Конспект уроку "Health problems"

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Конспект уроку на тему "Нездужання" до підручника англійської мови New Destinations A 1?
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6-A    “Health problems”

  • to develop the students’ speaking, listening and reading skills and their language abilities; 
  • to stimulate the students’ interest in the language.   

Ι.The beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting. Information about the topic and the objectives of the lesson. 

 2. Warm-up. Vegetable song   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RE5tvaveVak


Conversation with the students on the topic

    Why is it important to eat fruit and vegetables? 

 (it is good for peoples health)

Why green/red/orange vegetables good for your health? (pupil’s answers).

3. Today we continue speaking about health problems, learn the vocabulary and find some ways to give the advice.

ΙΙ. The main part of the lesson

4. Vocabulary and phonetic drills Practice of the material (new vocabulary)


1) What do we usually do if we have some health problems? (call the doctor).

So it’s important to tell the doctor about health problems. Start from remembering the vocabulary (The pictures below will help you) 

Look at the picture and say “”My back hurts. I have a backache”


2) Individual work : two pupils will go to the blackboard  1-match the picture with the words; 2- match the words with the transcription.


3) read and repeat the words from the blackboard.

Sum-up: now you can report the problems with health.

5. Reading

Pre-reading: look at the picture and say who are the people and what are they speaking about?


While-reading: why does the man come to the doctor?

After-reading: answer the questions (TB-New Destinations A 1 p.56) + What does the doctor advise him? (write out the pieces of advice with should and shouldn’t).


Sum-up: We use should and shouldn’t to give the advice. Good job!



6. Let’s play a game “Find your pair”

Match the word to the translation and find your pair.

7. Pair-work

Make a dialogue as if you are a doctor and a patient


What seems to be a problem?

I have a backache


What should I do?


You shouldn’t go to the gym. You should find the way to relax.

8. Write down the advice that doctor gave you (you give as a doctor)


ΙΙΙ. The end of the lesson

1. Students’ performance evaluation.  

2. Summing up  Can you now tell about your health problems? Can you give some pieces of advice?

3. Homework. Exercise A, page 41 WB 

                             Vocabulary, page 56




Stay in bed

Get some sleep

Drink warm tea or milk

Take a painkiller

Call a doctor

See a dentist



Go to work

Exercise a lot

Go to the gym

Eat fruit and vegetables

До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 6 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
6 грудня 2022
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