our planet. Cleaning up space trash would make such space travel safer both for satellites and astronauts.

2) While-Reading Activity.

T: Fill  in  the  blanks  in  the  text  with  the  words  from  the  box.






(Note: fragile means delicate, easily broken or damaged.)

 This word «environment» means simply what is around us. The  air  we  breathe, the  soil  on  which  we  stand  walk, the  water  we  drink  are  all  part  of  the  ____________ (1).  _____________ (2) people  understand  how  important  it  is  to _________________ (3) the  environmental  problems  that ___________________________ (4) people’s  lives. The  most _____________ (5) environmental  problems  are: pollution  in  its  many  forms (water  pollution, air  pollution,_____________(6) pollution ; _________________(7)  - from  cars, planes, trains; destruction  of _______________(8) and  countryside  beauty; ______________(9) of  natural  resources (water, metals, different  kinds  of  fuel); the  growth  of _________________(10).

Keys: 1. environment, 2. nowadays, 3. solve, 4. endanger, 5. serious, 6. nuclear, 7. noise, 8. wildlife, 9. shortage, 10. population.

3) Post-Reading Activity.

T: What ecological problems are mentioned in the text?

Ps: They are … .

3. Listening +Watching.

T: Now, we’re going to watch a short video about whales. Before that, let’s practice new vocabulary. Look at the smart board.

1) Pre-Listening Activity.

Write each word from the picture below next to the correct definition.

1. The land next to the ocean …

2. A large white sea animals …

3. Hard pieces of water formed in the cold …

4. Big stones that you sometimes find near the sea …

5. A part of the sea that is nearly closed in by land …

6. A large sea animal that has a long object on its head …

Be attentive! Try to remember all information from the film.

2) While-Listening Activity.


  1. An adult beluga whale is grey.
  1. true
  2. false
  3. not in video
  1. After the tide come back, where does the young whale go?
  1. to the rocks
  2. to the other whales
  3. to the shore
  4. to the ice
  1. What is the purpose of a narwhal’s tusk?
  1. to break ice
  2. to swim better
  3. to look for codfish
  4. to sense the temperature
  1. The narwhals are trapped in the …
  1. shore
  2. rock
  3. open sea
  4. bay
  1. The author of the video thinks that belugas and narwhals are interesting because …
  1. they sometimes get into trouble
  2. they are not social animals
  3. they don’t swim well
  4. they argue with each other
  1. According to the video, which of the, following is true for belugas and narwhals.
  1. they have tusks
  2. they change colour as they grow
  3. they never get into trouble
  4. they breathe oxygen

T: Very well! As you could see in the video, the life of sea animals is dangerous enough to survive. It depends not only on nature but on people as well. As you know, people pollute the environment in different ways and water is not an exception.

4. Grammar.

T:  Let’s revise some grammar rules. Now we’ll talk about the second conditional. Look at this model:


If we all used bicycles, there wouldn’t be so much air pollution.

T: Finish the sentences.

1. If I saw somebody throwing an empty packet on the street, I would … .

2. If I discovered the factory I worked in was secretly polluting the environment, I would … .

3. If I were the Minister for the Environment, I would … .

4. If I were a fish, I would … .

5. If I were a fisherman, I would … .

6. If I could not eat tinned tuna fish, I would … .

7. If I lived on an island, I would … .

8. If a nuclear bomb exploded, I would … .

9. If they tried to build a nuclear power station near my house, I would … .

10. If I were an endangered species, I would … .

11. If I had to make my fire with either coal or wood, I would … .

12. If I had to travel to school by car or by public transport, I would … .

13. If I wanted to dump a box of rubbish, but I could not find a bin, I would … .

5. Check on homework. Presenting group projects.

T: Your homework was to prepare group projects about the ecological situation in Ukraine and in our town Khorostkiv.

Project “Save Ukraine”

P1: The ecological situation in Ukraine is not good. What should be done to improve it?

P2: We are living in time of rapid scientific and technological progress, which is accompanied by an ever increasing consumption of the world’s natural resources.

 Such vital sources of life as air, water, minerals as well as fauna and flora are being wasted and destroyed.

 Protection of nature has become one of the actual problems of the 21st century. More and more people in all countries are raising their voices in defense of Mother Nature. According to the 27th Session of the United Nation General Assembly, June 5 is Environmental Day.

P1: Nature should be protected by law. Why?

P3: Our country pays much attention to the question of nature conservation. Article 67 of our constitution reads: “Citizens of Ukraine are obliged to protect nature and conserve its riches.”

 New laws and resolutions are adopted every year. Their aim is to protect the atmosphere from pollution, protect the country’s natural resources, and control the use of water resources and save plants, birds, and animals from extinction.

P1: Human beings and nature are inseparable. Develop the idea.

P4: The Earth provides people with mineral resources, rivers, forests, meadows, fields and pasture lands – everything that makes the foundation of industrial and agricultural production.

 That’s why we should pay much attention to the rational use of the natural resources.

 Success in protecting nature is possible only if all countries all over the world join their efforts. We hope we shall preserve the wealth of our land and even add to the wealth in the future.

Project “Save our native town Khorostkiv”.

P1: Everyone should contribute to improving the ecological situation in their country. How can you protect and improve nature in your own town?

P2: Khorostkiv is one of the greenest towns in our country I suppose. You can see a lot of different trees here. In spring, in summer and in autumn our town looks like a beautiful garden. Every one of you has seen the trees around our school. Do you know who has planted them? Many years ago the first pupils of this school did. Can you imagine how proud and happy they are when coming here and seeing little small branches turned high green trees? Many years ago they did a good thing for our school and for their children who study here now. It’ll be the truth if we say they did a good thing for our town. Can you tell us about your good deeds? What have you done to keep our town clean and green?

P1: There is no place like home. I try to keep it always clean. Its green trees, many birds make me happy. Besides, to damage the nature means to bite the hand that feeds you.

P2: My schoolmates have planted some trees near our school. I hope they will grow and my children will be proud of us.

P1: I never throw garbage wherever I want. That goes without saying. As you sow you will mow. And I should say that in my future I plan to do all my best to save my planet.

P2: That sounds like a good idea. Everyone should contribute to improving the ecological situation in their country. And now imagine that you are in my place. How can we protect and improve nature? What’s necessary for the successful nature protection? What are your ideas? What would you do to keep our town clean, green and healthy? I’m ready to listen to your projects.

P3: If I were in the Mayor of my town’s place I’d always remember the proverb East or West home is best. I’d surround all the places of our town with trees to shorten putting harmful gases into the air.

P4: If I were him I’d build a factory for recycling garbage and used materials.  I know that No living man all things can but I’ll try to do my best.

P5: Great talkers are little doers, that’s why I won’t speak long. If I were Mayor of Khorostkiv I’d introduce a system of penalties for people who throw garbage wherever they want.

P6: If I were Mayor of my town I’d oblige every citizen of Khorostkiv to plant one more tree.

P1: Our project drawing is over.

       You can realize well enough that saving nature and keeping the Earth safe, alive and beautiful for future generations is the duty of mankind, of each person on the planet.

6. Speaking. Role-playing. “Nature’s Judge upon Mankind”.

T: Nowadays the word “pollution” is on everyone’s lips. Pollution is the main topic for the news. We are constantly polluting our home – Earth. So, it’s better late than never to start thinking about environmental problems and take steps to solve them. Now you’ll see the judge of nature upon mankind.

Court Reporter: Ladies and gentlemen, dear guests and schoolchildren! Today we are going to examine the relations of man and nature. Stand up, the hearing is about to begin.

The Judge: We are listening to the case about the ecological problems of our planet, the environmental pollution. Nature charge Mankind with polluting the air, the land and the water. I want you to investigate this case impartially, to listen to both sides, witnesses and to pass a just sentence.

Court Reporter: The Prosecutor, please, take the floor!

The Prosecutor: For many centuries the people who live on our planet before us had been trying to make their life easier and more comfortable. They thought that resources of the Earth were endless. They used those resources without thinking about the future generations. People still consider themselves “lords and kings of nature”. In the 20th century the rapid growth of science and technology resulted in the increasing negative effect on the Earth. Our mother planet is showing the red warning light. “Be careful!” she is saying. She sends us the signal: SOS! Without solving environmental problems, the life of the future generations will be in real danger. On behalf of Nature I charge Mankind with all the mess they have done to the Earth.

Court Reporter: Mankind is invited.

Mankind:  We, humans, now dominate the Earth and our planet is in great danger because of our activities. Human have been living on this planet for 2 million years, and, unfortunately, in the last 2 hundred years they have made a mess on the planet. About 200 years ago Man lived in great harmony with his environment because industry was still undeveloped. Today the situation is quite different. Thinking only of material goods we are destroying nature and creating ecological crisis on the planet.

The Judge: Now we shall listen to the witnesses. You must give your testimonies.

Court Reporter: The first witness, Land, is invited.

Land:  I swear to tell the truth, only the truth!

I’m the Earth.

Look at me!

What do you make with me?

Only when all rivers have run dry

And all the fish in the sea have died,

Only when the rainforests have been burnt down

And there is no food for animals,

Only when all blue skies have been filled with smoke

And the cities of the world have choked,

Will the white man understand

That it is too late to save the earth?

Earth: Unfortunately we can see litter everywhere. It is ugly. How long it will stay in land before delaying may be an unpleasant surprise. But this garbage can be recycled. So, sort out your rubbish.

  • A banana peel – stays in the ground for 1 to 2 weeks.
  • Wool socks - stays in the ground for 1 to 5 years.
  • A plastic bag - stays in the ground for 10 to 20 years.
  • An aluminum can - stays in the ground for 80 to 100 years.
  •     A glass bottle - stays in the ground for 1,000,000 years.

Court Reporter: The second witness, Water, is invited.

Dialogue “A Man and a River”

- Hello, dear River. How are you today?

- I’m awful.

- Why? What has happened?

- Oh, don’t even ask about it! Look at me! Look, all the rubbish on my banks. And my water! It is green and muggy. My poor fish is dying.

- Who did it?

- You, people.

- It can’t be so. We only swim in your water in summer and go fishing.

- Only swim and go fishing! And what about rubbish you throw into my waters or industrial wastes your factories pour into me?

- Oh, dear! Forgive us. We are awfully sorry. How can we help you?

- It’s easy. Put filters, use water economically and, please, use bins for rubbish. And I’ll be glad to meet you on my banks again.

Water: I swear to tell the truth, only the truth! Do you ever think about water use every day for cleaning, washing, drinking and cooking? Water is essential to all life. It is one of the most common substances in the universe. Oceans cover 70% of our planet, but 1% of the water on the Earth is usable and fresh. But we are not doing a good job of keeping water clean. In many places the water has become polluted. The rivers and lakes are polluted by garbage or by chemicals from factories. Underground waters are polluted by gasoline. The ocean is getting polluted too. As a result today it is dangerous to do fishing. Water pollution is the most burning problem nowadays. So we need to save our water, to keep it clean and healthy. This way people, plants and animals will always have clean water to drink.

The Judge: How much water is lost through leaking pipes and faulty equipment?

Water: Mexico City, for example, loses enough water to meet the needs of a city the size of Rome.

Court Reporter: The witness, Forest, is invited.

Dialogue “A Man and a Forest”

- Oh, my God! What shall I do?

- Hello, dear Forest. Why are you so sad?

- I’m becoming smaller and smaller.

- Why?

- You, people, cut down my trees all the time.

- But you have a lot of them.

- You are mistaken. Factories and plants use lots of wood. And remember the great fires. My brothers – forests disappear after them.  But we are necessary for people. Where will you get oxygen from?

- It’s really a problem! Is there the way out? What shall we do?

- The first step is to plant more trees. Then you should use paper economically. And besides, don’t leave fires after picnics.

- These steps are easy. I hope we’ll be able to help you.

Forest: I swear to tell the truth, only the truth! Mankind is facing a burning problem of deforestation. A lot of forests are burned down by fires. People cut down trees for making paper, furniture, for building houses and, as a result, we have a problem of floods in many parts of the world. Deforestation is an environmental problem that needs to be solved. Today rainforests are in danger. Rainforests are found near the equator. Before 1900, rainforests covered 14% of the world surface, but today they cover only 7%. People have been cutting down trees to provide land, paper, medicines, and minerals. Rainforests are disappearing. Millions of animals and birds are disappearing too. Many scientists are worried about it. People need oxygen on the Earth. We should save rainforests!

The Prosecutor: We have invited the scientists to support our accusation.

Disappearing animals (3 Zoologists): Your Honour! We are the representatives of one of the most known international ecological organization “Greenpeace”. Its aim is to protect the ecology of our planet.

1st Zoologist: We inhabit Earth together with other animals. Unfortunately, almost every day in some parts of the world a plant or animal species becomes extinct. It dies out and disappears forever. Nowadays, the extinction of the species is caused by people’s activity.

2nd Zoologist: Almost all the animals and plants are facing extinction. During the last 400 years, more than 300 mammals and bird species have died out. You will never see the white wolf, the elephant bird, the dodo and other wild animals. People still enjoy hunting. They hunt for food, animal skins and just for fun.

3rd Zoologist: Our useful insects: bees, bumble-bees, butterflies can’t live in the atmosphere of chemicals and pesticides. Every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect disappears. If nothing is done about it, over one million species will disappear in twenty years from now.

1st Zoologist: Actually we want to tell you about the most endangered species: the rhino, the green-cheeked parrot, the Mako shark, the blue whale, the panda, the tiger and the dolphin.


 Rhinos live in eastern and southern Africa. They weigh from 3 to 5 tons and can reach a speed of around 45 km/h. Although it is illegal, hunters kill them for their horns, which are very valuable. Now they are in danger of becoming extinct. We must breed rhinos in captivity until this species can live safely in the wild.

 Green-cheeked parrots

 Green-cheeked parrots are usually found Mexico and are really good at copying people’s voices. In the last twenty years, many of them have been smuggled across the border to be sold as pets. Green-cheeked parrots are difficult to breed, so the species are slowly dying out.

2nd Zoologist: Mako shark is the fastest shark of all the open ocean sharks. It can reach speed of 48 km/h. Mako sharks can live up to 70 years. They have the biggest teeth in the world. People often kill sharks for their meat. It is used to cook tasty soups. About one third of the open ocean sharks are under threat of extinction. I think people should stop killing sharks and polluting seas and oceans.

 Blue whales

 The blue whale is the largest living creature on the Earth. They are found in the cold Arctic and Antarctic oceans, but in winter they are forced to travel to warmer waters for food. Nowadays there are about 1,000 whales. During the last century above 30,000 blue whales were killed by hunters for food and for whalebone. Today the commercial whaling is banned.

3rd Zoologist: Pandas live in the southwest of China. They are recognized by their black and white coats. They walk on four legs and can climb trees. They live in bamboo forests and eat bamboo. There is less bamboo for pandas. They are killed for their coats. There are only about 2,000 pandas left in the world.


 A tiger comes from the cat family. It’s very fast and can jump and swim very well. It’s got strong teeth and it kills other animal for food. This animal is in danger. People kill it for its beautiful fur.


 Dolphins live in warm waters, for example, in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. It swims 36km/h and jumps three meters out of water. Dolphins are clever and kind animals. They are in danger because of pollution of the seas.

The Judge: How many species are there in Red Data Book?

Zoologist: There are about 500 species in Red Data Book.

The Judge: Thanks for your evidences. My question is to the Nature’s Barrister: “Are there any other things that have negative influence on man’s health?”

Nature Barrister: (Air Pollution). I think that one of the main problems is air pollution. Air is a requirement for the life of people and animals. A human being could survive for a few weeks without food, a few days without water, but only a few minutes without air. It’s very important for our health to breathe fresh air. But you know that in big cities we have many problems with air pollution which comes from cars and buses. Air pollution causes a lot of ecological problems, “greenhouse” effect, holes in the ozone layer. The ozone layer protects us, but if there are holes in it, radiation can get to the earth. Factories and plants are also put a lot of harmful gases into the air. When their litter is burnt, thousand tons of harmful substances, such as carbon dioxide, pollute the air. To make air clean, we need good lifters at the nuclear power stations, factories and plants. Polluted air is not only bad for people and animals, but for trees and other plants as well.

Court Reporter: The witnesses Ozone Layer and Acid Rain are invited.

Ozone Layer: I swear to tell the truth, only the truth! I’m an ecologist. It’s our work and duty to solve ecological problems. Up in the sky, above the air we breathe, there’s a layer of gas which is called ozone. It protects the Earth from the dangerous rays of the sun. But the ozone layer is destroyed by gases that aerosol sprays and refrigerators contain. They are called CFCs. These gases eat up the ozone and make holes. As a result the dangerous rays of the sun get through the atmosphere, causing skin cancer and other diseases. Many people die of cancer.

Acid Rain: I swear to tell the truth, only the truth! Today I’m going to be talking about the damage which acid rain is causing to our planet. Acid rain is found mostly in Europe and North America. These areas of the globe have the most cars and power stations, which produce harmful chemicals. These then go into the air and mix water in clouds to produce acid rain. The trouble begins when this acid rain touches the ground as it causes great damage to the plant and animal life in lakes and streams. This problem hasn’t disappeared and is continuing to threaten our planet’s delicate ecological balance. It is up to us to protect it. We can help by using less electricity and using public transport more often.

Court Reporter: The floor is giving to the witness Greenhouse Effect.

Greenhouse Effect: I swear to tell the truth, only the truth! Gases pollute the atmosphere because they are produced too quickly to be cleared away naturally by rain, winds or plant life. These poisonous gases come from several sources such as oil producers, industries which burn fuel, and motor vehicles. When the gases are released, they have two harmful effects. Firstly, some of the gases are caught by rain clouds and fall as acid rain, which damages the environment. Secondly, increasing amounts of carbon dioxide forms a cover over the earth, keeping the heat of the sun close to the earth’s surface just like a greenhouse keeps heat in. The increase in carbon dioxide is made worse by the cutting down of forests. Trees use carbon dioxide, and fewer trees there are, the more of this gas remains in the air. And only international cooperation can solve this problem which, if not controlled, may threaten all life on earth.

Court Reporter: The witness, Doctor, gives evidence.

Doctor: I swear to tell the truth, only the truth! It may seem funny to you, but men need protection and care as much as animals do. I’m a doctor and I worry about people’s health. People’s habitats – their homes, towns and cities must be kept ecologically clean. In the places where people drink poisoned water, eat bad food and breathe polluted air, they suffer from serious diseases, their children are born weak. No medicines prescribed by doctors can help it. The modern way of life when people have little physical activity, use cars instead of walking; watching TV for many hours and working on computers is turning them into legless creatures. We have to change the situation for the better. After the Chernobyl disaster lots of radioactive materials affected the air, land and water of Ukraine, Belarus and other countries. As a result the number of death, causes leukemia has increased. Chernobyl became the international symbol of nuclear energy danger.

The Judge: Thank you. I’ve got a question to the Mankind’s Barrister. Do you think that man’s activity is useful?

Mankind Barrister: As you know I must solve a rather difficult problem – to justify mankind’s activity on our planet. It is very hard to imagine our life without different technologies. They make our life easier, more comfortable and more interesting. Some technical things, like TV sets, computers, several years ago were up-to-date inventions, but now they aren’t unusual. Computers and the Internet help us to find and learn more information and more quickly. Our life can’t be so easy and interesting without cars and planes, TV sets and record-players, washing machines and other devices. And, in conclusion, I want to say that technology has both positive and negative effect on human life.

Court Reporter: The High Court leaves for the deliberation.

T: Now I want you to listen to the song “Earth song” by Michael Jackson which sounds as a call to all the people of the world to be united and save the Earth. Firstly fill in the gaps and then sing this song together!

Sing the song

Earth song

by Michael Jackson

What about sunrise?
What about rain?
What about all the things,
That you said we were to gain…
What about killing fields?
Is there a time?
What about all the things,
That you said was yours and mine…
Did you ever stop to notice
All the blood we've shed before?
Did you ever stop to notice
The crying Earth the weeping shores?

Aaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah

What have we done to the world?
Look what we've done.
What about all the peace,
That you pledge your only son…
What about flowering fields
Is there a time?
What about all the dreams
That you said was yours and mine…
Did you ever stop to notice
All the children dead from war?
Did you ever stop to notice
The crying Earth the weeping shores?

Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaah

I used to dream,
I used to glance beyond the stars,
Now I don't know where we are,
Although I know we've drifted far.

Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah
Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah

Hey, what about yesterday?
(What about us)
What about the seas?
(What about us)
The heavens are falling down,
(What about us)
I can't even breathe,
(What about us)
What about the bleeding Earth?
(What about us)
Can't we feel its wounds?
(What about us)
What about nature's worth?
Court Reporter: The High Court is coming with the verdict.

The Judge: The High Court has admitted that there are global problems in the relations of Mankind and Nature. In order to solve these problems, Mankind must promote education about environment by creating programs for students of all ages. We must
be more responsible for our interactions with our environment. If we don’t change our behavior, we’ll have no world to live in. So, in spite of everything, we believe that the Earth is our common home. All the inhabitants – people, animals, birds – need to live in peace and harmony. 

III. Finishing the lesson.

1. Summing up.

Ps: We should think globally but act locally.

Remember! A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

Pupils make a sun with the solutions of the problems on the planet Earth.

  • Take care of nature;
  • Protect our habitat;
  • Don’t litter;
  • Recycle used materials;
  • Clean rivers, lakes and seas;
  • Feed birds;
  • Help animals;;
  • Keep our school and schoolyard clean.

2. Homework.

Ecologist:  Hi, I’m John Brown. I am an ecologist. I’ve been working in this sphere for 10 years already and I know all its problems. I’ll give you some interesting facts: by the year 2030 25% of all animals, birds, fish and insects may be extinct. A horrible fact, isn’t it? Let’s clear it up. Look at the scheme.










 Your homework is to write a magazine article about the environment in 2030. Include this scheme, imaginary interviews with someone who lives in 2030 (but who has travelled back in time) and someone from today.

3. Analysis of pupils’ answers. Assessments.

T: Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. I’m sure you understand that we must protect and take care of our planet, its nature and its environment.

Dear children, I’m extremely happy because you’ve done your best. Your work was up to the mark. All of you were active. So I give you...




1. Карпюк О.Д. Англійська мова: Підручник для 9 класу ЗНЗ/О.Д. Карпюк. – Тернопіль: Астон, 2011.- 239 с.

2. Шевченко Л.В. Ecology in My Native Town. Natures Judge uopn Sociaty/Л.В. Шевченко//Англійська мова та література.- 2012.- №22-23. – С.39-44.

3. Crime and punishment // English.- 2011. - №36(564). – С. 14.

4. Кордонська А.В. Охорона навколишнього середовища / А.В. Кордонська // Англійська мова та література. – 2012. - №6(340). – С. 29-31.

5. Nature protection is a health benefit // English. – 2012. - №21(597). – С. 22.

6. Аршинова В.М. We are a part of the envirnment / В.М. Аршинова // Англійська мова та література. - 2009. - №22-23.- С.28-29.

7. Барбачакова О.Ю. The royal society for the prevention of cruelty to animals / О.Ю. Барбачакова // Англійська мова та література. – 2009.- №33.- С. 23-26.

8. Полякова Н.І., Компанієць О. В. SOS!Natures Judge upon Mankind / Н.І. Полякова, О.В. Компанієць // Англійська мова та література.- 2014.- №15(421).- С.27-32.

9. Ecology. This Common Inheritance // Навчання іноземних мов у середніх навчальних закладах. – С.23.

10. The protection of environment in Ukraine // English. – 2006. - №29-30.- С. 20















Додаток 1

The fish in the sea are dying

From the pollution we create

We’ve got to stop polluting

Before it’s too late.


Our planet is in trouble

It gets worse every day

We have to help our planet

In every possible way.


In the woods and forests

They’re cutting down the trees.

We’ve got to save the forests

Everyone agrees.


The hole in the ozone layer

Is getting bigger every day.

We’ve got to stop air pollution

We have to find a way.











Додаток 2








Додаток 3

1. ecology

a) the  air‚ the  water‚ and  land  in  which  people‚ animals  and  plants  live

2. energy   efficient

b) to  make  something  smaller‚ less in  size, amount

3. ozone  layer

c) using  little  energy

4. environment

d) to  use  something  again

5. environmentalist

e) contamination  of  the  environmental  situation

6. greening

f) person  who  works  toward  protecting  the   environment   from  destruction  or  pollution

7. pollution

g) the  science  that  studies  the relations  of  plants‚ animals  and  people  to  each  other

8. to  reuse 

h) the  act  of  making  something  green  or  fresh; a  restoration


9. recycling

i) a  region  in  the  upper  atmosphere  containing  a   high  amount  of  ozone  gas  that  absorbs  the   sun’s  ultraviolent  radiation

10. to  reduce

j) the  process  of  collecting  used  products  and  remanufacturing  them  into  new  products  instead  of  throwing  them  away  as  garbage





Додаток 4








Додаток 5


(Note: fragile means delicate, easily broken or damaged.)

 This word «environment» means simply what is around us. The  air  we  breathe, the  soil  on  which  we  stand  walk, the  water  we  drink  are  all  part  of  the  ____________ (1).  _____________ (2) people  understand  how  important  it  is  to _________________ (3) the  environmental  problems  that ___________________________ (4) people’s  lives. The  most _____________ (5) environmental  problems  are: pollution  in  its  many  forms (water  pollution, air  pollution,_____________(6) pollution ; _________________(7)  - from  cars, planes, trains; destruction  of _______________(8) and  countryside  beauty; ______________(9) of  natural  resources (water, metals, different  kinds  of  fuel); the  growth  of _________________(10).








Додаток 6


  1. An adult beluga whale is grey.
  1. true
  2. false
  3. not in video
  1. After the tide come back, where does the young whale go?
  1. to the rocks
  2. to the other whales
  3. to the shore
  4. to the ice
  1. What is the purpose of a narwhal’s tusk?
  1. to break ice
  2. to swim better
  3. to look for codfish
  4. to sense the temperature
  1. The narwhals are trapped in the …
  1. shore
  2. rock
  3. open sea
  4. bay
  1. The author of the video thinks that belugas and narwhals are interesting because …
  1. they sometimes get into trouble
  2. they are not social animals
  3. they don’t swim well
  4. they argue with each other
  1. According to the video, which of the, following is true for belugas and narwhals.
  1. they have tusks
  2. they change colour as they grow
  3. they never get into trouble
  4. they breathe oxygen


Додаток 7

Finish the sentences.

1. If I saw somebody throwing an empty packet on the street, I would … .

2. If I discovered the factory I worked in was secretly polluting the environment, I would … .

3. If I were the Minister for the Environment, I would … .

4. If I were a fish, I would … .

5. If I were a fisherman, I would … .

6. If I could not eat tinned tuna fish, I would … .

7. If I lived on an island, I would … .

8. If a nuclear bomb exploded, I would … .

9. If they tried to build a nuclear power station near my house, I would … .

10. If I were an endangered species, I would … .

11. If I had to make my fire with either coal or wood, I would … .

12. If I had to travel to school by car or by public transport, I would … .

13. If I wanted to dump a box of rubbish, but I could not find a bin, I would … .













Додаток 8

Earth song

by Michael Jackson

What about sunrise?
What about rain?
What about all the things,
That you said we were to gain…
What about killing fields?
Is there a time?
What about all the things,
That you said was yours and mine…
Did you ever stop to notice
All the blood we've shed before?
Did you ever stop to notice
The crying Earth the weeping shores?
Aaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah
What have we done to the world?
Look what we've done.
What about all the peace,
That you pledge your only son…
What about flowering fields
Is there a time?
What about all the dreams
That you said was yours and mine…
Did you ever stop to notice
All the children dead from war?
Did you ever stop to notice
The crying Earth the weeping shores?
Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaah
I used to dream,
I used to glance beyond the stars,
Now I don't know where we are,
Although I know we've drifted far.
Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah
Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah
Hey, what about yesterday?
(What about us)
What about the seas?
(What about us)
The heavens are falling down,
(What about us)
I can't even breathe,
(What about us)
What about the bleeding Earth?
(What about us)
Can't we feel its wounds?
(What about us)
What about nature's worth?


Додаток 9













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