Конспект уроку "Healthy Food"

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Конспект уроку "Healthy Food / Здорова їжа" до підручника Англійської мови В.Буренко, 11 клас, рівень стандарту, видавництво "Ранок", Харків, 2019 рік. Містить план уроку та рекомендації щодо виконання вправ
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Healthy food


  • to revise previously taught vocabulary;
  • to improve students’ vocabulary skills;
  • to introduce and practice the new grammar point;
  • to focus students on use of “if” clauses”;
  • to broaden student’s vocabulary;
  • to motivate linguistic guess;
  • to activate thinking and imagination;
  • to activate error correction work;
  • to provide a stable and welcoming atmosphere in the class;
  • to develop self-esteem and mutual esteem;
  • to inspire students to work in pairs.

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson students will be able:

  • to identify the kinds of food;
  • to give definitions of the words;
  • to describe food and dishes;
  • to analyze and understand the use of the 2nd Conditional;
  • to use the 2nd Conditional in oral speech.



1. Warm-up

Ex.8 p.24

Match the words to make expressions. Write them down.

1. Drink

2. Eat

3. Don’t eat

4. Don’t drink

5. Don’t drink

6. Do

7. Sleep

8. Do exercises

9. Eat

10. Avoid oversized portions

11. Drink fat-free or low-fat 1 % milk

12. Drink water instead of

13. Don’t take

14. Go for walks

a) sugary drinks

b) as it has fewer calories and less saturated fats

c) of food

d) less and more often

e) regularly

f) enough (7—8 hours)

g) sports

h) much coffee

i) alcohol

j) drugs

k) junk or fast food

l) healthy food

m) plenty of water

n) as often as you can



Ex.9-10 p.24-25

Use arguments:

  • To start with…
  • First of all…
  • Firstly,…
  • Secondly,…
  • The main reason is…
  • On the one hand,…
  • On the other hand,…
  • Well, the thing is that…
  • And finally…
  • All in all…


3. vocabulary and reading

Ex.11 p.25

Revise your knowledge of the words:

1. trustworthy adj reliable; someone that you can rely on as he/she is good, honest, sincere, etc.

2. reliable adj dependable; that is likely to be correct or true

3. outspoken adj saying exactly what he/she thinks

4. extravagant adj very extreme or impressive

5. thoughtful adj quiet; showing that you take care of other people

6. contemplative adj thinking quietly and seriously about smth

7. sincere adj genuine; showing what you really think or feel

8. extremist n a person whose opinions are unusual or unreasonable

9. restless adj unable to stay still or to be happy because you need a change

10. highly strung adj nervous and easily upset

11. excitable adj becoming easily excited

12. gentle adj calm and kind; not strong or violent

13. serious adj important; not pretending or joking

14. patient adj able to wait for a long time, etc. without becoming angry

15. impulsive adj acting suddenly without thinking carefully

16. sympathetic adj kind to smb who is sad or hurt

17. loving adj showing love and affection for smb/smth

18. brave adj willing to do things which are difficult or dangerous

19. well-organized adj well arranged or planned

20. polite adj courteous; having and showing good manners and respect

21. honest  adj always telling the truth and never stealing or cheating

22. shy adj easily frightened; nervous or embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people

23. powerful adj having great power or force; being able to control and influence people or events


4. speaking and writing

Make some sentences with the words from ex.11


5. grammar and summary

Ex.12 p. 26

Work in groups. Write a list of the fruit your group like most. Then read the sentences given below and present your group. Which of your classmates are alike in your group? Their choice reflects their personalities.

Pay attention on “if” clauses”


6. Homework

Ex.13 p.26

Write a short paragraph about your likes and dislikes as for eating habits.





5 липня 2021
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